First post

by EastCoastMindFree 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • EastCoastMindFree


    I have been on this site lurking for over 2 years and this is my first post, I feel so bottled with emotion that I have to let it out somehow so I do not have an emotional breakdown! I was raised in the organization and am married with 2 children ages 4 and 2. My wife and I have been inactive for about 2 years and I have ALWAYS had hard questions that were never answered growing up, such as blood policy and how David and his men were allowed to eat from the bread reserved for the high priests without death penalty since it was life or death. Carbon dating on human remains/tools that date back 30-40k years, far surpassing the 6k year man creation date, the double standards and very real "human" aspect on the organization and its decisions and history. I don't know so many other things. The biggest concern for me is that I have two small children and I am at the point where its make or break with teaching them this religion, on one hand I still do not celebrate holidays so they would miss out on that, and the other hand I am not bringing them to meetings because deep down inside I KNOW that it is very cultlike and brainwashing. I just don't know what to do and need support and have noone to talk to about it. Thanks for reading

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    Welcome East coaster or herring choker or what ever. Its just my opinion but the best thing you could do is seperate you and your young familly from this cult. You'll get lots of good advice on here. Just ask and you will recieve.

    And again WELCOME.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Welcome EASTCOAST.

    Handling this with kids is tough. I think a lot will depend on whether your wife is on board or not.

  • Mum

    Welcome! You're fading successfully, or so it seems. You need to let go of those negative emotions. Many will recommend that you read Steve Hassan's book Combatting Cult Mind Control, and I endorse this book also, although I have never read it.

    A book that helped me wake up and deal with my emotions was Dr. Wayne Dyer's first book, Your Erroneous Zones. His strategies for dealing with anger, stress, manipulation, etc. are simple and effective. Your thought patterns will change, and you will be a much healthier person.

    Can you move to another state or another town? This strategy helped me make my exit much more easily as well.

    If you need someone to talk to, call a priest, rabbi or minister. These individuals have the ability to answer questions about Biblical subjects, as they have studied at a high level.

    If you just need to vent, we're here for you.

    I have spoken with a young man in my area who has recently quit. He is registered on this forum but rarely posts. PM me, and I will tell you how to contact him.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    East Coaster after all the time I spent in the truth, it gives me greater pleasure to welcome someone out of "the truth" than it did to ever welcome someone into it.

  • gma-tired2

    The longer you stay in the longer it takes to break away from cult thinking and the more likely your children will imitate your cult thinking. I faded when my children were young but didn't fade enough and both of my children stayed long enough to be baptised. My grandchildren have not been raised around JW thinking and they are more comfortable living their FREE lives. Welcome to JWN.

  • DJS

    Welcome East Coaster,

    I was raised around the JWs from an early age and left nearly 2 decades ago after having been an MS and elder. For what it's worth I wish I had never heard of the cult; it is the single biggest mistake of my life, and the farther I get from it the more I can't believe I ever had anything to do with it. It all seems bizarre to me now, but like you it was my life and it was a difficult decision to make all those years ago.

    But please follow the advise of others and leave the cult now. Don't return. And start enjoying your life and raising your children without the oppression of the JWs. I wish someone had given me this advice a long time ago rather than telling me that I should quit college because the end was coming soon. After I left the JWs I went back to college, got 2 degrees and have lived an amazingly full and positive life.

    You and yours will too.

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    welcome! i too will advise you to embrace life on the outside and not let your children be exposed to the Borg.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    East coaster science is a pet project with me but I can't consider myself a professional but I have two children BSC degrees, that I am sure would be happy to assist you with any resarch you might like to do about evolution and the age of the earth questions? I submit my enquiry with humility.

  • zeb


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