Elizabeth McFarland child abuse lawsuit on the news

by cedars 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

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    All these cases banging on WT's door.

    What I think will hsppen is that one will find the formula to be successful - the situation that existed, who was responsible, all counter arguments dismissed - then a precedent has been set.

    Given a successful prosecution I believe the dam will open then burst all over the world.

    The WTBTS may then find new light for titheing.


  • PaintedToeNail

    Elizabeth, Thank you for your courageous pursuit of justice. You have my sincerest best wishes for a positive outcome on this case.

  • problemaddict

    They are in a catch 22 here. They JUST revised their policy. SO the policy is still not to just roundly inform the proper authorities in EVERY CASE, in EVERY STATE, and in EVERY COUNTRY.

    I think that is all anyone really wants isn't it? Then they can do whatever hogwash internally they want to do. The reality is if the elders were given that flat and straight up instruction from the branch, they would have little real culpability, and the individual elders would be at fault and/or sued.

    Here is the catch 22. If they change their policy, even though claiming the current policy is the biblical standard, what does their response in action say about leading on the issue?

  • iclone

    They are on a slippery slope. If they were to abolish the "two witness" rule; on one hand it would greatly improve the safety of our little ones. It seems like this should be an easy choice. However I do not think they want to start a precedence of disregarding a so called unflappable bible principle. It could start an inner rebellion against other intrusive and restrictive bible principles that many JW’s reluctantly abide to. That is just my humble opinion.

  • steve2

    Good coverage cedars - very much appreciated!

    From a strictly "impression management" angle, the organization has dropped the leadership ball completely and comes across as blitheringly ignorant.

    And for an organization that both despises but wants recognition from the secular world, it refuses to get the right balance. Oh you proud but trembling men at the top of the tree!

    It is ludicrous that an organization in the 21st century has arrogantly wedded itself so inflexibly to an ancient law that existed thousands of years ago, along with stoning thieves to death and killing animals for religious sacrifice.


    Their hubris will be their undoing. The second witness can be the Superior authorities and forensics, no biblical principles compromised. The GB should hire me asap.

    Cedars, are you in a position to contact the legal team for Elizibeth McFarland? They need the Bethel procedural manual. Why? Because it proves that all JW's are considered "ordained ministers."


  • life is to short
  • *lost*
  • rebel8

    Horrible experience, and it's hard to listen to.

    But I'm so glad the truth is coming out.

    It both helps prevent further abuse from happening, and prevents innocents from ever joining in the first place.

  • laverite

    Bless her heart. I dearly hope she has been able to heal from what was done to her. Thank goodness she has spoken up. What a brave inspiration she is. Please let this inspire others to speak out, too.

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