Why do the GB need a new Bethel compound if the end is so close? Here is the "official" answer

by sir82 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • Comatose

    If you are a dub you believe in a god that can accomplish anything with magic. He can destroy every human being on earth but some JWs during big A. A god that sends fire and brimstone with directed tornados while protecting his people could very easily make the roads stay clear, or clear them in a blink if an eye. He could without any effort protect warehouses of equipment and supplies and tell his people where they are. When you are omnipotent and magical NOTHING matters. There is nothing that his HS or magic couldn't fix or do. So there likewise, there is no REAL reason related to any impending doom to move. For a true believer you could stand in the middle of a street and god would make the buildings fall around you and not on you.

    The move shows not that the GB is worried about Armageddon, but rather that they are worried of other things. Impending doom makes no logical sense to a dub. God can do anything. The move proves something else is going on and that GB doesn't have their money where their mouth is. End is not close in their minds either. At least not in the next 3 yrs.

  • Vidiot
    St. George - "Why should Splane and the rest of the GB care about Armageddon anyway? They get a one way ticket to heaven BEFORE the Big A starts, according to the 'New Light'. They'll be leaving any day now."

    Haven't they been kind of waffling about whether or not some of 'em will survive into the NS or die/be "Raptured" before/during/after the Big A?

    At this point, I'm a little fuzzy on what they think is actually gonna happen to them...

  • sir82

    Just to clear up any confusion, I think the "we" in his comments referred to "we, as Jehovah's Witnesses" not "We, the governing body".

    I missed part of the guys explanation, but I think I understood that they are going to try to be as "off the grid" as possible, or at least be prepared in the case of long term power outages. I think he mentioned something along the lines of geothermal heating and/or power.

    Regarding the exact address, I don't know, but I do remember (1) there was a couple-miles-long lake abutting the WTS property, and (2) there was some sort of backup data center for IBM very close by.

  • pixel

    But he ain't gonna use it. He is "going to heaven", unless he comes down to check on things after the Big A...

    On other note, I've heard JWs say that their new compound is going to be the Headquaters of the New World. I kid you not.

  • TD
    "I look out my window, and I see the Manhattan skyline, and I know that it is all going to be utterly destroyed. Why should we remain here in Brooklyn? Why not build far away from there, and we'll have beautiful buildings which we can continue to use after Armageddon?"

    So, Jehovah is a clumsy bull in the proverbial china shop and they need to build far away so he doesn't break their stuff too?

    --Stay classy, David...

  • bigmac

    didnt the owl and the pussycat sail away on a pea green sea in a sailboat made of chocolate-? or some such fairy tale?

    honestly----really--any wavering jw's reading this stuff---surely its time for a reality check---time to leave the cult folks----before the cult leaves you.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    So the GB don't put much trust in the bible or really just pick and choose what suits them. Joshua 6:1-27 outlines the fall of Jericho. God was able to be selective about what came down. Perhaps rather than spending millions without permission on a new Babylon they should head to Target or Wallmart and invest in some red scarfs to hang out of the windows in Brooklyn? Worked once and as God "never changes" I bet it would work again...

  • sir82

    You can see it on Google Maps!

    Type this into the Google Maps search box: World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, Warwick, New York

    You can zoom in and see all the land they've cleared already.

  • AnnOMaly

    Haven't they been kind of waffling about whether or not some of 'em will survive into the NS or die/be "Raptured" before/during/after the Big A?

    Yes they have. Now they're settling on this:

    [Illustration on p. 11, w2013, 7/15 - also cf. par. 17, p. 13-14]


    Shortly before Armageddon, the remaining faithful anointed ones are gathered to the heavens

    To add, I remember some years back where there was a campaign to replace the rotting KH roof (please dig deep into your pocketbooks). One elder truly believed that the new roof would help protect the congregation at Armageddon.

  • Ucantnome

    i always thought Noah never saw the destruction.

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