Which country is better to migrate Canada or Australia?

by His Excellency 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • villagegirl

    I buy my strawberries from California.

    I also picked starwberries myself in Pemberton.

    The Chinese are not picking any strawberries ignat.

    Chinese have set up slave labour factories and they are

    all majority owned by law by Chinese, they provide bodies

    to live in the factories under appalling conditions, then the

    Chinese owners skim off millions illegally and launder the money

    in Canada, this is well known. Any big money coming in is not

    taxed for 5 years, in those five years they buy a house, cash.

    bring in their wife and children to attend our "free" kindergarten

    to 12 grade schools, when the five years tax free break is over they

    transport the bank account out of Canada to a tax haven as "Canadian

    money" and their family continues to live here, and nobody is picking

    nothing, believe me.

  • hoser


    I guess if it's that bad you can always move somewhere else.

    maybe Australia

  • 5go

    "Instead, move to New Zealand. Our most dangerous animal is the kiwi which has a nasty habit of pooping on you when you pick it up and run with it but the solution is simple: Don't pick them up."

    Yeah New Zealand is the place high level predators forgot.

  • villagegirl

    hoser - If what is bad ? I am saying Canada needs to be protected

    for exploitation. Not that Canada is bad. If you are Canadian, look around,

    where are the jobs here ? Do you see lots of jobs ? What kind of workers do

    we need ? Skilled ? Unskilled ? Do we have big factories that needs thousands

    and thousands of unskilled laborers ? NO -Where are these factories? -We have none.

    Farms ? Only 12% of our economy comes from food production.

    Who is our friend ? China? or the USA ? The USA buys 85% of what we sell.

    That means 85% or our economy comes from American dollars. What do the

    Chinese buy from us ? .1% thats not 1 percent thats point one percent.

    Chinese Trade Surplus Narrows in September On Falling Exports

    In September of 2013, China’s trade surplus decreased to a worse than

    expected 15.2 billion USD, from 28.6 billion USD in August and

    27.5 billion USD a year earlier, due to a fall in exports. This means we

    BUY from China but they do not buy from Canada. Immigration should be

    based on reality. On specifically what a country needs in terms of skills

    and technical knowledge. The Chinese as a whole, are not well educated.

    China has not invented one single thing in a thousand years.

    They do not go out and run farms, or work in technology. Except selling Japanese

    and American technology to us. The average Chinese tests out at the level of

    a fourth grader according to Vancouver Adult High School

    testing on incoming Chinese immigrants. There are no jobs for them,

    they do not want to go and work on a farm. That is the a low class thing for them.

    They want to live in a city in big house or condo and never go near any rural areas.

    They do want their children studying trades, because it has no prestige and is

    looked down on in Chinese culture. They want their children

    to work in a bank or be an accountant handling money.

    How many of these do we need?? In reality.

    Farms are bought up by Sikhs and large Cartels of Sikhs who also own the Parking and

    Towing and Parking Lots and Taxi services. These are low skilled money making operations.

    What does Canada EXPORT ? these are the figures based on sector;

    Energy Products( oil, natural gas, other ) 25%

    Metals and Minerals 17% Motor Vehicles and parts 15%

    Consumer Goods ( food clothing , paper, pharmaceuticals 12%

    Forest products ( limber, pulp, newsprint, pacakaging) 7%

    The rest is divide umong industrial machinery, equipment and parts,

    Aircraft and other transporattion equipment and misc.

    Canada's GDP Jan 2013, by sector,

    10% of our GDP is manufacturing

    8% is mining. quarrying and gas extraction

    7% is public administration

    7% is construction industries

    6% is educational services

    5% is wholesale trade

    5% is retail trade

    5.5% is scientific and technical services

    2% is food and accomodation services

    1.5% is recreation and entertainment services

    We are not a big food producing nation, food is 12% of our

    total national income.

  • jgnat

    I've driven through the Fraser Valley. Canadian strawberries are harvested by Sikhs. Do you have any problems with Sikhs?

  • solomon
  • villagegirl

    Ignat- "problem with Sikhs" ??? Canadians think Sikhs represent India.

    In fact they represent a small area called the Punjab.

    Sikh's hate Hindus. Sikh bodygaurds killed the woman they were

    supposed to protect, Indira Gandi, Prime Minister of India.

    Hindus are the majority population in India. A Sikh mother

    and her brother had a young Canadian born Sikh killed in

    India because she wanted to marry a poor man.

    Unfortunelately we had educated this girl to believe in her

    right to choose and the equality of social class.

    Sikhs living in Canada buy huge parcels of land through huge cartels,

    live communally, and retain their ideas of "honor killing".

    Our social safety nets were set up to take care of those who had

    paid into it over a lifetime. In Vancouver we house 400,000 elderly

    from Asia who came here in their 60's never worked here, never paid taxes

    and now recieve $1,200 a month in Old Age Security and

    live in subsidized housing units for the elderly.

    Do you see Sikh's hiring non-Sikh's ?

    Or is it a pretty much Sikh only farming operation

    owned by Sikhs for Sikhs and by Sikhs ?

    I find it hard to support any religion that

    involves wearing a costume.

    The Sikhs only date from the 16th century,

    not as "ancient" as you might suppose.

    Sikhs started up their religion in the time period of

    the Protestant Reformation,

    ( but they were in an area that was isolated from the times and they have gone to

    great lengths to retain the dress and social customs of that time in the Punjab )

    In the same time period, Michelangelo was completing the Statue of David,

    and the Mona Lisa was being painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Can you imagine us

    dressing the way they did in the time of Leonardo da Vinci ?

    This was a time of invention, the first flush toilets were invented,

    (which are still not in use in much of Asia) Copernicus published his explanation

    of the earth revolving around the sun, the compound microscope was invented,

    the lead pencil, the thermometor, maps, the printing press, book production.

    The Sikhs remain frozen in time. Socailly, and scientifically, and in their dress.

    Socially, I am for universal equality between men and women, for education,

    for inclusiveness, for civil rights, these are not aspects of

    Sikhism. Canada needs scientists, inventors, people who can

    compete internationally in technolgy and social development

    for the 21st century and into the next, creating workable solutions

    to social issues, housing, recycling of waste and creating liveable

    integrated communities that include music and the arts.

    Not restricted by religious rules.

  • prologos

    so the original question was "--which country is better to immigrate into?---"

    come quickly, because these mass migrations are changing the society and it's lawfulness.

  • hoser


    it appears to me that you have a very narrow view of things. There is a lot more to this great country than Vancouver, BC.

    This thread is about where it is better to migrate to Australia or Canada.

    There are plenty of jobs in the praire provinces. Alberta , Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. In fact too many jobs and not enough workers to fill them.

    And as for your apparant hatred of Chinese and Sikhs well you are entitled to your opinion I guess. I know quite a few and they are decent hard

    working people, the ones I know anyway.

    Like I said on an earlier post we all come from somewhere in this country and for our country to prosper and grow we need new immigrants or else

    the rest of us might as well pack up and go back from where we came from too.

  • villagegirl

    Pointing out facts and statistics does not mean hatred.

    I do not hate Chinese people. The Chinese government and

    the social structure in China allows capital punishment for voicing

    opinons and disagreeing with government. As a result 7,000 innocent

    Chinese are shot in the head every year in China. Why don't we as Canadians

    voice our objections to this ? Too afraid to be accused of "hating Chinese" ridiculous.

    Everything is not tolerable, Canadians are so afraid of not being tolerant they tolerate

    cultural prictices that oppress women and children and are discriminatory ( Oh thats their "culture")

    Honor killing, is cultural, infanticide is cultural, beating women is cultural, female circumcision is

    cultural, cutting of hands as punishment is cultural, to say you will not tolerate these things

    is not racism or hatred. We live in a global economy with an international communication

    system, and interational human rights laws. Did you read the case of the Sikh mother and uncle

    who phoned India from Canada and had their daughter killed in India because

    she refused to marry who they said she should ? These people are free, and living in Canada.

    Should we toleratre that ? To object to this practice is "hating Sikhs" ? No, what I am saying

    is you come to a Democracy with laws on human rights and you need to obey those laws.

    God forbid we should not "tolerate" this honor killing custom. That would be hateful, right ?

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