by Terry 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    I enjoy e-books, but even more, I love audiobooks. There's just something about having a book 'read to me' that makes the experience even better.

  • GLTirebiter
    Do e-books reproduce images?

    I have many ebooks (.mobi format) with illustrations. Pen-and ink drawings (and wood cuts) reproduce well on the black-and-white Kindle e-ink display. The display does not have really high resolution, so photos will lose detail.

  • creativespirit

    Terry -

    I have stopped at your posts for years - I posted under another name before and always treasured any time you would answer.... I think you are one of the very best here....

    My preference would be 6x9 and would pay any price.....but as a member of the general public who does not know you the upper level would be around $20...

    I will certainly buy your book, and though I only come here on intermittently now, just to check what is going on....I will always look at what you have to say,

    My only thought is that what you are writing would most likely appeal only to Jw/xJw's and I wish it could hook into a wider audience somehow....

    I know it has been touched upon by others, but perhaps a connection to others who have been taken in by other cults as well...

    Probably most xjws are already familiar with you....and there needs to be a connection to those who are not so familiar with all the jw shennanigans...

    Thanks for all your thoughtfulness and all your dedication.


  • fakesmile

    oh, snap. the book i were waiting for. DO IT. dont get hung up on the butterflies. write it with the same feeling that you put into your posts. as far as getting published, i would send a draft to oprah. she loves stories like this. and remember, the only thing worse than failure is to have never tried.

  • tec

    6 by 9, or e-book.

    Benefits to you for an e-book (unless you have a publisher to take on the costs) is that you have no out of pocket costs for printing. Unless you have a traditional publisher, I would go that route, and then just have a back-up plan available to get print books if you get a large enough demand for them.

    Some e-book publishers will also provide print books. Amazon doesn't (as far as I know, and it could be different now from when I last looked into it) but Amazon seems to be the easiest route to go if you're doing it all yourself and maintaining full control.

    You going to prison for being a conscientious objector is enough to grap the interest of even people who have no experience with the wts, imo. Just something to keep in mind.

    Price-wise... e-books go for as much as print books now, and you get a much higher ratio of sales (either from no overhead, and/or from going at least 50/50 with you e-book publisher).

    And congratulations!!

    Peace to you,


  • LogCon

    6 x 9

  • laverite

    Probably good to offer both a print version for those who want print on demand as well as an e version for those who want an ebook. I'd prefer an ebook personally. :)

  • tornapart

    I definitely prefer e-books for exJW writings, so I don't leave anything lying around for still in JW relatives to find. Having said that.. perhaps I ought to! LOL

    I love reading other's experiences and would buy it like a shot. Not sure what price I'd pay.. just average novel price I guess.

  • Ucantnome

    i prefer 6x9

  • Terry

    I enjoy e-books, but even more, I love audiobooks.

    Excellent idea. I actually thought of that about a month ago.

    I'm not sure what is invovled, but, I'll check that out today. Thanks

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