The collapse of the WBTS? - I don't think so.

by dmouse 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • spender

    xenu never makes any sense, whether by trying to answer a question, or by going on and on about her/his/its equations for the universe, aliens, and yeshua and elohim...just a lot of jibba jabba and no meat to anything he/she/it says. It's not even worth reading.

  • lotus

    the answer is "next generation" the Watchtower will not collapse because they are God's people, who else declares Gods name and the good news of the kingdom all over the earth? Matt 24:14
    There might be a refining take place though, Dan 11:35
    Whom Jah loves he disciplines Hebrews 12:6.
    Over time, even God's own people get problems. Is your family PERFECT people, do you disown them if they're not? Would you move out of a house because of a leaky roof? Enough said. I wish you can all have the wisdom to wait. I am a young anointed , and I'm staying loyal to wait, you'll see.

  • qwerty


    I have always liked your posts.
    This one is no differant, one of common sense. I have to agree with you Bro.


  • Xenu


    The Leaders of the Jehovahs WTS will answer to Elohim and His
    appointed King Yeshua. The leaders of Jehovahs have restrictions that they must abide by, these are found in the works and words of the Saints.

  • eyeslice

    I do not think there will be an imminent collapse but what is obvious is the way things are slowly starting to fall apart.

    I was speaking to my dad (in the truth for over 45 years now) on the phone just the other night, and he mentioned another disfellowshipping of a young person in his congregation. He bemoaned the fact that "we are losing them out the back door faster they are coming in through the front".

    In my congregation I stepped down as an elder recently, and we have had other 'moderate' elders move to other congregations. But I look round and ask who is going to replace us relatively younger elders? Being in the truth all my life, I have worked on kingdom hall constructions since I was 12, gave public talks from 18, was a bookstudy conductor at the same age, appointed a ms as soon as the arrangement came in, served as an elder in a 3rd world country (SE Asia) with my wife and family for a while. But I can't see the enthusiastic youth coming up through the ranks. The loss of the highly motivated and enthusiastic R&F is the rot that is setting in. I guess like a building that is rotting, at fist nothing looks too bad and it won't collapse over night but the point will be reached when things will fall apart in a big way.

  • Francois

    Well there's a whole lot more to life than being an ex-JW; or waiting and watching and wishin' and lookin' and hopin' that the Borg will fall. Who really gives a fart in a hurricane what happens to them?

    I personally think that the Borg will be around for quite awhile yet because its membership is largely made up of emotionally ill/immature people and there is apparently an endless supply of such people in the world. These people can endure the most excruciating cognitive dissonance and complete absence of intellectual integrity.

    In the meantime, I will go about my business preparing to retire in fine style (because I'd been ignoring their dire warnings for years before I took the other foot out, especially that one about college), travel the world, work wonders, and bump stumps. Let them continue to sentence their youth to a lifetime of struggle cleaning up other people's shit, and attempting to raise children on a dollar two ninety eight a month.

    I didn't get out of the JWs in order to be nothing more than an ex-JW, hurling rocks from the opposite cliff for the rest of my life. Besides, the more you hate something, the more you become just like the object of your hatred. For instance, the JW leadership and Adolph Hitler.



  • jerome


    Is your family PERFECT people, would you disown them because the're not?
    No, no I wouldent. If I were a Witness I wouldent disown them because i'd have to treat them as though they were dead. When I see them coming down the street i'd cross to the other side. When I see them passing by and they look at me i'd turn away from them as quick as possible. And total strangers would be welcome in my house but the people who i grew up with i'd have to keep them outside where they belong whith the all the other wicked agents of satan where they belong. Oh and hang up if they ever decide to call.

    I dont think that you now what it is you're talking about. I was once in those shoes not to long ago. Thinking that the Watchtower wasent all that bad.

    No body is perfect but... (I love that word 'but')

    I dont coerce people to what I want them to do with threats of impending world wide calimity at the hand of God almighty.

    I dont allow little boys and girls be baby sit by pediophiles and force people who know whats going on and want to save the poor litte lambs to keep quiet if they know whats good fort them.

    I don't threaten anybody with death at the hands of God almighty if they question my authority.

    Would you move out of a house because it had a leaky roof?
    The roof is leaking?...

    The roof is LEAKING!

    Boy are you in for a surprise.

    I dont think I need to say anymore.


    p.s. Nice to have you here. Welcome to the board and BTW knowledge is power.

    Use it wisely.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    simon, he IS alive!!!

    inside the future of a shattered past

  • gold_morning

    Hi all,
    Just had to reply. This is from someone who has been where you were.......has been where you are now........and is trying to get where we all should be going.

    I was a witness at one time. I was where some of you are now. Bitter, angry, guilty and mostly lost. Lost with out a God to worhship because we were taught that there had to be ONLY ONE right religion to have God's love and Gift of life. There is no right religion to be saved. There is no works you can do to be saved.
    Romans 3:22 says Rightousness of God comes from faith in Jesus not religion. That means any religion or organization. That is from men..salvation is from God.

    Titus 3:5 says that we are saved thru Jesus, not form the things we have done. That means meetings and how many hours we use to put into service. John 8:51 says If we follow Jesus we will never see death. That does not say if we follow the Watchtower Bible and tract society we will never see death. or the Roman Chathlic church, or buddah..ect.....
    Epsians 2:8 says that is is God's gift to us that we are saved...and not our works that saves us. Jesus says HE is the way to life.

    Until you can differenciate between religion and God the anger will continue. If we are indeed to walk in Jesus steps and immitate him than the constant proving of who is right and wrong has to end. It is frustrating and tiring deep inside. No one has all the answers. Timothy says the mystery of Godliness is GREAT!! You don't need the answers to everything to be saved. When condeming You are taking His job away. He is the judge. WE are only to love and believe and accept Him. I mean truly know Him as a friend. We were all filled with knowledge about Him. It is totally different to know about someone and really know some one personally

    He was not bitter. He forgave and loved even till his last breath by forgiving a man on a cross next to him that was worthy of death. We are saved by our hearts that he reads. He came and preached to people to accept HIm.. not a certain religion. Most of these people were against Him, yet he held no anomosity. He would look at the crowds and feel compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepard (him). Look at the many good people in the JW society and feel their legalistic burden their religion has put on them and use to put on you. Then feel bad for them... just like Jesus would have felt and does feel.

    Till you can look outside the box, so to speak, and have compassion for the witnesses that are so lost you will remain lost yourselves. You will continue to have guilt, anger and confusion. Jesus takes that away. That is why His yoke is light. We don't have to be angry and judge.

    After leaving the JW's your next step to get to know Jesus. I always say to just read the book of John like a good book. NO memeorizing scriptures to debate someone. Just read it like a good read for enjoyment........without the "watchtower glasses" on. Learn to really pray again. It is hard at first, but you will be amazed that once you get to know Him as your friend how easy it is to really talk to HIm. We never really prayed the right way as witnesses. Prayers were not repititious, but they were so formal. Jesus said in the book of John that there is no greater friend than one that would die for you...yet that is what I did. He said, I am your friend.

    Your salvation and cure that you all really wish for, comes thru Jesus!! Period!! Quit the anger, guilt, unworthyness, confusion, hurt and sadness. He said to throw those burdens onto Him. He really does take them. I can only say these things because I was feeling like you do now. I NEVER THOUGHT I would get it all together again. I thought I would be haunted with this forever. It was a struggle to open my heart but it was so worth it. I opened it up to "just" God!! You don't have to search for the right religion. It isn't there. It is only between you and Him. That is all. It is a gift as the bible says. You don't have to do anything for a gift.... but say thankyou.

    I always say, that i take the time to write these things because I TRULY TRULY TRULY CARE. May you all find peace and your promise you want thru Jesus Christ. agape love gold morning

  • simwitness


    Many of your thoughts resonate within me. I have echoed them before to countless others.

    For myself, this site serves as a sounding board, and a listening post to "undo" the the damage the WTBS has done. For some of us, it is very difficult to get past this.

    Until I found this site a short time ago, I felt very alone in my thoughts, and felt I had no where to gather with others of "like mind". I am still getting used to the idea of posting here.

    Getting outside the "box" that the WTBS puts us in requires much kicking, scratching and clawing. Ever watched a kitten escape from a cardboard box? Not a pretty site, but when it's out, boy it's out!.

    I excaped many years ago, found the meaning of Christ while in the Air Force, was baptised, and since have moved beyond the need for "organized religion"... I have allways felt very secure in my beliefs, but never could quite "defend" them to the extent that some require. This site, and the many people here, have helped me to shore up my defenses.

    (Some background, I studied in for apx 10 years, left (or went inactive) around 15-16. My Dad is an Elder, has been in for 25+ years, we have a strong relationship, but I know he wants me "in" and he of course believes the WTBS is the only "good" one out there, reguardless of past faults... Needless to say, with my recently discovered information, our conversations are "interesting...").

    I know I have gone way off topic, but I have been needing to write this for some time now, and I thank you for listening.

    On to the topic at hand:

    1 sure "sign" that the WTBS is having serious issues is how "reactionary" they have become. Up until recently they rarely acknowleded the "Russell" years, and now they realize they HAVE TO. THe recent posts/quotes dealing with apostates, and the recent "If we knowingly lied we wouldnt..." stuff shows an incredible bit of reactionary stuff. This generally happens to anyone when they have been caught with thier pants down. Honest people usually never have to defend their actions....They may have to prove thier intent, or thier reasoning, but defense is usually not required.

    Thanks again for listening...

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