1969 "fact": You will never grow old in this present system of things

by Ding 123 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I did't really notice that 1969 quote in 1969 when I was in high school. Or I sloughed it off. Things were rough at home. But I was not a 1975 believer..."come at a time you do not think it to be" Jesus said. Quite a statement to make...I'm sure the WTS just wants anyone alive then to forget.

  • Ding
    Quite a statement to make...I'm sure the WTS just wants anyone alive then to forget.

    Many JWs who were alive then HAVE forgotten it and join in as the GB feeds the same line to today's young people.

    Even if they do remember it, they parrot the line, "My service to Jehovah isn't tied to a date" or some other thought-stopping mantra.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    1969 was a traumatic time.

    I just realized yesterday, that during the summer of 1975, my ex and I were not expecting The Big A to come in that year or the next, or the next. That summer, we were on holiday in a beautiful part of the world, Tofino, BC. They were selling one acre lots for $10,000.00. I said let's buy one. He said no. I liked the ocean, he preferred lakes. Where he liked his Lake, the property only cost $500.00. I drew up a plan for the Lake, but he never would buy a lot.

    I always thought I would have eternity to design and build where ever I wanted.

    I woke up last year to reality.

    Just Lois

  • wallsofjericho

    this article was breifly alluded too at the DC this summer. the bro said something to the effect: (Paraphrasing) "some of you were told you would never graduate, and now you have grandchildren!" (muted laughter)

    it was almost poked fun at.... as if those articles didn't alter the life decisions of the listeners.

    They don't print articles like that anymore, but if you don't act like its coming tomorrow then your putting your trust in the world and your viewed as an unspiritual person


    excellent points everyone and especially Ding for posting this! I was one of the kids who grew up in the wake of 75 being told by parents that I'd never grow old.

  • DesirousOfChange

    this article was breifly alluded too at the DC this summer. the bro said something to the effect: (Paraphrasing) "some of you were told you would never graduate, and now you have grandchildren!" (muted laughter)

    And this will be referenced that the Society acknowledged their comments in the past about 1975 and do not attempt to "hide" the fact. This is realy a much better PR spin than ignoring it happened since it is plastered all over the internet now.

    Plus, isn't obvious that all spiritually strong Witnesses refuse to let such things damage their faith in Jehovah & His Organization. So what's wrong with you folks?


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    ...and that's why the Watchtower Library CD only goes back to 1970 on the Awake! magazine while the Watchtower rag goes all the way back to 1950...

  • Heaven

    I have my parent's hard bound 1969 Awake volume where this 'fact' is documented. Botchtower's 'facts' are really just opinions... fantasy... bull shiite.

    I am 51 years old. I was 5 years old when that 1969 Awake article was published.

    The failures of this organization are rather embarrassing. If this were a financial institution, I wouldn't invest one cent into it with this track record.

    It's a wonder they are legally able to continue pushing this drivel.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey calebs....interesting that you have revived this thread?...

    I agree completely...this is something that the GB have to be accountable for!

    They have directly ruined so many lives as a result of such printed comments...comments that they are now trying to pretend never existed!

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    I would like to get an original copy of this. Even just the bound volume. It is incredibly damning.

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