by WatchTower87 293 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    My feeling is that it will be a bit further along the cult spectrum by tomorrow. How far remains to be seen.

    Maybe it will be nothing more than a load of made up "experiences" and a NWT with a new grey cover.

  • valkyrie

    all publishers 5 yo and up, will receive a sealed confidential envelope a hour into meeting after Geoffrey Jackson part.

    Publisher = literature distributor, responsible for soliciting receiving donations;

    "Confidential envelope" is to be returned "sealed," and containing each publisher's individual pledge to donate (from own pocket, or from public contributions) _____ amount of funds over the next 12 months, in appreciation of what is received.

    Just my guess.

  • Jeffro


    Maybe it will be nothing more than a load of made up "experiences" and a NWT with a new grey cover.

    Maybe they'll get rid of some of the 'inconvenient' cross-references, like the one for Jeremiah 25:12 that points to Daniel 5:26,30 for the end of the '70 years', contradicting their own teachings. Morons.

  • Jeffro

    It's most likely a co-incidence, but the AGM falls on the first day of Heshvan, the 8th month in the Hebrew calendar.

    According to JW belief, 1 Heshvan is when Zechariah began to prophesy ('evidently').

    *** pm chap. 6 p. 93 par. 5 Calling a Nation to Return to Jehovah ***:

    When in that second year of King Darius I (520 B.C.E.) did Zechariah the grandson of Iddo begin to prophesy? Zechariah’s own book of prophecy informs us in its opening words, saying: “In the eighth month in the second year of Darius the word of Jehovah occurred to Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet.”—Zechariah 1:1.
    The eighth lunar month, of twenty-nine days, was called Heshvan, and was an autumn month. The day of the month is not given in the prophecy. Evidently it was the first day of Heshvan, the day of the new moon, when many Jews would celebrate in Jerusalem.
  • whatistruth

    My whole cong was invited. I will record it via audio on my smartphone. But someone has to show me how to download it online. Btw I hate that I am going but will make the sacrifice to share with all here. "Listen Obey and Be Faithful"

  • notjustyet


    Please check out this thread on how to do this via smartphone, Of course you can record it, and that would be great actually but be sure that you can hold that much info. IRecorder is a great app for the iphone, not sure about a android app.

    Check out this post if you want to stream it.


  • drewcoul

    Wow! The AGM is only a day away!! It seems to sneak up on me every year. I haven't been on here in a while, but thought I would check in. I'm thinking the new bible makes sense, and probably new understandings of Revelation. 144k being figurative and not literal would fix the predicament they created with the overlapping generation nonsense, but it will create a whold bunch of other problems as well.

    Thanks to anyone and everyone who gets us the information from the annual meeting!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    It's today isn't it?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Of all the meetings, programs, and various "events" I was "privileged" to attend back when I was a bethelite, the Annual Meeting was the most disappointing. When I first went to bethel, we would have to take a personal Saturday off in order to attend it. I didn't bother with it. Annual Meetings always seemed rather old and stuffy compared to the more exciting Gilead Graduations. Later they started giving us that Saturday off to attend the Annual Meeting. As I recall, the only interesting thing to come out of it back then was announcing new GB members or maybe some construction project. A three hour meeting with only one or two interesting sentences. Of course, there would be people excitedly taking notes and sending them out to their friends afterward. But in reality, it was just the same WT Flavor-Aid they've been trying to promote as life-saving water of truth.

    For recording the program at an assembly hall, I always had the best success of recording the broadcast from the radio signal for the hearing impaired.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    So, they had to sit through a 2-1/2 hour snorefest for a serving of grey kool-aid...

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