Gerrit Lösch Tells his life story/ One word SICKENING

by suavojr 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Enlightenment123

    This is ludicrous. The statement about the tract in the Bible IS seriously huge. Wow. The audacity of this man!!

    What do they have against the word grace? I really, really don't get it. Look at the Greek...the word used means grace. If you plug in undeserved kindness in a translator, it's not even close.

    What do they have against Jesus? This seriously pisses me off. As mean as it is, I want to be with Jesus when these people come before Him in judgment. But, at the same time, I don't want to be anywhere near them, the Bible translating committee, or anyone else that has had a part in altering the word of God and the false prophecies and the altogether false religion doctrine.

    I saw a picture from a Watchtower (2013 I think) that seriously tells it like it is. It's a picture of the earth, with heaven above. There are angels, there's Jehovah on the throne and then on the earth? The GB is on top of the world, all the others below them - branch, elders, etc. and the average publishers are at the bottom of the barrel. So, so true and the message intended is clear. Just one question. Where is Jesus in this picture?? Nowhere.

  • suavojr

    No Heysus in this picture of heaven and just more mind control over the R&F

  • suavojr

    When I read CoC I wanted to show more genuine love and stopped the judging. When you read this story, it simply shows us a business man.

  • stuckinarut2

    So are these stories meant to make us feel more in awe of these men?

    I mean, they actually backfire...because we see the human side more. in the past, the GB held more of a mystical power over the general members as they were not seen as individuals, but as a collective "god representing" body...hence they had more control.

  • lisaBObeesa

    The following year, I realized that by Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, he had adopted me as a spiritual son. Thus began a special relationship with my heavenly Father as well as with all those who, according to Romans 8:15, “cry out: ‘Abba, Father!’”

    So interesting how these few words have such a huge amount of very important meaning...very important meaning completely hidden from any non-JW.

    If you hide your beliefs from non-believers in a huge pile of deliberately euphemistic, ambiguous, or obscure language (doublespeak), you are in a cult.

    My shot at translating this quote into what it really means:

    The following year I realised that God had specially picked me, and not you, to be one of the few special humans who will go to heaven and rule over all other humans! I am a blink of an eye away from being in heaven ruling over you, pretty much just like GOD himself, really.

    Now I have a special relationship with God that regular humans (like you) can't have.

    I also have a special relationship, (that regular people can't have), with the small group other special people like me.

  • LogCon

    ... Beginning in 1949, they had for various reasons cut ties with the organization and had formed their own congregations. Yet, they continued to preach and to baptize. They also went to prison for their Christian neutrality, just as the brothers did who were part of the organization that was approved by world headquarters....On the second night of discussion, Brother Albu persuaded his four fellow elders to unite with us when he said, “If we do not do it now, we may never get another chance.” Subsequently, about 5,000 brothers were integrated into the organization. What a victory for Jehovah and what a blow for Satan!...

    The Watchtower Society is adept at obscuring and trivializing that which may shed a bad light on them, thus the term, '...various reasons...'.

    By Loschs' own admission the Romanian Witnesses ' ...continued to preach and to baptize...'

    It is notable that Losch does not fault the actual preaching and baptizing, therefore the methods must have been 'Christian like'.

    ... They also went to prison for their Christian neutrality, just as the brothers did who were part of the organization that was approved by world headquarters...

    '...Just as ..'. another notable statement leading us to the conclusion that the Society had no criticism of this 'Christian persecution' suffered by the Romanian Christians.

    In the end, what exactly was the '... victory for Jehovah ... and ... blow for Satan...?

    It was, in fact, the integration of some Romanian Witnesses with the New York controlled Witnesses.

    There was NO VICTORY from the Romanians preaching, baptizing, and maintaining Christian neutrality.


    The victory was INTEGRATION !

  • L3G

    A revealing article. Does anyone remember other GB members speaking so openly about their heavenly calling in print? Does this mark a change from the past?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Just like the other GB members, Gerrit Losch is delusional and lives in a fantasy!

  • JWdaughter

    When he was a boy scout, he learned to do a good deed every day. Learned to appreciate God's creation. Seriously, if we could find JWs just doing what he learned in boy scouts, it would be a much better group of people and honor God more.

    Too bad he forgot that early lesson to do a good deed every day.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Jesus himself said in prayer to God at John 17:3: 'This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.'

    Of all Losch could have written about-you'd think that some mention would have been made about his (Losch's) indebtedness to Jesus Christ as stated in the above verse.

    Losch may feel that he is heaven-bound after his life here on earth! The fact remains that Losch can entertain that hope only because Jesus Christ shed his own life blood for that ungrateful sucker!

    My condemnation of Losch's lack of regard for Jesus Christ is further shown by what Jesus Christ says in verse 5: 'So now, Father, glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.'

    Bottom line: Jesus wants, yes expects to be glorified and treated with grandeur along side his Father by we mere humans, which is what Losch fails to do in his life story article. This has been an ongoing failure of the Watchtower Society since its' beginning!

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