Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"

by DATA-DOG 387 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Hold on D.O.T.. You are not following the criteria for truth. Let's review it again.


    1) God's word is the ultimate source of truth.

    2) Truth is the correct understanding of God's word.

    3) Jesus' words are truth.

    4) No "truth" can contradict another "truth." If there is a contradiction, only one can be true.

    5) Truth does not change. Truth remains truth. [ not so with men's ideas ]

    6) No probabilities or assumptions allowed. God's true prophets never prophesied in probabilities or assumptions. Exactly what they said came true.

    7) Truth is verifiable facts.

    Do you agree with the above criteria? Yes or No.


  • wasblind

    " They are guided by the Holy Spirit inspired words, not moved by it to act in a certain way " ____Defender of the Truth


    The WTS disagrees Luv



    " If Someone Says______

    ' Do you have the holy spirirt ( or the Holy Ghost ) ? '

    You might reply : ' Yes, and that is why I have come to your door today."

    Or you could say : ' That is what makes it possible for me to share in the christain ministry " ____Reasoning Book pge 384



    Why do folks continue or even attempt to defend an organization that always make them look like a damn blasted fool



  • wasblind

    " I'm not going to keep repeating this, so forgive me if I ignore you if you keep bringing it up, I can see that happening " ___Defender of Bull


    Just a side point while we wait for you to come back.

    You said, "They are not. I never said that. They are his channel (or mouthpiece) in the sense that God allows them to interpret the Bible with guidance from his Spirit, then publish that interpretation. They may give a wrong interpretation on a verse, such as what Jesus meant by the word generation, but Jehovah will let them reach the correct conclusion, at the time it is needed. We do not need to know some things, such as when the end will come exactly.

    So you are saying that GOD allows the GB to interpret the Bible, even though it may be wrong. Correct?? If their interpretation is wrong, how can it be a truth? Can you answer that for me?

    You also commented on wether or not JWs get df'd for not agreeing with the GB's interpretation by saying, " They [GB] do not.[DF] The local elders are forced to preserve our precious unity and peace when someone talks to others about their private views that conflict with the FDS teachings, and tries to influence them to draw away from the Truth. Without this protection we would break up into various sects, as many religions have, or spend all day debating what certain words and verses could mean like the Jews in Jesus' day. The preaching could not be accomplished. Besides, we all agree on the main teachings and that the end is near, so causing disagreements over trifling matters is a waste of time."

    Please listen very carefully. Before the AGM that announced the new FDS interpretation, and the "domestics" and the "belongings" interpretations, I knew they were not scripturally supported, and therefore not true. Did GOD allow me to interpret the scriptures? Should I have been df'd for being correct? Think about that. What "truth" would I have been drawing people away from? Are you saying the incorrect interpretation of the GB was "truth?" Do you believe that it is protection to DF people who bring errors to the attention of the GB or Elders?

    It sounds like you believe that it is the proper thing to DF your Brothers who disagree with incorrect interpretations of God's word, is that correct?


    ps. This is false: "Even the FDS doesn't go beyond what the Bible says on a matter."

  • wasblind

    Likewise today, boldness in speaking the word of God, zealously engaging in the work of witnessing___these are what give evidence that a person has holy spirit "___Reasoning book page 382



    I'm havin' a senior moment

    so I have to ask



    Who was that fool who tried to defend the Watchtower society



    Oh yes, He called himself The defender of the " Troof "


  • problemaddict

    Hello DOT,

    Well sir you have stirred the pot! :) First of all, welcome to the board and kudos for taking on a subject that no doubt you are very much "on an island", while here on this board.

    I would submit to you a balanced viewpoint to consider.

    It is common, for those who even as Jehovahs prophets or annointed ones of the past, to have "made mistakes. SO I am with you on that. In fact, at the end of John, a "saying went out among the brothers that John would not die". Of course Jesus did not say that. They were misinterpreting things within days of jesus death apparently. Also, Rev Ch 2-3 shows the congregations, made up entirely of annointed, were doing all kinds of crazy things. He said he would "hold it against them" if they didn't change, and it appears they did not, and the foretold apostacy comes to light then after (or during) the ECF's.

    So on the surface I understand the branches explanation. They do not claim to be infallible (nor does any rational person), but they claim to be Gods mouthpiece. So you are Gods fallible mouthpiece. Do you see the contradiction?

    Think about the following.

    1) The people you are using to compare in this situation (Abraham, Moses), were spoken to by Gods angels in a different time when Jehovah seemed to interject himself much more directly. This is not what happens today is it? When you say they are "working with holy spirit", since there is no miraculous helper today, doesn't that mean just trying to do what we all try to do? Read the bible, pray, and attempt feebly to be Christians?

    2) The bible clearly states the gifts of the spirit will "cease" at the end of the apostles. The snake priest guy who just got killed is a good example of faith healing and gifts of the spitir being bunk. But it isn't just healing and speaking in tongues that would cease. Please go back and read the scripture. The gifts of knowledge and understanding....ALSO would cease. They are mentioned right there with the rest of them. So how can the GB claim miraculous wisdom (given by God through extraordinary means), when it doesn't claim seaking in tongues.....and they were BOTH gifts?

    3) What is the humble road here? In other words, if you claim no special status before God, claim you are his mouthpiece but also don't have a special relationship with the holy spirit (may 2007), and that you can be in error.....why do you then ENFORCE uniformity of belief through shunning? Why would the GB do that, when they could just be wrong about it anyways? Why not allow people to use their conscience in matters that are ambiguous or not directly stated? Like birthdays, blood, generation that will not "pass away", identity of the slave....why not allow for variance in belief? Would it harm the ministry? no. Would it cause dissent? With the current attitude yes, but I bet in the long term it would create a less stressed and more open group of people, who can discuss the bible without feeling like they have to tow the party line and suppress free expression.

    4) What if they are wrong about something organs, vaccines, or blood fractions? Look up "community bloodguilt" in the insight book or index. It is an interesting thing to get their take on. I believe they have unknowingly declared themselves bloodguilty.

    I think the main focus is this. You have been taught (as we all have been), that UNITY = UNIFORMITY. That simply is not true. There is such a thing as needless debates about question. But in matters of the modern era, so far removed from scripture, and without miraculous gifts of the have to be a Boerean!

    You said who are you to question them? Who are you not to! What evidence of their individual appointment do you have? When has anyone been required to blindly follow others for their salvation? Especially post jesus sacrifice? I am not saying you should not work with them, I am not saying you should hate them....who cares. What I am saying, is that you should, and are expected by Jehovah, to think for yourself.

    It always amazes me that every group of people who have claimed to serve God in the bible ended up loosing his favor......but all of a sudden that has become an impossibility in peoples minds.

    Study more DOT. Truth stands up. I don't agree with everyone here, and they don't all agree with me. That is free expression, and if you care for it, Christian freeedom. Dissenting information is just information you may not agree with. Discussing viewpoints scripturally that may not always coincide will not lead to mass hysteria or sect divisions. An overtly pharisaical, legalistic view of what must be adhered to even though it could be "old light" a week from now......THAT is what causes the issues.

  • wasblind

    The Ballad of Jed Clampit

    Now its time to say good bye to Jed an' all his kin



    An' we would like to thank 'em all for kindly droppin' in



    You're all invited back next week to this localiteeeee

    to have a heapin' helpin' of our hospitaliteeeeee



    JWN that is, set a spell, take your shoes off

    Y'all come back now. Ya hear




    D.O.T said, " The Watchtower doesn't promote theory as fact."

    I should not have said "theory." They promote their ideas as truths that must be accepted, even if they are incorrect interpretations. Would you agree?


  • DesirousOfChange

    Even the FDS doesn't go beyond what the Bible says on a matter.

    For example:


    predicting the date for Armageddon (at least) 4 or 5 times?

    NO blood vs blood fractions vs hemo-dilution vs auto-logus vs etc etc (yeah, that's all written in the Bible)


    Another JW with HinA.


  • Emery

    Great post problemaddict.

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