Jehovah's Witness Mother Ends Relationship With Atheist Son

by Bangalore 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • darthweef

    Interesting that she says "

    "I must live by the commands and statutes laid down in the Bible by Jehovah himself. One of these commands has been the cause of great stress and grief to me …" - [Emphasis added]


    Yet according to the bible that she claims to believe none of god's commandments are burdensome ...

    Sorry you lost your family. I lost mine too. Cults suck.

  • darthweef

    Interesting that she says "

    "I must live by the commands and statutes laid down in the Bible by Jehovah himself. One of these commands has been the cause of great stress and grief to me …" - [Emphasis added]


    Yet according to the bible that she claims to believe none of god's commandments are burdensome ...

    Sorry you lost your family. I lost mine too. Cults suck.

  • Hortensia

    Well, if you keep on this path god's going to destroy you. I love you, son. Bye!!!

    I have a hard time understanding how they can think god is loving and at the same time believe he is going to destroy millions and millions of men, women and children because they aren't jehovah's witnesses. Doesn't matter whether they are good, decent people doing the best they can. Nope. They aren't JWs, therefore they are toast.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Absolutely atrocious

  • whathappened

    I am heartbroken for the both of you. Such a waste of precious time and a precious mother and son relationship. She feels she has to do this in order for you to come back into the fold and get everlasting life. She truly believes this is an act of ultimate love. She thinks she will call you to your senses.

    I am so sorry. This must be incredibly painful. She really does love you but she is just brainwashed by the Watchtower Society. Let's hope she awakens before too much time goes by.

  • Jeffro

    Basically the letter says:

    I love you.
    [blah blah blah] (tired religious rhetoric)
    I'm not going to talk to you anymore.
  • Bangalore

    How many families has this cult broken up? Yet they claim to be a loving,Christian organization.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    My atheist parents never terminated their relationship with their Jw daughter...what does that say about jws compared with atheists?!


    Atheists have the advantage in that they can express normal,healthy human emotions without the burden of some god, or his "representitives", telling them they need to ignore those emotions for a fictional 'greater good'.

    It's telling when the "godless" have a higher moral ethic than the religiously devout (deluded).

    Men, in order to do evil, must first believe that what they are doing is good.
    -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

  • Comatose

    Things my mom has said.

    "Jehovah only wants the best for us.

    he gives us the choice to serve him in love or to face the consequences of living a life in opposition to the creator.

    I have to put my love for Jehovah first, above everything that I would want."

    Things my dad said.

    "it's my everlasting life at stake."

  • fedup

    Seems like she's seeking the glory of man, which she will get from the WT and their sheepies, maybe even an interview at the BIG DC on how righteous she is.

    Stupid and sad how you can put BS before family. Very insulting to God thinking he allows and approves this unloving act.

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