"you're pretty compassionate for an atheist"

by Hortensia 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathappened

    Stand for pure worship: it sounds like you need to educate yourself a bit more. Your statements are incorrect.

  • wasblind

    " The thing about athiest is , Thier belief system is built upon chaos, if not fantasy " ___Stand for pure.......

    " What beliefs of jehovah's Witnesses set them apart as different from other religions?

    (8) Last days : They believe that we are living now, scince 1914, in the last days of this wicked system of things; that some who saw the events of 1914 will also see the complete destruction of the present wicked world."_____-Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 199-200

    The WTS is built upon organized lies


  • Hortensia

    man evolved from monkies

    Jesus, SPW, you are so behind the times. Humans didn't descend from monkeys. Monkeys and the great apes and chimpanzees and orangutangs all share a common ancestor way the hell back in time. Catch up, man!

  • Hortensia

    As for the "you're pretty XXX for being a/an XXX," I love insults hidden inside compliments. Very funny, like a guy I knew was very offended because his girlfriend said his new underpants made him "look really hung." She's the same person who said to me, "you really sound like an educated person." Emphasizing the word "sound."

  • villagegirl

    What makes an atheist tick ? I didn't even know they ticked.

    Is that so if they try to sneak up on you, you can hear them coming?

    Atheists seem so angry, please don't hit me. I know all about it, I studied evolution.

    Blobs without eyes somehow decided it would be good to see, even though they

    never saw anything before, and they then developed eyes. Blobs with no feet,

    decided, hey, feet would be useful, and so they grew some. Some blobs decided

    to fly, because even though they only had three brain cells they figured, flying is good,

    and a few more brain cells couldn't hurt also. The blobs who decided to fly before they

    decided to develop eyes crashed into things and died, that was the survival of the fittest.

  • rmt1

    Sign says, "Bottomless crack in road up ahead. Drive into it at your own risk."

  • DeWandelaar

    "Hey love, you are pretty fucked up for a Christian :P"

  • cofty

    I know all about it, I studied evolution. - villagegirl

    Everything you said after this would tend to prove otherwise. You should have paid attention in class.

    Would you like me to recommend some good books?

  • AbaDaddy

    Hi Stand for pure worship, let's refine a few glaring assumptions, misconceptions and falsities:

    1) "The thing about atheists is, their belief system is built upon chaos, if not fantasy."

    Assuming you are theist/deist, this is a little ironic but more importantly, Atheism is not a belief system; indeed it is the rejection of one.

    2) "You're talking about a demographic of people that fanatically devote themselves to the premise that life came out of nowhere."

    Your choice of words, like 'fanatically' and 'devote', are unwarranted here unless you are referring to a specific atheist you know. You are also assuming the belief system of atheists. And that "life came out of nowhere" is a 'problem' we all have to face, whether you believe in a god or not.

    3) "Not only that, but when it came about, it's building blocks provided a recipe for the impossible. That being, man evolved from monkies which is the atheist equivalent of the Genesis account."

    • Again the assumption is that Atheists have a specific belief system. They do not.
    • "...a recipe for the impossible". I have no problem with this, except to replace 'impossible' with 'improbable'.
    • It is pedantic to argue this too much, but to add a little perspective, monkeys also evolved from monkey-like ancestors. and all mammals evolved from amphibian-like ancestors. we could go on.
    • And the Genesis account being what; much more scientific and detailed?

    4) "That said, it's difficult if not entirely impossible to believe these people have any compassion for their fellow man considering they believe everything in existence came about by chance."

    we can explain 'compassion' and other so defined positive behaviours in other ways, but if you don't want to think about it, you can look to those atheists and atheist organisations that are compassionate, both generally and specifically, and maybe pause for thought as to why.

    5) "They remind me of the sociopath in No Country for Old Men in that they believe the purpose in life is as meaninglessness as a coin toss."

    • Do they indeed. May i suggest not becoming an atheist, because no god will save me from the likes of you.
    • 'the purpose'? there's only one? the implication here is that someone set a purpose in motion, but again you assume too much. 'Meaning' can be defined in philosophical terms, scientific terms and general terms. It may help you, or in fact me, to define what is meant by 'meaning' here. Is an ant's life meaningless; a parrot's? is your life more meaningful then, say, a Buddhist's? from where does this meaning derive?

    6) "That said, atheism may be as dangerous to modern civilized society as communism was in the previous century."

    By this you mean the absence of religious thinking in politics may be dangerous or the assumed atheistic evolutionary thinking? Because you know, just because something IS does not mean that it OUGHT to be.

  • AbaDaddy

    Hi villagegirl,

    " I studied evolution"

    not very well obviously. bad teacher?

    begin your evolutionary thinking this way:

    a rapidly replicating chemical algorythm

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