JW drone posted typical JW response about Syria on my Facebook wall

by TheStumbler 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket
  • snare&racket

    Don't send that. You will regret it, it has too many red buttons in it.

    send the exact letter but with all unpleasant references to WT removed. I would keep but change 'my facebook page with the Watchtowers most recent rhetoric.'

    but remove anything else. It will dilute the message because he will just see those comments and ignore the valid and intelligent points you are making.

    also don't use their word apostate in the bottom section, maybe say ... 'If i posted alternative views in disagreements with your beliefs on your facebook, or as you call them 'apostate' views'

    also when you give an example about disfeloowshipping, dont say not believing in the FDS say something like...'what if a JW was to publicly announce in a KH in a talk or in an answer at the WT study that they believed having blood was ok, because jesus broke the law in order to heal people, a law punishible by death, because he felt that life was more valuble than law. and what if that jw repeated that view point, what if they really believed it? Would you allow them to express it freely? What if a jw was to announce in an answer or a talk that no history book says 607bce and that historical artefacts repeatedly give an alternate date, what woukd happen to them? ' etc etc etc.....

    snare x

  • TheStumbler

    Thanks. I really appreciate the suggestions. I like your wording about blood and607.

    I think you might be right about softening it and removing some of the trigger words. I will try and keep the main points.

  • label licker
    label licker

    I'd rather volunteer for a scientist any day then for watchtower. At least if I have any questions I won't be cast out like I had leprosy therefore made to die. No one to come near me due to my new label as mentally diseased all because I asked a question???? Scientists do more for the world then a cult who can't even find a cure for us mentally diseased! They can't even answer our questions and nor do they try to reason with us even though they carry around with them a reasoning from the scripture book. Scientists make a whole lot more sense than these quacks and aim to find answers to questions.

    It's ok to answer questions but god forbid if you question one of their answers.

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