Feedback from study of JUL 15 WT - Tell Us WHEN Will These Things Be

by konceptual99 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • konceptual99

    Just got back from meeting. The study today was as expected. A combination of simple acceptance, formulaic research and mistakes.

    There are clearly many who cannot read a reference (to the WT 95) regarding the sheep and the goats and consider the repetition of the the understanding of the timing of the judging as new light. Comments about how we should now treat people on the ministry reflected people's complete lack of appreciation the interpretation has been around for 18 years. Even the visiting speaker in his closing prayer made mention of this. If an elder gets it so wrong then what hope have the R&F got?

    There were also comments about how amazing it is going to be that the UN are going to turn on religion. We must not get swayed by the idea that religion is too big to be taken down. Funny that no one mentions that the UN would also have to completely reject a number of it's own articles on human rights. Having said that of course "god will put it into their hearts" - the get out clause that trumps any critical thinking on the matter.

    No one mentioned (but why would they) that the interpretation of the timing of the GT with respect to 1914 might have changed (back in 69) but was a change on top on several changes about what 1914 signified.

    Of course this week is just a taster as to the major new idea that we just love so no doubt my frustration whilst sitting there is just going to grow and grow and grow....

  • hoser

    I have to go this morning and I'm going to try to not think about it. It is a waste of my mental energy and time. They could come up with a teaching that jesus was an alien and it wouldnt matter. Most of the dubs will not question or like some will say that they had a feeling it was like that all along.

    It is a religion of a lot of people accepting without questioning or putting their questions aside and "waiting on jehovah"

    I just have to figure out a way to preserve my family and my mental health through this whole situation.


  • AnnOMaly

    On another thread, JW GoneBad said there were many awkward silences where comments weren't readily coming. Elders had to put their hands up and bail out the Watchtower conductor (or whatever the Newspeak term is now - neurons not firing). There seemed to be a vibe of uncertainty.

    My MIL anticipated that it was going to be a struggle for her WT conductor to get answers from the congo too. Whether this turns out to be the case or not, we'll only find out later.

    I'm interested to see what others who attended made of the congo atmosphere today.

  • 88JM

    Just back from the meeting here too. It didn't help that the WT conductor is a complete moron. Forget about trying to nail down what the Watchtower is saying - he could barely pronounce the word "clarifications" - I was having a good chuckle to myself.

    Much the same as has already been said - total acceptance and answered with enthusiasm. Surprisingly the older ones were probably the most enthusiastic, as if what they had really believed all along has finally been vindicated. I can only hope it was ringing alarm bells for younger ones.

    As far as comments not being forthcoming, it's was a bit difficult to tell as the congregation here is very bad normally anyway!

    Some of the most "cult-ish" bits for me were paragraphs where the questions were basically: "what did you believe when you got up this morning?" and "what do you believe now?" - it was basically saying: "let us do all the thinking for you".

    The conductors final comments just topped it off for me, where he said: "'s quite encouraging to see these clarifications - they're very simple and very straightforward, so please read up on them again if we're not sure what some of the points are. But we're very grateful to the faithful slave for providing us food at the proper time."

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Our WT Overseer told everyone straight away that it was going to be a difficult WT for some, but don't worry, all the answers were in the paragraphs so they didn't have to concern themselves about giving their own answers - just read it as it is printed and it would be the right answer!

    One long serving brother pointed out that the "chosen ones" included the other sheep!!! The following paragraph contradicted his point of view!

    Can't wait for the next three articles to be analysed!!

  • losingit

    I'm tempted to listen in on the meeting today, with headphones on bc i have important stuff to do, haha

    My former congregation is great with comments. We really do have some bright young ones and smart elders. I wish i could see their faces. Because their comments to me were so reasonable, reassuring, and uplifting. Now, what will they sound like? Im ccurious.

  • prologos

    nobody pointed out that the very old light of the great Tribulation (Par.3 & review) being cut short IN the MIDDLE (from 1918 to very soon),

    really is a better parallel to the FIRST century fulfillment, because

    There was then the first siege of Jerusalem, the withdrawal and interruption and exit of the chosen ones, and the resumption when the roman armies returned to finish the job.

    A brother opined that the clergy will be killed and the institutions' wealth, the REAL target will be stripped, confiscated to cure the world's financial woes. wow.

    Is that behind the WTBtS preoccupation with wealth?

    Searcher: The chosen ones might well be the non-sealed, Isaiah 65:22, and why would flesh of the chosen ones have to be saved for they have already been "RAISED" to heaven Prior to the beginning of the BIG show, the A?

    a can of worms, or Pandoras box/Horn of plenty.

  • prologos

    There were no "enlightened" comments one could identify among the clutter, but

    the WT conductor for the first time in years was on the top of it, and actually stopped wayward (beyond the question at hand) commenting. but

    silence does not signal consent.


    It was as I expected, nobody gives a shit if anything changed. At least nobody voiced it out loud. Our congregation commenting support was as it normally is. I think ex jw's care about this more than jw's do.

  • wallsofjericho

    i was there.

    people don't ask "why" the changes are ocurring, they just accept the change and try to sound smart by answering all the questions as though this all just makes so much sense now.

    very few would think to ask "how is it that Jesus 2 part 2nd coming isn't actually 3 parts now but but still only 2 parts but now the 2nd part has 2 parts in itself?"

    It took me a while but I finally found the splinter point to affect this change. Math 24:45 is a 2 part fulfillment. JC's arrival in 1914 to select & cleanse the anointed over a 4 year period (1914-1918). The second is when JC arrives to appoint the F&DS over "all his belongings" which is effectively when the anointed are raptured.

    Intersting to note, we now just believe the same timeline we did 50 years ago, that is, Great Tribulation, periof of time, Armageddon. Except now we have pushed the start of the GT to a future time by splitting Math 24:45 into a 2 part fulfillment.

    this was necessary to make sure the 2nd generation of the overlapping generations would have something to look forward to after all the 1st generationers are long dead.

    Congratulations WTS! Armageddon is now on an infinite timeline that is still coming tomorrow!!

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