What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    You sent a PM to a sock-puppet? LOL! ... best just to ignore them, and hope they'll go away. JWN is probably the last port of call for genuine JWs, and by the time they register here they know what is true & what is false, unless they are really brain-damaged. But I suspect these clowns are't genuine...

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Maybe I shouldn't have pmed him but I figured he needed to man up.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If you want to get somewhere with cult members, try getting them into love bombing mode and keeping them there until they leave.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I certainly don't want to love bomb these nasty types who have never met me. I just want to find out what their problem is with me/us personally! Which I think has been answered, in that they're an angsty bunch with no other outlet, on their high horse of moral/spiritual superiority.

  • FlierMate

    I agreed with 3rdgen.

    WTS discourages any of them to even visit apostate sites.

    If anyone of them did, I do not think he or she is a genuine JW.

  • RayPublisher

    JW apologists are stepping up their "push-back" war against us. It has been happening on my YouTube channel and blog a lot and I made a video on it:


    But it's happening to many of the ex-JW YouTubers too of course.

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Ms.Orwell I recieved your PMs, and I prefer not to open or read them. The reason being, they're Private Messages, and quite frankly such methods of communication make me uncomfortable. To engage in private dialogue is the online equivalent of being in a car alone with someone of the opposite sex which would be inappropriate. There's no telling where the slippery slope of private messaging could lead us. Before you know it we may even exchange cell phone numbers or even worse. So to play it safe, lets keep our discussions in the public square.

    I feel the need to defend myself as a trend I've noticed with the ex-JW community is, you believe this forum belongs to you. However, this forum is in fact open to all that wish to discuss matters peculiar to the WT and subsequently JWs. That said, the hostility that I and other so called JW apologists have recieved, is quite frankly, disturbing and uncalled for. Also, I find it discouraging how when I or again a so called apologist posts on a thread and our post is in harmony with the thread topic, we get bombarded with posts that are not on topic such as questions related to defending 1914 or this or that. It just goes to show that many within the ex-JW community are incapable of defending the positions they supposedly feel so strongly about.

    One last thing I feel the need to stress, it's not that I'm running from any conversations as much as my posting limits are quite limited. If and when my posting privileges are at maximum capacity, I will be posting a lot more. In fact I have some fellow JW apologists planning on registering to make these discussions more even. As far as it being wrong for me to post here because the Slave said so, show me where? If you do have such material, where these commandments? Or suggestions? If what was stated was a suggestion, than I'm not breaking any so called JW protocol. That again demonstrates a problem with the ex-JW community. The Slave makes suggestion, and you swear it was a commandment from God Himself. But more about that later.

  • minimus

    Stand is OBVIOUSLY playing. C'mon, anyone can see this....Good one!

  • Thoughtless

    SFBW, I can respect your stance on not answer a PM, but it is contradictory. Its a "sin" to communicate with an apostate in public place, and still a "sin" to communicate with one in a car, it has equal bearing. I am still in, and regardless if I finally break free, I think the hate on both sides is insane and while justified, unneeded for productive discussion. You said, " The Slave makes suggestion, and you swear it was a commandment from God Himself", but you rather purposely (troll) or subconsciously deified the slave by capitalizing it's position making it on equal standing with God. Also, it's more than a "suggestion" its dogma in which one could be expelled from his family and force a paradigm shift that is unnatural and inhumane that a lot of humans may not be able to handle. The bible says that God's true followers can be distinguished by their love, but even the World who is so debauched and horrible can see the "provision" as unloving.

    I honestly want to believe this is pure worship. I want to sleep at night and know that I am doing the right thing, but I know I am not by what I have learned about this Organization (I capitalized this because I respect it's power, but not it's authority). The UN affair really got me, but the Malawi scandal tied the knot. I don't believe you are as honest hearted as you make yourself seem. I believe that you are either a troll or a moron. I tend to give a listening ear to JW apologists because it gives me faith in a lie I want to believe. It gives a differing perspective, but just somethings are undeniable.

    I could be totally wrong in your motives, and I understand it is not in my place to judge them, but if you are "trolling" it is best that you do not attend this website because this forum has cathartic properties for many living in a world of irrationality as myself. If you are sincere and I am totally wrong, my apologies. If you are trolling, please leave.


  • sd-7

    It does sound a bit hard to believe that a JW worried about a private message from an ex-JW, yet paradoxically ignoring the strong warning from the Watchtower about not posting on the Internet blogs of those who are 'apostate' is actually a JW. What, you're going to fall in love with the archenemy? I seriously doubt it. Finding the exact quote of what the WT has said as far as Internet communication with apostates is very easy indeed. Shall I? Hmm. I think I shall, for what it's worth.


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