this week's wt study

by thedog1 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • leaving_quietly

    I'm just now reviewing it in preparation for today's study at the KH.

    Par. 3: "When we presented ourselves for Christian baptism, we had already decided to serve Jehovah, to be his slave. Our dedication sprang from our desire to obey Jehovah and to do his will."

    Par. 4: "Paul explained this clearly in one of his inspired letters: "Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed with reference to sin by living with reference to God by Christ Jesus." Then he warned: "Do you not know that if you keep presenting yourselves to anyone as slaves to obey him, you are slaves of him because you obey him, either with death in view or of obedience with righteousness in view?"

    Par. 12: Read 1 Corinthians 7:23(which says: "YOU were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men."

    Hello? Slaves of men? Presenting yourselves to anyone as slaves? Hello? JWs are slaves of MEN, 8 MEN, the Governing Body. Ugh. Why have I not seen this so clearly before????

  • tiki

    i find the whole education-bashing thing utterly appalling. talk about the pots calling the kettles black - graduates are ill-equipped to face the practical challenges of life? imho - the most abjectly ill-prepared young people are those whose brains have been molded into the idea that they are above and beyond the rest of creation because they alone have the "true religion" (an oxymoron).

    i don't believe that everyone is cut out for higher education - and there are some who will fare better in the trades - but developing a viable skillset is a must for anyone. and slopping windows or polishing floors overnight is fine for a side job if one's income is insufficient - but what about using your god-given brain and talents in a meaningful way?

    oh i could go on and on. this whole anti-education stance has always hit a nerve with me. and once out of the mess i have my degree -- and am going to pursue a master's. so there.

    to those of your who actually had to go and sit through this despicable ridiculousness - i don't know how you do it. seriously -

  • leaving_quietly

    The entire article goes against scripture.

    Jer 31:34: “And they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, ‘KNOW Jehovah!’ for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them,” is the utterance of Jehovah.

    Heb 8:10,11: “‘For this is the covenant that I shall covenant with the house of Israel after those days,’ says Jehovah. ‘I will put my laws in their mind, and in their hearts I shall write them. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my people. “‘And they will by no means teach each one his fellow citizen and each one his brother, saying: “Know Jehovah!” For they will all know me, from [the] least one to [the] greatest one of them.

  • Oubliette

    I just did a quick scan of this article. Together, the words "obey" and "obedience" occur 9 times.

    Not even subtle!

  • thedog1

    not so easy to ditch the study just like that. His whole family except his dad are fully in, and would really wonder why I could not continue. He also wants to be my friend and this is a very tight congregation where everybody is related to everybody else. I will have to see how it goes. On a personal level I want to help him to settle down and get his life together. General principles in the scriptures would really help him so I think I will concentrate on the positive, helpful and practical stuff.

  • Mary

    "Higher education The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, with its emphasis on academic study limited education and unquestioning obedience, often produces graduates followers who have few or no practical skills, leaving them unprepared to deal with the realities of life."

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  • Oubliette

    Gems from the Watchtower of October 15, 2013, page 16, paragraph 15:

    What is the atmosphere in many of this world’s institutions of higher education? Are they not at times hotbeds of political and social unrest? (Eph. 2:2)

    WTF? When was the last time an "institution of higher education" was a "hotbed of political and social unrest"? I can recall the Kent State massacre which occurred at Kent State University in the U.S. city of Kent, Ohio. That was May 4, 1970. Students had beenprotesting US involvement in Vietnam and Cambodia.

    By contrast, Jehovah’s organization provides the highest form of education in the peaceful setting of the Christian congregation. Each of us has the opportunity to benefit from the weekly Theocratic Ministry School.

    Okay, I'm calling bullshit on this. The Theocratic Ministry "School" is not really a school, especially since the WT geniuses forbid the TMS Overseer from giving anything but "praise." The "Work-on-it" option at least allowed some semblance of teaching, but with that gone the "school" is nothing more than an indoctrination session where individuals parrot WT theology, often using verbatim quotes. Original thinking is most definitely NOT encouraged; in fact, it could get you into trouble.

    I've posted this before, but whenever I see the WT perpetuating the completely erroneous and delusional notion that "studying" WT publications is somehow equivalent to a university education, or--as this particular WT article ridiculously asserts--is even higher than a Higher Education, I just gotta' call bullshit!

    Here once again for your edification and enjoyment is my short editorial on the subject:

    DEAR POOR MISGUIDED JW: You Are Not a Teacher:

    Teachers, that is to say real, professional teachers, are highly trained and go through a rigorous program of education relative to their area of subject matter expertise and also undergo an intensive supervised internship program before they are allowed to teach a kid how to add 2 + 2. Consider this:

    How many years of formal training in subject matter content have you had? Have you studied Language, Math, Science, History and the Arts at a post-secondary level? How many university level courses have you taken on child-development? Best teaching practices? Curriculum development and implementation?

    Were you observed for a year on a daily basis by Master teacher? Did you have a doctorate level professor evaluate that internship and advise you on your strengths and weaknesses? (All of this, or similar, is required in most states in the U.S. before a teacher can be licensed).

    After you were hired for your first assignment, did you then have an on-site colleague serve as your mentor for another year, observing you on a regular basis and providing written evaluations that were also submitted to the school administration and the county office of education? Were you additionally evaluated by an administrator periodically to look for any other weaknesses that might have been missed in any of the previous processes?

    Did you participate in a two-year long post-graduate program run by the state department of education to oversee all new teachers and ensure that you were thoroughly familiar with and well-versed in all the best-practices known to the profession?

    I'm guessing the answer to all these questions would be, "No."

    As I said, unless you can answer "Yes" to all of the above, then you are NOT a teacher.

  • Honesty

    I received my university education by reading 2 companionized religious comic books...

    The Wackedtower and the Asleep!

    My postgrauduate thesis was "How to effectively trick the sheep into believing that every word uttered from the platform came directly from God even though 99.9% of it is bullshit."

  • Oubliette

    Thank you Honesty for your satirical comments. The provided a nice ironic counterpoint to my rant against WT delusions!

  • fastJehu

    Result of the "highest education in the universe" - example of a young brother in bethel:


    - reads a WT article first time - when the wt comes online (or on his table in the room)

    - reads (second time) AND study the same article - preparing for the monday "watch" in bethel

    - reads the wt third time together with all the brother & sisters in monday's bethel "watch"

    - reads the wt 4th time together with all the brother & sisters in his congregation on saturday or sunday

    Result: Can not remember the answer without looking on his colored WT

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