Please help. I am losing the plot.

by wordyword 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ablebodiedman


    It's a fire that cannot be put out!

    Jeremiah 5:14

    Therefore this is what Jehovah, the God of armies, has said: "For the reason that YOU men are saying this thing, here I am making my words in your mouth a fire, and this people will be pieces of wood, and it will certainly devour them."

    The kings of the earth ARE gathered to the place called Armageddon.

    While people are still waiting for it to happen, the war of the great day of God the Almighty is already well underway!


  • 144001

    Despite my previous posts, some here keep recommending going to the authorities over this matter. Fortunately, Wordyword has already wisely decided to avoid this action. For anyone in similar circumstances, educate yourself before you contact authorities and potentially initiate conservatorship proceedings in probate court.

    Going to the authorities in the manner that some have suggested here can result in the court appointing someone not of your choosing to serve as your parent's conservator(s) (there are conservatorships of the estate (financial conservatorship) and the body (conservatorship of the person)). That person/entity will most likely receive court-ordered compensation for being a conservator ofyour parent's estate and/or person. The conservator could also be a county agency or a private fiduciary that provides conservatorship services. The court could also impose other restrictions, some of which could be sought by your parents, including forbidding you from visiting, etc.. One thing is very certain; a conservatorship proceeding will be very expensive for your parents, and they will have no choice but to pay all the costs, including the costs of the county's counsel, who will likely be a party to such proceedings. There's a real good chance your parents will hate you for the rest of their lives for the radical change this could cause to their lives and happiness.

    For those who have made the recommendation to go to the authorities without first seeking legal advice, please learn more about conservatorships before you ever make that suggestion to anyone again. If ever there was an issue warranting spending money on an attorney, conservatorships/elder law is it.

  • Splash

    Go to the elders to explain you need to see your mum.

    If they will not help then tell them you will go to the local press and you will call Bethel to warn them what you intend to do.

    Your request as a caring child is reasonable and falls into the Necessary Business category.

    You need to get tough on this and their pressure point is bad publicity. Push on it.


  • wordyword

    Really appreciate your kind comments.

    UPDATE: The local elders have called in to see my parents. They basically said that, due to the circumstances of them being in poor health etc, it was more or less my Christian duty to call in to see if they are ok. As long as we kept off the subject of religion. However, since those black and white, no grey areas watchtower articles came out and that bloody talk from the DC, my DAD SAYS THE ELDERS ARE NOT FOLLOWING WHAT THE SOCIETY SAYS! The elders have said I have to respect HIS CONCIENCE!!!

    This is getting better this.......

  • wordyword

    I spoke to a dear friend who I've known for years (a very genuine, what I would have called a true JW) and he updated me on this. He says he's going to try and work on my dad and make him see sence. But how what do you think the atmosphere will be like if I do go around ?

  • Earnest

    It sounds like your father is convinced he is the only one in the congregation who is still a true Christian and nothing that Satan or his agents can use against him will break his integrity.

    May I suggest that you write to the Society and ask them whether the allowance for "family business" still applies in light of recent articles and the bloody talk from the DC. If they reply it will almost certainly be in support for limited access in a case such as yours which we can hope your father will accept. If they do not reply then consider approaching the CO with the problem and he may be able to help.

  • Splash

    Sounds like your dad is harbouring rebellious independent thoughts. Does he not respect the organisational arrangement fir elders? I smell apostacy.

    Lets call it what it is - your dad is indoctrinated and brainwashed. He lives in fear. You cannot reason with a mind which no longer thinks.


  • Giordano

    I would make a call to Elder Services and find out what they have to say. Bring up their age, the beauty shop information indicating your mother is ill and the fact that your father is preventing you from checking on your mother because his religion encourages shunning. Don't give out any names, address's until you understand what if anything can be done under the circumstances.

    As far as the atmosphere goes who cares, you just want to know your mother is cared for and not in danger.

    My mother always got her hair done every week......... when she couldn't go any longer......... she was definitely not doing well.

  • wordyword

    Hi splash, ..... And I thought it was me that was the apostate! Even that drives me mad. Apostate. Brains are allowed to think, ask questions and expect reasonable answers, especially where your religious faith is concerned. I do believe that there is a lot of things that the witnesses teach are true. But when my dad asked me if I accepted EVERYTHING the "faithful slave" teach, i am afraid I don't. This organisation has changed so much in the last decade, especially since Dan Sidlick died and John Barr. It really does come across as being a corporation, which to me is a crying shame!

    There are many dear, faithful people in that organisation. Real genuine people. But sadly, like Dan Sidlick, the old style "Dutch uncle" - 3 sheparding visit per year elders are dying off and being replaced with MS training school - facts and figures - watchtower men - zealots, who are simply "not shepherding the flock with kindness". And I fell fowl of these time and time again.

    I am still hurting very much from past dealings with this type and am not ready to even think about going back. But if I am left alone to figure things out and get my head right, I very well might do! BUT BLACKMAILING ME WITH THE CHOICE OF NEVER SEEING MOTHER, FATHER OR BROTHER AGAIN UNLESS I "REPENT" IS NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS RIGHT. Surely I cannot be expected to go back under circumstances like that.

  • Crazyguy

    Where's the scriptural basis for shuning a non believer of a religion? There isn't one, in fact Jesus said to love even your enemies and Paul said to keep admonishing them as a 'brother'. If one is shunned then he is not considered a brother, this religion is purely evil.

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