I just got ripped off for two grand :-(

by Mindchild 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Mommy of course has NOT suddenly and miraculously appeared from the great beyond to ATTACK the horrible enemy TeeJay.
    No.No. Mommy has drifted in, with all compassion and concern, to assist poor Skippy, who she just knows is very busy this week.
    Lol Mommy.

    The ones who responded to Kent are privy to information, you just don't have. Their reactions may not be the same as yours because they have a better picture of all the facts.

    Well mommy, if these people have enough facts to brand Mindchild a "bullshit artist', and you know they know these facts, then it seems YOu would know the facts behind Minds being a "bullshit artist' as well!! Logical huh??
    That being the case...how come you still have Island business dealings with him? Do you think hes a bullshit artist??
    If he isnt, I guess Kents been pretty horrible to him huh?

    Hey Mind!
    I love ya man.
    Come back anytime.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    My Dearest Larc,

    Posted twice for emphasis, eh?

    “cognitive dissonance” You silly men, the visual creatures that you are. My username has absolutely nothing to do with my picture, what I look like, OR even who I am. However, I DO thank you for the compliment

    I have to admit, I was gone from the board for awhile. Oh, occasionally, I lurked. I do know of the very acrimonious departure of some of the more "controversial" posters to a board created by Kent.

    However, we are finally getting some peace over here, and hold on to your hat folks, here we go again. It’s obvious Teejay has an ax to grind with MC. Fine! Grind it in email.

    What? Teejay got kicked off Kents board? Now that’s a big surprise! Teejay got his revenge on MC for siding with Kent. Oh, good one!

    I must confess, I DID interpret Teejays first post differently than he, perhaps, intended. Musta been yellin at the kiddies at the time and missed a sentence. Oh well. However, after reading his post to Imbue, I got the true meaning and well, I gotta tell ya, I stand by my comments.

    Now, Larc, I still respect you and find value in most of your posts. You were the first one to answer one of my silly questions on this board. By silly, I mean, not to me, but perhaps to others in its naivety. So, I CHOOSE to take no offense in the “airhead” comment. That being said, how I come across to you is of little concern to me. I know WHO and WHAT I am. You, or others, may think me a Rhodes Scholar, an airhead, or a crab infested trailer park whore. Whatever that choice is, I will leave the choosin’ up to YOU.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey TJ!
    Just went for a quick look.
    Nothins changed. Tina slamming them, and Julie offering consolation and conciliation! And poor old Skip sweating and justifying himself in the middle.
    Aint it great??
    The old ONE TWO.

  • Prisca

    Mommy/Wendy!! What a pleasant surprise!

    I see you've made your monthly sarcasm visit. I hope you won't reveal any personal information regarding Skipper on this board, just like you did on Kent's. That wouldn't be very nice, would it?

    On this thread you made some interesting comments. Let's start with this one:

    As for the out of context quotes he posted from another forum, even appearing on two seperate threads.
    I notice others on Kent's board quote, or at least use links, from this board. So does that put your friends on Kent's board in the same league as TJ, when you say:

    That speaks volumes for how far he will go to instigate, pot stir, continue his destructive behavior, etc.
    I know you are speaking about your favourite poster teejay, yet you yourself do the very same here. You have stopped posting on this board in the past month, although you are a regular poster on Kent's. Yet when you have posted here since Kent's board opened, it is always to "stir the pot" yourself.

    Eg. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=24710&site=3

    Then you go proclaim regarding Mind Child:

    I have supported him on this forum before so I know that many of you know I am involved.
    Yeah, was that the same way you "supported" him on Kent's forum, by revealing information that would have only been privvy between yourself and MindChild? Information about the business venture between you that made him look a bit dodgy? At least that's the way it came across to me, let alone anyone else. Were you really trying to blacken his name, or did it just come across that way?

    Heck I haven't even weaseled his "real" name out of him yet.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... yet you're a "business partner" with him????

    Umm, didn't you say you moved to/were moving to Florida to start up the business with him? But you don't know his name? okaaaaayy..... [8>]

    Sigh, there's so much more I could pull apart with your post to teejay, but after finding out you don't even know your business partner's name...... I can't stop laughing....

  • Naeblis

    That's the point Prisca. If he was on the up and up, why would he not give them his name. Get it now? Good.

    Anyways, I know very little details about this, and wish to know even less. Personally, I wouldn't put any of my money up with people that I hadn't met and associated with for somet ime. Maybe not even then.

  • Prisca


    That's my point too. Why claim to be in business (and be sprouting how well the plans are going etc etc) when she doesn't even know his name?

    Let's just hope Wendy isn't as stupid as she appears.

  • Naeblis

    Petty and mean. Come on. Can't you give this a rest? At lest pick on Friday with me, that's actually fun.

  • Prisca

    Nah, not being petty & mean. Just asking her a few questions in the same manner she's treated teejay and MindChild. If she can dish it out, surely she can take it back.

    I know you can Naebs

  • Naeblis

    Ah what do I care. I'm just bitter that after a year of fighting you guys still haven't ripped each others shirts off.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I wish Prisca would rip my shirt off!

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