My struggle in leaving WTBTS - What is yours- if you want to share?

by Junebuggie 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • braincleaned

    I have walked a different path, as you may have read in my posts about my coming out.

    I am happy you found your way. I also do not understand it, but I can respect your choice.
    Just keep an open mind — what we think we know today may very well change upon new evidence and understanding.
    This goes for all of us, of course.

  • Bugbear


    You wrote that you have found "assurance of salvation,"...and that by Jesus. It looks very similar to some JW:s who deeply believe that they will live in an eternal life on earth or in heaven. I think that your expression "assurance of salvation,", is something that our human mind (our brain) finds up to keep us away from depression and fear from this world that god has "created". I also think that the Islamic, Jevish, Buddist, pentacoust a.s.f. have the same feeling as you said "assurance of salvation,". Our brain needs rational answers and is always trying to survive in threathful world. Every part of ourselves wants an exponation to all problems that came across us during our lifespan. "assurance of salvation,", its like a brain pill (endorphins) that our brain serves us if we are under stress and. I myselves, takes one or two glas of wine every evening to supply me with endorphins. It works´´´!

    Today when coming to age, and deliberated from the superstition that any religion offers you, and totaly accept that I am defenetely gone within some years not knowing feeling or thinking anything. That is my "assurance of salvation,".... If I cant feell or think I cant be hurt in anyway.


  • fulltimestudent

    Wait! I am not critisizing you for your belief, why are you attacking me for what I believe? This is where I am happiest, and I do enjoy life. I just wanted to share my story and how in the end I found my happiness not in a mind control organization , but in one person...Jesus. Sorry if I offended any of you with my story.

    Why do Christians always want to think that to disagree is an "attack"?

    When we post on any site we open our post to both agreement and disagreement, if we can't handle that possibility, then perhaps we should not post at all, or post only where no-one will disagree.

    I guess, one positive thing about years of door2door work was havign to face disagreement - at time violently so. It sort of conditions you to the real world. Maybe Junebuggie, you didn't do enough D2D work (just joking).

    Anyway, what I wanted to say when I read your first post (and before I got sidetracked by your second post) - maybe, when you were a witness, you imagined yourself in one scenario involving imaginary beings that you liked (the imaginary beings, that is):

    Now after becoming dissatisfied with Yahweh's imagined theocratic state, you have adjusted your imagined story, and found a way to keep the central characters, but change the imagined context.

    Have you considered that possibility?

  • Vanderhoven7

    Thanks for sharing your testimony JuneBuggie

  • wantingtruth

    JuneBuggie , greetings to you !

    I am glad you have "found" Christ

    try to see others' "opinions"


  • OnTheWayOut

    I try to understand the path of leaving Jehovah's Witnesses to embrace some other spiritual practise. I think I get it. I thought at the time I finally realized that Jehovah's Witnesses were a cult that maybe mainstream Christianity was right. But to me, the normal path out of Jehovah's Witnesses would include researching their beliefs, comparing their beliefs, seeing what's wrong with their beliefs, researching the source of their beliefs including the Bible and seeing what's wrong with that.

    Once I saw that all of Christianity was flawed, the Bible was flawed, I dabbled in looking at eastern thoughts. The great thing about them is that you don't have to believe in any "god" to accept the wisdom.

    I think that what you view as an attack on your beliefs is inspired by the idea of a "struggle" in leaving WTBTS that includes seeking Jesus still. Most people nowadays can leave without that path and realize that the Santa Claus of Christianity is just as real as the Santa Claus of Christmas.

  • LostGeneration
  • Apognophos

    Sigh. What a bunch of rude people. Here's a hint as to what the word "attack' means: if you tune into a boxing match on TV, do you believe that one person is attacking the other? If not, why not? Now say you tune into a report on a man who wrote a book about Jesus. All the interviewer wants to know is why he, as a Muslim, is writing about Jesus. She will not discuss the subject he is there to discuss. Is this an attack? Why or why not?

  • NeverKnew

    Apognophos - I saw that interview. So much for the script they gave her to be angry about right before the interview. Her brain was incapable of processing what he was saying and as a result of her sticking to the talking point given to her, she ended up looking foolish. ...poor thing.

    Junebuggie- Welcome. :) I am a non JW. I'm nearing 50 and my exposure to JWism was only to understand a couple of JW friends I really care about.

    In being exposed to other faiths/denominations you lose sight of differences and start to see strong similarities instead. Sadly, given what I've seen in JWism, the limited exposure and constant railing against all others has done them a great disservice. It breaks my heart. My friends are knocking on doors of the uninterested with their chests poked out while variant churches and synagogues are finding common goals that contribute heavily to the improvement of humanity through charity despite doctrinal differences.

    As for finding peace in Christ/God, I completely understand. You walk with a different kind of confidence, don't you? :) Once Jeremiah 31:33 and Acts 15:10 become real, things are different. Fortunately, I've never known a faith that is overbearing.

    wait... does a request to fry chicken for 3 hours for the homeless count? I make LOUSY fried chicken. *giggling*

    All I know is, if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed (John 8:36). :)

    Now... I'm off to try and witness with your new points to think about.

    Thanks for the post!

  • LV101

    Welcome Junebuggie - appreciate reading your journey. Stay tuned as there's lots of info re/religion, spirituality, science - you name it.

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