Are You Upset My Miley Cyrus' Performance On MTV Awards?

by minimus 71 Replies latest social entertainment

  • glenster

    Filth, filth, filth.

    Could someone post a video of it?

  • stillin

    Hey, look at me! I used to be a cute, wholesome little girl but I grew up to be a big slut! Whoopee! All of you adoring little-girl fans can be sluts...just like me!

  • designs

    Her managers scored a coup, 'go and hump the 36 year old married man, that'll be great for your career'........any bets she's in rehab by 30.

  • adamah

    The young brunette woman in Robin Thicke's vid.....luscious beyond description.

    Oh, yeah. Her name is Emily Ratajkowski, and here's her twitter page where she explains they're natural (a pic of her at 14 in a bikini):

    WARNING! NSFW! (WELL, it likely IS, but better safe than sorry....)


  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    thanks adamah:)

  • sarahsmile

    Want attention act like vomit.

    Next she will act like a lady and marry Brad Pitt! And people will think she is wonderful. She will grow up.

  • JakeM2012

    Emily Ratajkowsk Austin Powers says, "Good God!"

  • EmptyInside

    It's a shame she doesn't know the difference between being sexy vs. trashy. She has trashy down though.

  • Jeffro


    I am more upset about an impending war in Syria.

    What he said.

  • Skbj


    for real? Dang they can take me for 3rd person although I might have to turn them down for Pharrel the genius...I'm hooked on that dude for years he's beyond awesome and I like to add same birthday as mine That Blurred lines has been my jam for the past how many months! Just puts me in a good mood no matter how bad of day I'm having.

    For someone to be sexy they don't even need to move or open their mouth and act a fool like Miley did. Perfect example is Emily Ratajkowsk. Even without seeing her half naked she inspires sex. From the first frame of the video she's sexy.

    Miley IMO is just another Britney replica all and for all. Anyhow, all these kids who found fame at young age have been robbed of golden time that will never come back for them and they ALL pay the price.

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