Yesterday's public talk.

by VioletAnai 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • VioletAnai

    I'd like to make a few points which I know I will be eaten alive for, but here goes.....

    Is there really a devil?

    History of religion has always believed in the devil, but has portrayed him in different lights....he himself transforms into an angel of light, making something that is evil seem innocent and fun.

    His best ploy: having people believe he don't exist...this is to his own advantage.

    He is a malignant enemy of God and Man! Whatever Jehovah wills, he opposes - including prophecy and Jesus.

    John 8:44 - Manslayer when he began, didn't stand fast in the truth. - We are reminded that Satan used to be in the truth, one of Jehovah's servants...until he became an opposition to Jehovah's will.

    An apostate himself transforms into an 'angel of light' - "there for you until you challenge my arguments and I dump you like a hot turd." - evening affecting people in the congregation - they are a shining example of how Satan transforms himself.

    Satan has misapplied scripture to his own advantage - challenging and tempting Jesus, for which he got a quick rebuttal! Jesus could have made a difference if he had taken the kingdoms and could have indeed fixed many of mankinds problems, but he knew that that would be a temporary solution and it was not what Jehovah has willed.

    Satan is also like a Mafia boss - with his organisation of underlings - stationed all over the earth to complete his demented commands. That organisation works in such a way - just like the mafia - that the 'boss' cannot have anything pinned on him because he delegates it to his henchmen and therefore society cannot convict and do not belief the mafia boss has had his hand in so many pies - Satan is brilliant at this tactic and no one is willing to blame all of mankinds sorrows on him because he directly hasn't had a hand in it.

    He bullies the big nations into submission and any stragglers are attacked....any who would defy his purposes and make a stand. - right now the U.S.A is doing a brilliant job of leading and it is a sess pool of degeneration.

    Satan has had 6000 years to work us out and he didn't waste any time. He knows us inside and out and he knows exactly how to manipulate ALL of us...whether we be witnesses, part of other religions, non believers or apostates. He's tried and tested many methods and has the most effective utilised extensively.

    Last point, a scripture:

    I thought of you guys as I was reading it and I felt and great sense of sorrow:

    Isaiah 65:14 - Look! My own servants will cry out joyfully because of the good condition of the heart, but you yourselves will make outcries because of the pain of heart and you will howl because of sheer breakdown of spirit.

    I truly hope you guys think about that scripture. I did. I was where you were a few years ago and I've re-examined myself and the world around me and have come to the conclusion that I have....

  • Gozz


    sometimes interesting, that Public Talk. Today I didn't attend the meeting, because the Talk is one I've heard several times before, and it's still the same old outline. Now lets take a closer look at this one.

    His best ploy: having people believe he don't exist...this is to his own advantage.

    John 8:44 - Manslayer when he began, didn't stand fast in the truth. - We are reminded that Satan used to be in the truth, one of Jehovah's servants

    Satan has misapplied scripture to his own advantage -

    Satan is also like a Mafia boss - with his organisation of underlings - stationed all over the earth to complete his demented commands. That organisation works in such a way - just like the mafia - that the 'boss' cannot have anything pinned on him because he delegates it to his henchmen and therefore society cannot convict and do not belief the mafia boss has had his hand in so many pies - Satan is brilliant at this tactic and no one is willing to blame all of mankinds sorrows on him because he directly hasn't had a hand in it.

    Like you're talking about the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses here?
  • VioletAnai

    No dear I wasn't.

  • expatbrit

    That damned sneaky bastard Santa Claus! Convincing everyone he doesn't exist, the scumbag!

    But praise be to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. We can be sure that he does exist because everybody's convinced he doesn't exist!

    I want my X-Box next year, you bastard!


  • anewperson

    SATAN, WHO OR WHAT IS THE DEVIL? Matthew 4 and Luke 4 both report that Christ spoke to and told Satan to go stop trying to tempt him and go away. Job 1:6-12 and 2:1-7 quote God's conversations with Satan. Therefore Satan the devil is not just a bad feeling but a spirit being. As such he can take any appearance that he may care to manifest, whether very alluring as an angel of light or very ugly and demonic as depicted by the writer Dante. In the Bible the words Satan, Devil and Tempter appear over 80 times, spanning both New and Old Testaments. When people do something wrong then try to blame having done it on Satan, that is normally untrue for the Bible also explains that we ourselves reap what we ourselves sew. However he does indeed rule the world which scripture says to not be friends of, namely the world of crime, violence, corruption, green and injustice. (1Jn 5:19; Jn 14:30, Ep 2:2, 2Co 4:4, 1Co 10:20)

    Although Romans 13:1 reassures us that we are normally right to honor governments with our obediance, Daniel 10:13-20 says that even back into very ancient times Satan's fellow demons or princes have also sometimes influenced evil human governments, no doubt comparable to dictatorships such as those of the more modern Nazis and Communist China. Happily though Revelation 20:1-3 and 21:8 explain that God will at some point end his activities, hurling him into a symbolic if not literal lake of fire which means "the second death" or non-existence, and meanwhile the Kingdom of God, our heavenly Father, continues to grow and advance, defending us provided we stay close to Him and like Christ reject temptations to do bad things.

    You are welcome to request more free Bible literature and information from our fellowship founded by ex-Jehovahs's Witnesses and Friends in 1998. We just call ourselves Christians, or descriptively the Jah Christians, and are a network of independent house- and computer-based Christians united by love and Hebrews 6:1-2 basics in the Free Christians movement:

  • bluesapphire

    Violet, hun, ya still here?

    May I ask WHY?

    Why waste your time, love, you should be out knocking doors. After all there are many people in your neighborhood who would benefit from the Satan talk since they've never heard it before.

    As for us apostates, well we've heard it already. No need to hear it again, deary. Whether we believe in Satan or not shouldn't concern you, precious.

    We're in his hands and we're doomed to die at Armageddon. So if you want, you can have my house. Okay. But first you have to earn it by knocking doors until you're gray.

    And none of that "lukewarm" service, baby. Ya gotta give it your all -- your 'whole souled' service. That means you can't enjoy anything - ever without feeling guilty because if you spend more hours on anything, you're going to feel guilty.

    And the GB want it that way ... but nevermind ... you already know it all.

    So I'm asking again, what's the hold-up? Why aren't you at a bible study or something?

  • lastcall

    Hey V, the WBTS doesn't own the rights to the word "apostate". The dictionary definition of apostate is : "someone who abandoned his religious faith for another". Try not to look at the entire world,cosmos, universe, whatever, through the filter of the WBTS and you may see things a little differently. Also, try to get off the kick of trying to win arguments and making your point( which I understand to you in precious) and instead, open your mind to the idea of pursuing truth. And understand that in the pursuit of this truth, what seems to be solid at the time can change. The truth doesn't change, but obviously God hasn't revealed EVERYthing to anybody .

  • expatbrit
    "there for you until you challenge my arguments and I dump you like a hot turd."

    And what happens when someone challenges the arguments of the Governing Body?

    A suggestion, Violet: when you hear standards promoted by the Governing Body and their representatives, why not first see if they measure up themselves to these standards by which they presume to judge others?


  • gsx1138

    Renounce Satan! Become Wiccan ;) I think it's pretty convenient to have someone to blame all your problems on. Even the ancient Egyptians didn't believe that Set was to blame for the misfortune in their life. It is your belief in Satan that gives him form and power. I find it scary that so many people would spend their time preoccupied with absolute evil.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Marilyn

    Hi Vi, You didn't reply to my email. I hope you received it?


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