Sheparding Call

by DS211 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If it's simply a shepherding call, then why don't they just tell you so?


    For the same reason Watchtower never gives a straight answer on JW.Org: if they tell you the truth, you'll lose interest.

  • DS211

    I wont! I know how they can manipulate a wife.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Good luck dude. I've got a CHAT planned for Sunday.... ohoh!

  • Fernando

    The balance of power needs to be corrected.

    You ask the questions.

    They provide satisfying answers.

    Not the other way around.

    (Some of my favourite questions: "what is the Good News according to Paul?" or "Is legalism apostasy").


    Im guessing this is a sheparding call asking if we are ok or need anything..

    ..................................A WBT$ JW Elder Sheperding Call..




    ................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Rufus T. Firefly
    Rufus T. Firefly

    Simply request that elder to put what he has to say in a letter and mail it to you. That will be the last you hear of it.

  • DS211

    Lol outlaw well done.

    Rufus actually thats a good idea...if i need subtlety ill tell him i need it in writing to use as a reference for personal study or family worship eh? Lol

  • KateWild

    DS, you have had some good feedback. All the best mate I hope it goes well, let us know how it all went buddy. Love Kate xx

  • DS211

    I wonder--if i do ask a question, just one, it woukd be this:

    "Elder, why do we call people worldly? Isnt that an offensive term, like calling someone petty, cheap, stupid?"

    Now if he asks why i can just say

    "I find that this term offends me quite a bit. All of my family are not Witnesses and when i hear this term, especially in a derogatory way, it offends me and i am deeply discouraged by it."

  • happy@last

    Language and terms used are important to a cult. If you stop using it or questioning it alarm bells will ring with them.

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