They are really begging for money again..

by XBEHERE 56 Replies latest jw friends


    Sorry I don't know how to post the actual letter but here is the text of it. lol

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237 Phone: (845) 306-1100


    October 18, 2013


    Re: Donations to worldwide work and Kingdom Hall construction worldwide

    Dear Brothers:

    We would like to express our deep appreciation for your ongoing generous support of Kingdom interests around the world. The contributions received for the worldwide work and for Kingdom Hall construction worldwide help to provide much needed spiritual comfort during the "critical times" in which we live.—2 Tim. 3:1.

    Many of you are experiencing the effects of these critical times in your personal and family life. In Satan’s unjust, wicked world, it has become a struggle for some to obtain life’s basic needs. Despite these circumstances, your love for Jehovah and his organization moves you to contribute "with a complete heart." (1 Chron. 29:9) Just as Jesus took note of the widow’s donation of two small coins, Jehovah appreciates your gifts, knowing that you are motivated by love.—Luke 21:1-4.

    This giving spirit is in sharp contrast to the selfish attitude of those in the world around us. While many spend their resources on personal pleasures and on enriching their own lives, you faithful ones have put the needs of others ahead of your own. One way this is accomplished is by your monetary contributions that support the printing, translation, and distribution of publications that draw attention to the ‘life-giving water’ found in God’s Word, the Bible. (Rev. 22:17) Following the example of the first-century Christians, you also consider it a joy to contribute for the purpose of assisting your brothers in need, such as those affected by recent disasters. (Acts 2:45, 46) All of these efforts are largely supported by your donations to the worldwide work and to Kingdom Hall construction worldwide.

    May Jehovah continue to richly bless your hard work and loyal service as you generously support Kingdom interests.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I've been saying to Mrs. Searcher for several months that the Org is really going to put pressure on the flock to give up as much of their 'fleece' as possible - regardless of how much suffering it may cause them!

  • sir82

    Yeah we had that read this week.

    It is quite bizarre - a letter talking about money money money and yet never directly asking for any. Of course the implication is "send us more money".

    I don't get it - they are in the process of selling hundreds of millions of dollars of property in Brooklyn. Why this sudden & relentless pressure to give, give, give?

    Can they really seriously be in that much financial trouble?

  • lambsbottom

    Are you surprised?

    Imagine you are one of the GB that doesn't have any retirement outside of the WT.

    You pioneered and were an Elder for many years,

    then a Circuit Overseer for many years,

    then a District Overseer for many years,

    then a GB for a couple years.

    Outside the WT, you have no financial security. If the WT was broke, where would you go? What would you do? The GB members

    have already lost their penthouse suites in Brooklyn. What will they do when the WT or individual congregations are not able to fly

    them around the world to speaking events where they are treated like celebrities?

    If I were them, I would be fearful. But I'm not because I wouldn't give myself celebrity status if I were them.

  • lambsbottom

    Oh yeah and one more thing.

    I will NEVER give the WT or even my local congregation another red cent until the WT makes their general financial statement available to the R&F.

    Religion is a snare and a racket!!!

  • TTATTelder

    We got the letter read last night also.

    I don't think it's a "financial trouble" thing as much as it's that they have more going out than coming in from donations right now.

    You know how some rich people act like they are 'sinking financially' if they aren't seeing their bank account increase each month?

    They obviously didn't get the influx of cash from the NNWT that they were hoping for at the annual meeting.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I don't think they are going broke. They have billion$. But perhaps ca$hflow is in the RED. Like any good business, I think they would want their monthly receipts to exceed or at least cover their monthly expenses and NOT have to dip into their profits from real estate sales, etc.

    Or, perhaps monthly receipt$ are dropping month by month, even if it's not in a deficit yet. Inflation and cost of living (and cost of running a business) are rising faster than the income of the average person. JWs are probably affected even more than on average since they are less educated and predominantly in blue collar trades which are experiencing higher unemployment and stagnant or declining wage rates.


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    There is usually a call out for donations at this time of the year because of the tax season. I would expect that there is a WT article also for the same reason.

  • scotoma

    Why are they asking for money from people who were told not to go to college, told to refuse promotions, told to refuse overtime etc.

  • blondie

    It was back about ten years when we still went, my husband was told that the thank you letters for the worldwide donations should be read as a reminder to donate each month.

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