Did the Serpent Lie?

by CyrusThePersian 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Farkel

    Here's the deal: of COURSE the serpent told the truth. Bible confirms it by the words of Bible-God Himself.

    Here's the bad news: for telling the truth the serpent got his legs whacked off by Bible-God who also said he had to eat dust. Well, the serpents got along nicely after their legs were whacked off and they ignored the eating dust part and Bible-God didn't whack anything else of for them for that.

    Bible-God is such an unpredictable prankster!

    Wonder what he is going to whack off next for people telling the truth?


  • Comatose

    The serpent was a freedom fighter. I appreciate that freedom I have.

  • sarahsmile

    Read the following:

    15 And Jehovah God proceeded to take the man and settle him in the garden of E′den to cultivate it and to take care of it. 16 And Jehovah God also laid this command upon the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. 17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.”

    18 And Jehovah God went on to say: “It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him.” 19 Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name. 20 So the man was calling the names of all the domestic animals and of the flying creatures of the heavens and of every wild beast of the field, but for man there was found no helper as a complement of him. 21 Hence Jehovah God had a deep sleep fall upon the man and, while he was sleeping, he took one of his ribs and then closed up the flesh over its place. 22 And Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and to bring her to the man.

    Eve was created after God spoke to man Adam and command he should not eat the fruit!

    Read the following:

    1 Now the serpent proved to be the most cautious of all the wild beasts of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it began to say to the woman: “Is it really so that God said ? YOU ? must not eat from every tree of the garden?” 2 At this the woman said to the serpent: “Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat. 3 But as for [eating] of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘Y OU ? must not eat from it, no, ? YOU ? must not touch it that ? YOU ? do not die.’” 4 At this the serpent said to the woman: “Y OU ? positively will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day of ? YOUR ? eating from it ? YOUR ? eyes are bound to be opened and ? YOU ? are bound to be like God, ? KNOWING ? good and bad.”

    NOTICE YOU referring to Eve! So was the Serpent lying? Not too sure that he was lying because Eve was not created and God never told her she would die. God talked with Adam and he was not suppose to eat from the tree. Eve repeated what God expressed to Adam.

    God never told Eve she would die! I do not think God ever spoke with Eve. I bet Eve enjoyed the fruit before giving it to Adam to eat.

    Also how did the Serpent or Eve know what death would be like? How would grain eaters understanding death unless they saw animals die. If animals died it was not a perfect paradise. I always thought Adam to be like the Croods because he knew what life was like outside his cultivated garden! Yet too stupid to understand that he might get put out! Just saying he was not created in the garden but brought there. Now Eve pure and innocent made out to be the one who brought sin into the world!

    Anyhow and I am a believer so I guess I will have to wait on Jehovah to straighten everything out. JOKE.

  • sarahsmile

    Does anyone know what uze means? Because if you eat from the fruit you will positively uze. Would you know that uze means something horrible?

    Uze might mean you would be like God which really might be better than pulling weeds!

  • prologos

    In the story satan said: "-- for God knows--" It is wrong for anyone to pretend to claim to know what God knows, God thinks.

    Wt does it all the time. meaning really what the wt writing department thinks, feels .

    Satan misjudged Gods determination to have a monopoly and would restrict A&E diet by neans of the twirling swords.

    they died a natural death as was to be expected.

    If satan did not lie, he was misinformed.

    A false prophet,

    not the last one though,

    this week's service meeting part notwithstanding.

  • slimboyfat

    Ah Francesca...

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