Why do the GB need a new Bethel compound if the end is so close? Here is the "official" answer

by sir82 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Why do the GB need a new Bethel compound if the end is so close?

    Many an inquiring mind wants to know. There are over 7 milliion rank and file JWs asking themselves that same question! And to many the answer is quite obvious.....

    Self-indulgence, selfishness and greed are behind it all!

  • wolfman85

    May be the GB are afraid that this could happen to them...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc-W762YwG0


    So big "J" has never heard of the Neutron bomb...you remember it kills everyone but leaves the buildings standing. Oh wait a minute, it wouldn't fulfill that scripture about leaving a stone unturned (or something). Whatta bunch of maroons.


    PS. It's going on 7 years since my one and only JDubby daughter has spoken to me....or her brother or 93 year old grandmother.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Actually seeing the compound in Google maps (satellite view) for the first time, I am surprised to see how tiny it is going to be compared to all the Brooklyn estates.

    (When empires start crumbling).

  • sir82


    I don't think they are done clearing trees yet. It will be bigger than what you see now.

  • Vidiot
    Bats in the Belfry - "Actually seeing the compound in Google maps (satellite view) for the first time, I am surprised to see how tiny it is going to be compared to all the Brooklyn estates."

    Well, they don't call it "downsizing" for nothing.

  • designs

    You can't expect God to live in an old Brooklyn building now can you.

  • sir82
    You can't expect God to live in an old Brooklyn building now can you.

    Is tghat how Splane spells his name now?

  • Ding

    Does this mean that JWs who live or work in large metropolitan areas should leave town immediately and head for the hills?

  • Stealth

    Ever since 911 the GB have been concerned about the hoards of walking dead that would be busting down the doors of jah's arc in Brooklyn. Spain has nightmares about this.

    The countryside compound will be much safer.

    really it's about the $$$$$$$

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