True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"

by BluePill2 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • villagegirl

    Aunt Fancy - Helping others to do what ?

    Blue Pill worked at WT headquarters and knows

    of the suppression of criminal sexual child abuse

    and the names of the pedophile,

    a man who was Circuit Overseer

    and also a pedophile who had many child victims.

    Blue Pill also knows the men on the Judicial Committee

    including the name if the District Overseer involved and

    the names of the children and their testimony and evidence and

    where this case file was sent and to whom. What do you think

    he should do with this information ?

  • KiddingMe

    I missed this the first time around. Thanks Blue Pill for sharing! Thanks everyone else for the open and honest dialogue.

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    Again, I want to express my appreciation for this forum, and in particular this post. ALL the comments are thought provoking in a practical way to myself and family. You are all expressing a discussion of risk vs. benefit. Do you risk your personal security/ comfort to try to correct harmful policies and actions of the WT leadership?

    This discussion has motivated me to move forward to do what I can to make people aware of very serious problems. In my personal case, I would feel that being a coward would be worse than any additional ad hominem attacks against me and my family. That is my personal situation and decision. Even though I feel very strongly about this course of action for me, I still see room for others deciding differently, although I must confess, a strong disappointment in what others have not done, but remain hopeful that they will do something sometime in the future. Perhaps reading the comments on this thread will move them to take actions that will benefit others. BluePill2 is raising awareness.

    One thing about BluePill's actions that are encouraging to me is that others know his whole story. Among those others, who know his story, there are many of them networked into a much larger group that is actively working hard to bring about a relief from the WT oppression.

    Be afraid WT! To those that are working hard: Carry on!

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    BluePill2..... I have always wondered... What IF the WT paid people off? What IF the WT was like any other corporation, and used it's big corporate powers, money and lawyers to underhandedly "delete" the opposition thru powers at their disposal? (disfellowshipping, corrupt police, losing jobs, losing families, being mentally tortured) It would be scary to live in a different country (I am in the U.S.) and face the real possiblity of 'ending up in a ditch face down.' Not to say that it couldn't, or hasn't, happened here.....

    Getting information to the public, or the congregations, releasing it to those that can expose them, do their investigative stories seems as tho it might be the beginning of the crack in the ice...

    My husband was talking to someone we knew in the past, who has stepped down because of the sad way he has seen people treated in the Borg. He knew nothing of the Candace Conti case. I doubt most JWs do either. This old friend was willing to talk w/my husband even when he found out he was DF'd for 'speaking abusively of the glorious ones' because he respected him testifying in a pedophile trial, coming forward with the truth, trying to do what is right. These kinds of people may be affected by information. Right now, they are led to believe "It's just my congregation." "Jehovah will straighten them out"

    Perhaps when the immensity and severity of the problem is seen, that the organization is involved, people with a conscience will have the strength to leave.

    Will people do what is right because it is right? or do what is wrong, simply because they are told to do what is "illogical from a human standpoint?"

  • villagegirl


    Bluepill2 states;

    I think that there is nothing you can do to stop this monster from morphing and to keep destroying Lifes. I - as an individual can't do a thing

    That as one person, an individual he can do nothing ?

    This is not true Blupill2 - and the WT LOST the case

    brought against them by ONE sole, single, solitary, individual

    who had the courage to stand up and say , enough is enough.

    Her name is Candice Conti. A single person.

    One person at a time standing up.

    You "Elders" lurking here, know of many cases they

    have been told by the WT organization to conceal,

    not to inform the police, or expose the JW pedophile,

    because he "confessed" and they expose other children to him.

    And they keep silent.

    This was true of all the Elders who knew about David C Machart

    in Santa Barbara, Central in 1984. The witness licensed day care

    provider also concealed this from the mother and the police, she

    was and is married to an Elder who also failed to report to the police.

    Recently: here is evidence that pedophiles

    are being exposed and extradited from foreign countries.

    On Feb. 28, 2014 Jehovah's Witness, Michael Norris, pleaded guilty to molesting his granddaughter in Carpinteria, CA. He also spent time in Costa Rica. We worry that there may be other kids who were assaulted by him – in both countries – who are suffering in shame, silence, confusion and self-blame. Jehovah's Witness officials and members should work very hard to find and help these victims, and beg them to call police.

    Anyone who may have seen or suspected Norris' crimes should also contact police. It's possible that current or former JW officials or members could be prosecuted for concealing Norris' crimes.

    International pedophile Christopher Paul Neil sex crimes against children in Thailand

    John Wrenshall 62

    Man accused of running Thailand brothel for pedophiles extradited to N.J

    John Wrenshall, 62, was arrested in December at London's Heathrow Airport after being indicted by a federal grand jury in Newark. After months of fighting extradition, he arrived at 3 p.m. at Newark Liberty International Airport in the custody of U.S. Marshals, authorities said.

  • MissFit

    Blue pill: hope to hear more. You might be interested in reading the justice series by the poster"Amazing"." You will most likely find similarities with his situation.

    Village girl: I admire your passion and commitment.

  • daringhart13

    I am just discovering this thread/story............BluePill......please continue to write.

    There are so many levels of pain for those of us that have left the "org".......I was a long time elder and have experienced very similar things to what you wrote about.

    Don't stop writing......get it all out.

    I wrote a small eBook ..... it helped me a great deal to just barf it all out:

  • MissFit


  • villagegirl

    I was a long time elder and have experienced

    very similar things to what you wrote about.

    by daringhart13

    daringhart13 - Do you mean as a long time elder you sat in

    on judicial commitees? Where you listened to the confessions of pedophiles ?

    And then you followed the secret elders' instruction manual,

    that told you to "handle it within the congregation' not go public,

    and not alert the authorities, or child protection,

    or the Police as required by law ?

    And the pedophile went on his way after you "forgave him"

    or removed his "privledges"? But you never warned

    or alerted parents and mothers in the congregation

    that this man was a predator in thier midst and should

    not be allowed around their children ? And your "daring Heart"

    never called the police and gave them the name of this man

    and his victims ? Is this what you mean ?

  • MissFit

    Marked to see if daringheart responds.

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