Hello...Hello...Hello (cont) #3

by Prisca 97 Replies latest social relationships

  • alias

    Yes we're still married and haven't turned out to be a JW teen-marriage divorced statistic. At this point I hope we never are.

    He is inactive too.

    ~Alia S.

    Edited by - alias on 17 February 2001 15:35:32

  • Grunt

    Hello to all those new on the board, and if I am allowed, being somewhat new myself, Welcome. I am glad you are here and I hope that I never offend any of you with anything I say. I am always polite, or try to be, and always honest, or try to be. I am just a tad irritated with the Boys in Brooklyn for some of the stunts they have pulled over the years and I do like to open the blinds and let the light in. If I am ever wrong, please correct me as the big problem with the Leaning Tower (there I go) is that no one offered any constructive criticism when they started going wrong! Well, anyway, I won't get into all the details right now, but I've come a long way baby and wouldn't go back for all the world (or Paradise Earth for that matter) please speak your mind, back your words with more than emotion and keep an open mind. I'll try and do the same. Oh uh, I was baptized in 1971, walked away without ever being DA'd or DF'd back in about 80, have two great kids I raised, though one has a little New York Frost on her, and a wonderful wife who was never "in" and had to to put up with me while I was and suffer with me after I left. That and several decades of sweetness spells love. I wish you all the same. Did I mention I like boomerangs, motorcycles and jet skis??? I do.

  • ZazuWitts

    Zev, Architect, Alias, and Moridin

    Many new posters - and a big Hello to all of you. :) :)

    Moridin, I'm going to check out your link now - thank you.

  • siveld

    Greetings all, from the land down under.
    I am new to this forum, and wanted to respond to the young man who posted 'the story of my life'.

    I think that any current JW who reads or posts on a site like this, and thus going against WT 'advice' (recently re-inforced in Our Kingdom Ministry', must be questioning the society to some degree.

    That forums such as this make it possible for questioning ones to communicate with other like-minded ones in the privacy of their own homes is a great thing, and is a significant factor in the decline in WT growth figures in the western world.

    Seekers after truth will not find it in WT publications, and I encourage all to search forums such as this and H20 with an open mind; remembering the admonishment of the apostle to "make sure of all things".

    When you do accept that the society is not, and never has been, what it claims to be (ie God's mouthpiece) you will begin the arduous task of getting free from it's stranglehold. This can take longer, depending on the degree of family involvement and the length of time you were involved. But the struggle for real freedom is definitely worth it!.

    I will post my own story and background when I can put it together in my own mind, but in the meantime I am happy to communicate with the poster of the topic, or indeed anyone, privately. Feel free.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome!! So many new people. Welcome to Siveld, Moridin, Alias, and last but not least Architect. Looking forward to hearing more from all of you.

  • neyank

    Where did you learn to through the boomerang?
    I tried it a few times and almost took my head off.

  • Prisca

    LOL @ neyank (sorry!)

  • neyank

    Alright Prisca,
    I saw you laugh.
    Actually,It was pretty funny.

  • architect101

    Thanks for the welcome. Ok, confession time. This is very hard for me. I've been disassociated from the 'truth' for 8 years. Haven't talked to family since. Not DF'd but very much out of the 'organization'. Lot's of reasons for my decision but the overwhelming driving force behind it is the hypocrisy I witnessed among my own family and 'brothers and sisters'. Missed out on a lot growing up. Had loving parents but they encouraged us to 'pioneer' and do more in the 'congregation' rather than educate ourselves or develop skills to support ourselves in the 'world'.

  • architect101

    You sound like a carbon copy of me although I'm probably a little older than you.
    I missed out on a lot too although I don't concentrate on that. What I do concentrate on is to make a new life for myself without all of the bitterness and hypocrisy I saw growing up. That's why I don't have any contact with my family. Yes, it's hard because I do miss them at times but I know in my heart it's the best thing for me.

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