What will future generations do?

by sleepy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    I was looking forward to the future, before it was drasticly cut short by my realisation that I will probably die in about 50 years.
    But what kind of advances will we see in that time and on into the future.
    Just whatching a film from 5 or 10 years ago it seams like a different world.
    I was watching a film last night and looking at the size of the mobile phones ,they looked like telephone boxes, and of course no internet, computers in cars to tell where you are or DVD players etc.
    Go back a little further and we have no videos ,no computers at all.
    Back a hundred years or so and we loose cars, plane , TV and most things we take for granted.

    So what does the future hold?
    I find it quite exciting to think of what advances could be made.
    Cures for diseases , improvments to the human body?More information on the universe,improved transport lots of things.
    Going massivly into the future how about this, ressurection of dead people?(Even people who lived thousands of years before like us)
    Could we reach the stage where we can rebuild people out of DNA ?
    Could there be a world without illness and death?
    Could humans build the paradise that many wish for?
    Think ,if it is possible for our bodies to build a human , why can't we replecate this?All diseases must have cures , all symtoms of ageing are diseases so we could have no ageing.
    Humans could spread out into the universe and populate any suitable planet.

    Or prehaps we'll just blow ourselves up.
    What do you think?

  • dmouse

    If the Human race survives long enough, we will eventually become as gods.

    We will become immortal, and we will have total control of all physical matter.

    But I expect it'll take another few thousand years yet.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    And yet with all these so-called changes, the essentials/necessities will always remain the same. We will continue to eat, drink, sleep and fart.

    Guest 77

  • sleepy

    Hay maybe we could use the energy from farting to power our cities in the future.

    Better get the beans out to power up my engines.

  • thinker

    Some trends to consider:
    1) Computers continue to get smaller.
    2) Communication is going "wireless".
    3) Medical science is using more man-made equipment inside the human body.

    If the 3 trends above continue, all humans will communicate instantly via a small computer inserted in the body. This forum is a crude example of where we are heading.

  • U.2.K.

    It's not about man made things< Cause they passing away. It's the Love of Our Creator God the Father(Jehovah,Allah,Yah-weh) and it's about The Wonderful Armageddon Messiah Jesus Christ, and it's also about The Bible and your life

    The future Is to Be a Witness to the Son of man-Luke 21-36. We are living in the last days, We wont see a 3000 period! The future is bright for mankind, Peace & Safety is Right around the Corner, So prepare your self- 2 PETER CHAPTER 3 Verses 8 & 9 & 10

  • ballistic

    A friend of mine was saying to me after his trip through some of eastern Euriopes poorer countries that most people there seem really happy with the simpler things in life. Where he stayed, everybody had land (something we tend to work our life time for). Most of them lived in or were close to large families with whom they would indulge in large gatherings and meals. (while in the UK nearly 50% of homes are now occupied by 1 person or LESS!). The pace of life is slower and relaxed. He was telling me about the vines people have growing there. (I know that doesnt sound like a big deal, but the idea of growing vines really appeals to me for some reason!?)
    Anyway, I also look to the future with curiosity, but try not to forget those things we can have already if we look for them.

  • Undecided

    Hi Ballistic,

    Are there a lot of empty homes in the UK? How can you occupy a house by less than 1? Just wondering.

    Ken P.

  • ballistic

    Undecided, that is exactly what the problem is. People buying second homes in the country is decimating the UKs villages. I know this is going off the subject a bit, but... this inflates the cost of houses in villages to make them unaffordable to local people, and as the villages become populated by empty homes, village life is destroyed; local services such as village shops and public transport become un-sustainable. Causing more people to sell up which compounds the problem. I live in town, but for me to move into "The New Forest" 10 miles from where I live, I would be looking at about a quarter of a million quid as it stands.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I think all gadgets will get 'smaller'


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