They are really begging for money again..

by XBEHERE 56 Replies latest jw friends


    The organization is worried about the future finances. Making the literature cost as a voluntary donation back in he early 90's here in the U.S. wasnt a great move but they also realized that they had all that prime real estate( not kidding like 100's of millions of dollars) in Brooklyn to fall back on so they survived.

    Now that they are selling this "financial cushion" to fund their Warwick project they must realize that they need to rely more on donations. Lets be honest now, where has most of the $$$ come from historically in times past for the org? So called industrialzed countries i.e. United States, United Kingdom, Japan, etc. all of whom memberships are either stagnating or on decline slowly, I am certain that generally speaking people are donating less and less in these places hence all the "loving reminders" we have been recieving lately to give give give and volunteer volunteer volunteer .

    Other poorer publishers from other countries can not afford to donate as much, sad fact but true. I am sure that they are very worried about their financial future long term.

  • WTWizard

    Satan's world? And who is it that instructed the witlesses to forgo education so they can get crap jobs, even guilting them into quitting college when they had full scholarship or could finish with tiny or no debt? Then, just about every job that pays well has some stupid quibble against it--computer programming, but you may have to work for the military or create "bad" video games. Or, you might have to miss boasting sessions or cut back on field circus.

    And now they are supposed to donate all their "excess" funds. Given that the United Tyranny of Stupidity is on final warning toward an ongoing energy crisis because of its role in helping Israel, hyperinflation due to bailouts, and banking bail-ins, this is not the time to be giving everything to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. The religion created much of the struggle, and now they are making it worse. Instead, people should be buying silver and gold with whatever "surplus" funds they might have sitting in toilet paper denominated "assets". If they haven't already done so, they should be planning ahead for rolling blackouts and a severe energy crisis. Even without a war or false flag attack, a regular storm could knock out electricity--it only takes a windstorm and one tree in bad condition to black out your home. Batteries, lanterns, chargers, and flashlights come before donations.

    Or, they can de-prepare from these things. Then, if they get a blackout (or we start getting rolling blackouts because of the energy crisis), or hyperinflation destroys the value of the dollar, they can sit around and whine about it. And they can blame poor Satan for instigating it when in fact it is the globalist companies that Satan did not start, and the washtowel hounding them to de-prepare.

  • sir82

    I can understand concerns about lack of contributions, but they've got hundreds of millions if not billions invested in various instruments.

    I don't know any details of course, but I do know someone in Bethel who is in the group that oversees investments. So they are definitely in the game.

    They've got hundreds of millions due to come from real estate sales...unless they are completely clueless they're getting millions more in investment income...

    Why the virtually unprecedented letter from HQ pleading (without so many words) for more, more, more money?

  • BU2B

    I feel that the WT is trying to get blood from a stone. They want more money, yet they discourage college, and as a result JWs have the lowest salaries of any major religious group. Rent, mortgage, food to eat, and utilities will always come before contrubutions to the cult. Many do not have any left over after these things are paid. They have dug themselves into a slowly, very slowly disentigrating spiral.

  • jamclark

    They are receiving over $ 800 million from the Brooklyn sales and have money in the bank drawing interest. Certainly they have investments and endowments pumping in money from shatan's system of things.

    JWorg needs the money for the upcoming child abuse claims, like Candace Conti. I've seen here and there they have some sort of "pension" or monthly benefits system. Certainly they need money for their Branch offices that offer dry cleaning and special services for their bethelites.

    That and pumping money to build the new HQ quicker. Besides lovingly whipping the volunteers.

  • EndofMysteries

    - "Many of you are experiencing the effects of these critical times in your personal and family life because you were overzealous in taking our words and advice to not get a proper education, not prepare for retirement, that you would never see old age, all as words from Jehovah himself because we told you to. In Satan’s unjust, wicked world By listening to us, it has become a struggle for some to obtain life’s basic needs."

    I had to go ahead and correct the WT's wording for them there.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    when have they ever stopped

    But I gather they need the money the Child Abuse law suits which are beginning to pile up........

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