They Need War Now

by metatron 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • anonymouz

    Either these guys are telling the truth or they are too crazy to be in charge of nukes and we should enjoy every day we have left.


    Do not worry too much about nuclear war, yes it will serious, but it will not be "the end of the world" because it is all controlled, planned and financed from the same hub of operations as WW1, 2 or 3 (cold war).

    The point of world war is to accelerate economic control of the national powers by accelerating the process and applying controlled force to obstacles within the national systems, under the war or martial pretext.

    That economic control in globalized finance system will take some years, the elites want to rule the world, not destroy it.

    And control of fuel as food or energy for peaople and industry, is control of the national powers who are now collectively in maybe a half QUADRILLION in debt and unfunded liabilities. But not all the banks, pensions, and investment houses are going down, only some of them.

    The point of a final world war is it's peace resolution to make UN world government appear as the needed hero to save the day, depose national sovereignty, depose religious wealth for national recovery, and actually create a final world "peace and security" aided by an actual "freedom from care" as recovery always follows world war.

    This recovery will be the greatest in world history, because the world government elites want people to have hope and optimism which resolving a world war will aid the effect of. They want people to admire a human world government, not to resist it, and bringing in this engineered final world peace, is why a final world war, even if uniquely branded as initially the "global war on terror", which is a world war by the way, must extend into it's final cycle of globalization aiding developments, first financial (Dan11:42-43) then governmental and military totality (Rev17:12-18; Rev16:13-16).

    Fear and "end of the world" mentality merely aids the first sweeps of dissidents ultimately against world government, that te national powers must engage in soon, to pick up the social pieces that will fall out in the turbulence of a transiton tat will have ups and downs, will be worldwide and will take some years to actually complete. That is why it is not "the end of the world" for everyone, just those in a national "natural selection" process being activated by economic collapse as in internal national method for martial systems to also war on their own people in many nations already prepared for this initial phase that probably will not go on for more than 2 or 3 years, in my opinion.

    It is not "the end", it is the beginning of the final cycle of world globalization in finance, government, and military, that of course controls the rest of the process in pretty much that order of necessity.

    Don't let unrealistic negative thinking aid the process, keep your cool, expect a bumpy unqiue ride, but know it will resolve in world recovery at a scale humans have never seen before or thought possible under an actual world government for a while. The UN is just a schematic. What is coming is the real thing, and that is not going to occur over night or next year, or the year after that, it will take a good 7-10 years from the initial collapse to be effected, in my opinion and some Bible evidence of prophecy.

    As you know JWs will also think "it is the end of the world", and those kinds of misled JWs stuck in trust of an org, will also be able to be herded by the Bethel organization to aid the initial globalization process (WT 11/15/13 pg. 20, par. 17, statement #(3)), as merely part of the whole initial limited sweep at global scales and complexities.

  • scotoma

    Whenever true stories are related you will always find some that will try to sneak false stories into the mix for some personal advantage.

    I would be suspicious of anyone who is writing a book to sell to the UFO freaks who eat this stuff up.

    Also at the point where people are paid to relate their experience I would be suspicious of enhancements to the original narrative.

  • metatron

    I find the mundane, mainstream narratives here to be humorous.

    Does a day ever pass in which we don't get yet more evidence that almost anything the government says is untrustworthy?

    Or how about the mainstream media? Check the polls on these topics and see that public confidence in these institutions has nearly collapsed or is at historic lows.

    The interference by UFO's with regard to nuclear weapons is well attested by persons who are among the most/best vetted or monitored in the world. Remember, they are chosen to handle strategic nuclear weapons!

    The false dichotomy continues: a Godless world vs a God protected world. I sense something else, in the middle of these extremes.


  • metatron

    Here's an update as to how crazy this has become.

    Actually, that's a point to think about: are you trying to rationally analyze a situation, prominent on the world stage, that is itself manipulated by people who are functionally insane? Like trying to spend billions to bomb Syria - a nation that didn't attack the US - while cutting foodstamps for US citizens? Or while Detroit schoolchildren don't have streetlights to guide their steps in dark mornings?

    Forgive me for sounding like Mr. Spock but I see deepening iilogic across the US and public opinion trends tend to confirm that view.


  • scotoma


    That would have been a good idea for the United States when it was the only country with atomic weapons.

    The US could have dropped a bomb on any country that looked like they were trying to make a bomb.

    You want nuclear weapons? Here take this one for now.

    The US was in a position of being able to impose its will on any country that tried to get into the weapons business.

    If a country tested a weapon they would have a bomb dropped on their facilities to build weapons.

    The genie could have been put back in the bottle.

    However without nuclear weapons the cold war would have become hotter. India and Pakistan would have killed millions in a coventional war.

    At this point the US should give every country a few missiles and nuclear weapons and the fighting would cease.

  • scotoma


    Did you watch the 2nd video?

    Just because there is a lot of nonsense on the internet you will be committing a fallacy to assume that all sensational information on the internet is garbage.

    Sometimes you have to look at the context.

    Most of these guys had serious careers doing what they liked. They are retired and probably have decent government pensions.

    They aren't looking for opportunities to be ridiculed. They aren't looking for adventure or celebrity. They certainly aren't in need of the excitement of airplane rides to conferences.

    And they are the few that have decided it is worthwhile to step forward. Based on their description of events

    there are a lot of people at all ranks that shared these situations with them.

  • scotoma

    As soon as there is talk about aliens the conversations stop.

    And I can understand why.

    Ordinarily people are pragmatic and are looking for information that is actionable. We want information that is practical.

    At this point even if you personally saw a UFO and were personally convinced that it was a UFO - what can you do with that information.

    The aliens aren't talking. They aren't telling us what they are up to. They aren't helping our arthritis or allergies.

    Until they communicate to us exactly what they plan to do it doesn't change our lives at all.

    You could have a close relative who is one of the richest people on earth and if they don't seek you out it means nothing.

    That's why confirming evidence of aliens fades quickly.

    We all have too much on our plate.

    At best we put it in the same category of ho hum well that's interesting. The tallest mountain on earth is under water- ho hum that's interesting. A 10,000 ton asteroid may hit the earth in 80 years - that might be interesting if I live that long.

  • metatron

    What you say is true, however it gives one a little bit of hope, that the more extreme actions of our world may be blunted so that we generally survive as a global civilization.

    I continue with my working hypothesis: to what extent are Aliens willing to intervene? Here's what I wonder- we are not ready for First Contact because it would create panic and be used by the Elite as a further excuse to remove freedom by screaming, "Aliens! They're Invading!".

    The way to over come this obstacle is to remove the forces on earth that manipulate large numbers of people into war. IMHO, they are:

    1) The US military-industrial complex (Eisenhower warned us and we didn't listen -so we wasted lives and trillions on war in Iraq and Afghanistan)

    2) Israel (now trying to get a war going with Iran - as in 'you and him need to fight')

    3) The Saudis (Iran, Syria, Bahrain)

    4) The TBTF Banks

    These are the primary enemies to world peace and prosperity. I watch the news carefully to see if moves are made to "dethrone" them. It's frustrating, but progress is being made. Get them out of the way and the world might be ready for First Contact and much more.


  • metatron

    In accord with the above, I offer this latest headline.

    It's human nature to see patterns or design even where they don't exist - I am well aware of that, we've all done it.

    OTOH, it can be naive not to see things as a police detective would. I continue with this hypothesis, to see where it leads....


  • Vidiot

    anonymouz - "it is also a great opportunity when the "attack" begins, for Bethel to also fill their fictional "King North" character slot of Daniel 11:44 with whatever new "villain" should appear to play the hoax role. And this will make JWs think the Daniel 11:44-45 "end of the world" sequence has begun."

    A long time ago, I came to the conclusion that a real-world Apocalpyse would be the worst thing that could ever happen to the WTS, for a whole lot of reasons.

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