"Jesus is My Boyfriend" Christianity

by cofty 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LucidChimp
  • cofty

    To dare to credit them with somehow romantic undertones is unspeakable and, well, demonic. - Abbasgreta

    It was not intended to shock or offend.

    It is based on my own recollections of corporate worship as a christian as well as blogs by christian authors who have expressed the same concerns.

    I have faithfully copied actual christian song lyrics used in church services and excerpts from christian authors.

    Google the phrase "Jesus is my Boyfriend" and take note of the many christian sources that agree with my own observations.

    ETA - and this thread is now on page 1 of the results.

  • cofty

    This is not an atheist attack on christianity, it's a former christian holding up a mirror to a particular trend within modern christianity.

    Here are some comments from Carl Beech

    Carl Beech heads up Christian Vision for Men (CVM), an international evangelistic men’s movement focused on introducing men to Jesus and equipping the church for the task. Carl speaks to thousands of men in the UK and overseas, encouraging them to live for Jesus and unashamedly tell their friends and family about Him.


    If I stood next to my closest friend and said, “Stu, your name is like honey on my lips, I’m out of my depth in your love, I love feeling your arms so strong around me…’ I think he would get out of dodge. I find it hard to sing such lines to a man I worship and love in the agape and not eros sense. Agape love requires a different approach. I think the church gets confused about the difference.

    Some songs are inadvertently erotic. For example ; “Jesus take me as I am, I can come no other way, draw me deeper into you.” I’m not seeking to be crude. In fact there are far worse examples but in the interest of decency I won’t post them. In the cold light of day the lyrics would look semi pornographic or at the very least not out of place in a Jackie Collins novel and yet we sing them all the time. I read some lyrics to my unchurched mate and he was wiping tears from his eyes in laughter.

    The fact that so many men are aggrieved does indicate there is some problem somewhere, as does the incredibly steep decline in male church attendance. We cant write it all off to men being out of touch with their emotions etc. I was in a church recently and the worship leader opened proceedings by saying “Jesus wants to romance you this morning…” I did find it a bit tricky to engage with.


  • braincleaned

    It's the Bible that has added the symbolism of marriage. And what is Marriage? What does it lead to?
    Couldn't the symbolism be more of a merge, a partnership? What started this ridiculous idea of marriage, a very sex related union?
    The BIBLE, that's what...

  • fulltimestudent

    I am very distressed by this thread. Sometimes this site actually sickens me. I'm away from here. For good. This was intended to shock and hurt. Well, you succeeded.

    Probably a good idea abbasgreta!

    If so far, the record of what other Christians have said and done in connection with this topic, upsets you, then you must face the fact that the thread may garner even more information on this topic.

    Somewhere, for example, on my messy hard disc, is information about St Catherine (of somewhere) getting hold of the 'preserved' foreskin of the baby Jesus, and wearing it as a 'wedding ring.'

    But what I do not understand is how you arrived at the conclusion, that "your" version of Christianity is right, and the version of Christianity that others may have, is wrong?

  • braincleaned

    So easy to shock christians these days. Yet how where they when they had the political power, when the church had all the rights?
    I have no empathy for the fraility of christians that forgot how their religion has tortured and killed — as far back as biblical times — even before Jesus!

    They get what they deserve from us thinking people who value logic, reason, and evidence... not to forget true Justice.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    jesus is my girlfriend. since he's a trinity, does that make me a polygamist?

  • braincleaned

    Makes you a naughty boy J. Hofer! LOL! :)

  • fulltimestudent


    Stu, your name is like honey on my lips, I’m out of my depth in your love, I love feeling your arms so strong around me…’ I think he would get out of dodge. I find it hard to sing such lines to a man I worship and love in the agape and not eros sense. Agape love requires a different approach. I think the church gets confused about the difference.

    Which brings us back to our former loving brothers and their classifying of different 'forms' of love in the Bible. The old Aid book, under ' love ,' (p.1080) discusses the way they (the WT) saw love, and defines Agape as, " ... love guided or governed by principle ..."

    And, I recall WT articles, as strongly suggesting that the Agape sort of love, was not sexual.

    James Davidson, Reader in Ancient History at Warwick University ( http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/staff/jamesdavidson/ ), notes in his book, 'The Greeks and Greek Love,' (pp.11,12) that while agape has little sense of sexual heat, agape was used by Spartan men to describe their feelings for their younger male lovers, and the feelings Zeus is imagined to have for the kidnapped Ganymede.

    I found agape being used in the greek septuagint translation, to describe Samson's feelings for Delilah, which was hardly a love based on principle.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    lol, you said hardly

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