What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    Julia Orwell: So my question is, why in the last week or so, have a couple of posters claiming to be JWs come onto this forum and berated, spewed hate and judgement, and in some cases verbally attacked members personally?

    Haters gotta' hate! It's what they do; it's who they are.

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    ^^^^ Because they've dehumanised us. And when you've dehumanised people, you can stand by and watch anything happen to them. The irony is that with all the empty talk about loving your neighbour, and stories like the good samaritan, it often boils down to a very simple exclusive club mindset: 'if you're not one of us, screw you'.

  • westiebilly11

    faith is the assured expectation........versus... expectation delayed makes the heart sick.... No wonder they have hatred/anger for others who don't share their stance. The cult is causing many of its members widespread undiagnosed mental illness (disease..???!) by its flip flop doctrines and false alarms.....this must be stressful for those entrapped by its high walls.. you bet they're angry...confused....bitter......!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It's not just here on JWN, but lots of jws on fb too. Just cuz u stop going to meetings n point out some old wt that contradicts current truth, my god you'd think I just asked to eat the still-beating heart of their baby.

  • bytheirworks

    Julia, "the truth" is that everything they said about the apostates is true.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Well at least thanks to the new Nwt I'm not mentally diseased anymore.

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