Are You Upset My Miley Cyrus' Performance On MTV Awards?

by minimus 71 Replies latest social entertainment

  • JakeM2012

    Upset no, I think the highlights showed bad entertainment. Now as far as Bethel goes, this would not be appropriate clothing for a tour of the Bethel Facilities.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    They should put this in the Secret Elder's Manual to illustrate what they mean by "Brazen Conduct"

  • Skbj

    The only person that should be concerned is Paula Patton and she doesn't seem to care lol.

    Miley is trying to be the next Rhianna or somethin' problem is she's has ZERO sex appeal that's a . Addition to that she has no ass so that's another She could of gone on that stage naked and wouldn't have bothered me as she isn't sexy. Finally: she looks like a child and she acts like a child so unless someone find that sexy and i assume they are sick in their head, she got nothing going for her and that's my final

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    It was sexy...let her be 20 for Jehovahs sake!!!.......when I was 20 the most risky thing I did was thinking the whore of babylon was kinnda hot...I like drunk girls.

  • ShirleyW

    The only person that should be concerned is Paula Patton and she doesn't seem to care lol.

    Exactly Skbj, everyone who heard Howard Stern's interview with Robin Thicke could kinda figure out that Paula wouldn't care about Miley. Robin said that sometimes they like to bring in 3rd person for their "marital due". (btw inerview is YouTube)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I wanted to be "the beast."

  • adamah

    Is this the part where we're supposed to say, "what IS this World coming to?!?" M-kay.

    That was actually pretty tame for Robin Thicke, who put out a topless version of the "Blurred Lines" music video:


    Here's the clothed version:


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Not upset. I just think she's a bogan attention seeker. Very trashy.

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    The young brunette woman in Robin Thicke's vid.....luscious beyond description.

    Miley? Meh. I couldn't care less. She's moderately attractive at best, face and bod are nothing all that spectacular, she was annoying on that moronic tweener show, and she remains annoying as an adult.

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    Julia that's the second time i've seen the word "bogan" used on the internet today, having never seen it before in my life. LOL. I hope it catches on in America - great slang word.

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