Causing 'Chaos' @ District Conventions ....

by invisible 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    Celtic here.

    I realise many of you are not yet upto scratch on downright going for the Society, that's cool.

    For those of you more radical activists out there, what better possible manner in which to cause major disruption and to teach something of our aims to a potential massive audience, than to attend a district convention near you.

    Saucepans and sticks don't half make one hell of a din.

    Digital cameras are cool too to record all activity and to possibly edit later on for possible leverage with media bodies interested in the event etc.

    The point is, is to have a watertight angle on which to go in on, to cause the best possible effect to our strategic advantage. That means imforming the media of our presence in advance plus many other initiatives that will be described as part of a longer post on this subject tomorrow.

    Take a leaf out of the UK road protesters and anti global capitalists book, they could teach us a thing or two.

    So who's up from you bunch of slackers, for causing major disruptions this year? Bring your wire snippers with you.


    Celtic Mark

  • the follower
    the follower

    all talk

  • Francois

    I think you'll find many here would respond to careful planning and leading. However, it seems that many here are the type of people who are of an independant spirit and post remarks about the JWs cause it's easy to do on the internet but who wouldn't go five feet out of their way to spit on a JW.

    Actually getting out there is going to take some motivation IMHO. And I agree that any such effort must involve the mass media. Motivating them can be accomplished, I think, if the Society's ultra right wing position on social issues can be made clear to them. Opposing, say, vasectomy because it is a "mutilation" of the body is just the kind of bullshit teaching that the media loves.

    You know what to do.


  • invisible

    'All talk'? Really? Shit a brick an I thought I had the gift of the gab?

    Tell you what, check this site out, its a connection to all the leading pro-active Social Policy independent think tanks in the UK. You'll see Demos in there as well as Era Ltd just two of the top names in the business of Community Regeneration and positive activism.

    I'm a full member, here you are, here is their web address, send them an Email and ask if Mark Price from cornwall is a full member and whilst your'e at it, you might as well check out the joining criteria, note the wording, 'demanding process of invitation'.

    Talk or no talk, you decide, check the facts out for yourself.

    Celtic Mark
    [email protected]

  • invisible

    Hello Francois

    I agree with you. Actually, I wouldn't want to 'spit on' the Dubs like that, but I get your drift.

    Can do quite a bit of 'damage' alone, but with a core group of hardened fellow activists, (3/4 at most) I'm sure we could nigh bring the proceedings to a complete halt on one if not all of the convention days. Ahhhh the art of subtlety.

    Cheers dears.

    Celtic Mark

  • orangefatcat

    I think that if you decide to act up at a convention and be a nusiance, then it gives the WTBS to say that we are disruptive and arrogant and trouble makers. Why don't we let their words and actions speak volumes when it comes time to pay the piper. I mean the society is going to be smeared big time by television and the news media. Our acting like jerks will do nothing for our cause. Silence is the better part of Valour.

    HINDSIGHT IS 20/20

  • amac

    No thanks, radical activism is so passe.

  • SYN

    Well, as long as you guys don't get up to anything childish, which would just be playing their game, not ours. But yeah, if you were subtle, you could wreak absolute havoc!

    The greatest enemy of the Watchtower is the Watchtower!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • blondie

    I tell you what. Send several people to the assembly. Have each one sit in a separate row in the middle. Then every 10 minutes get up and go to the restroom, then come back and repeat. Or have 2 sit together in the middle and one go one way and one go the way and repeat every 10 minutes.

    Whispering during the session is good. Of course, many JWs are already doing that.

    Come late and take your time finding a seat. Wander all over. I doubt if an attendant will volunteer to help you so you should be able to milk this for some time and you will definitely be a distraction. Best to do in the seating section directly in front of the speaker. Why leave him out? (BTW, wear noisy shoes, stomp up and down the stairs, bouncing on the squeaky ones)

  • Imbue

    I'm with OFC...why prove the WT right by acting like jerks? It only gives them something to point out to a Bible study at the convention. See, look that's an apostate..they want to disrupt our Devinely directed preaching work.

    then it gives the WTBS to say that we are disruptive and arrogant and trouble makers.
    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

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