she won't stop

by apostate woman 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • apostate woman
    apostate woman

    Where do I start?

    My mom and dad had gotten into the JW religion about 23 years ago. About 5 years ago, my mom fell away from the religon and then eventually ended up divorcing my dad. Here it is, 5 years later - my mom is alone and is using religion to get back with my dad. Her intentions for going back are repulsive and wrong. Now she claims to be a devoted JW and is going overboard with it. It is not God that she is doing this for, it is to "shine" in my dads eyes only to win him back.

    Thing being is, my mom won't stop harassing me about going to meetings. She is using the brainwash tactics (which I am very aware of the mind game she has been taught to do thru the religion) by asking me "are you going to meeting this weekend"? "you do want to go, don't you"? That is the one question I HATE the most!!!!

    There is more!!!!!

    My younger sister got disfellowshiped about 2 years ago. My mom promised her that if she did ever get back into the religion - she would never abandon her. Well, guess what? My mom has turned her back on my sister. Why? All for my dad (and that fricken religion). NOW, my whole family is falling apart due to the "TRUTH" and causing much pain not only for my sister, but to me also.

    I had a friend who sent me a website of JW's and one part that I find quite a lie is "Jehovah Witnesses avoid making rules and regulations beyond those provided in the Scriptures". Please tell me where it says to destroy your family? Tell me where it says to harass people to attend meetings? Tell me where it says that Holidays are not to be celebrated?

  • Gopher

    Apostate woman,

    You are quite right to be angry. Like the Pharisees, the leaders of JW's invent rules, not based on the Bible, but rather based on the furtherance of their own agenda: which is mainly the wealth and health of their publishing society, and their influence and control over people. They will use scripture in an attempt to cloak their agenda.

    You are right on when you say they go beyond scriptures, in terms of harrassment to go to meetings, breaking up of families, and non-celebration of holidays.

    There is hardly any way to stop JW parents from believing and acting as they do -- they're following the program laid out for them. Hopefully over time the harrassment will diminish, and you can show them by leading a happy and productive life APART from the strict methodology of the JW's, that you don't need their "encouragement", and that you're doing just fine.

    It's hard to bear, though. There aren't easy answers. I hear you!


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • trudy

    Dear Apostate woman,
    You said,"Tell me where it says that Holidays are not to be celebrated?"
    Actually, it doesn't, but it does teach us principles.
    Have you ever looked up the origin of all the holiday?
    It is true, holidays are chock full of pagan oriented
    traditions handed down through the centurys from Babylon

    Personally, even though I disassociated myself from the
    J.W. relgion, I still cannot get involved in these
    holidays. What is true about any of them?
    Jesus was not born Dec 25th. When the wise men found him
    years after he was born, he was a child, probabaly around
    the age of two or three, living in a house.
    The star lead these men to him, used by practicing magi
    astrologers, and after they found him, they were to report
    his whereabouts so he could be murdered.
    Satan slyly has gotten parents involved in lying to their own
    children during the Christmas holiday.
    The mistle toe, yule log, evergreen tree etc etc
    is all tied up to pagan rituals.

    check it out in you local libray or go online and look
    up its origin.
    I believe Christians have no business getting involved
    in this sort of thing.
    After all, it was said, "You cannot partake from the table
    of God and the table of the demons,"
    "What has light to do with darkness.?"
    To me, my religion should be clean and undefiled, pure.


  • patio34

    Dear Apostate Woman,

    Believe me, most of us here have been thru the exact frustration you have. But, believe me, it gets better and we become inured against the JW intrusions. Maybe your mom will get tired of asking as you continually say "No."

    You're educating yourself and it takes time to break the bonds of the cultlike mentality.

    I've been out a year and feel sooo much less frustration and angst about all of it. I was in for 28 years.


    All intelligent people are confrontational.--HBO's Winston Churchill

  • PopeOfEruke


    the traditional holidays (XMAS, Easter and so on) are important links to our past as a human race.

    They serve a very important function as 'family rituals' where young children and parents and perhaps extended family member (grandparents) are drawn together in a strong bond of unity and "belonging" while performing these family rituals together.

    The lack of the rituals in the JW family is one of the leading reasons for the high occurrence of dysfunctional families amongst that sect.

    I encourage you to research the subject and learn about the importance of family rituals. Forget the stuff about "pagan" or whatever, those are all noise-words drummed into you by the Borg.

    All the best

    The Pope (and I should know!!)

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Oh good grief!

    Here we go with the "pagan" thing again.

    Just about everything in use today is "pagan" if one applies the definition used in the dictionary.

    Celebrating wedding anniversaries is pagan. Wedding rings are pagan. Heck! The alphabet is pagan! Toilet paper is pagan!

    No offense, Trudy, it sure seems that you still tow the JW party line.


  • Billygoat


    Your comments are interesting but still based on JW thinking patterns. If you use "pagan" as the reason for NOT doing something, you have much more research to do. Wedding rings do have pagan origin. Down here in the south we say "Bless you" when someone sneezes. Do we do it to keep demons away as the original intent was when you say that? No, it's just a polite thing to say. There are dozens of other things that also have a pagan origin that are a major part of our lives. We probably don't know about most of them.

    Something to consider, most holidays, traditions, habits have lost their original meanings. Just because the origination of something had a meaning doesn't automatically give it that same meaning today.

    For instance on your honeymoon, you and your husband express your love for each other sexually. Later after two decades of bad marriage and countless lonely hours, you still continue to have sex. Does that mean you still love each other? Not necessarily. Something you do today may have had a totally different meaning in the past. Doesn't make it better or worse...just different. Holidays are the same. They are not celebrated the same way today as they were 100 years ago. The meaning is totally different.

    Just my two cents,


  • sf

    "I encourage you to research the subject and learn about the importance of family rituals."

    Yes, thus, family nucleus.

    My family nucleus/rituals were obliterated by this criminally corrupt book publishing, sleeping with the wild beast, Front.

    As a child, you have no say-so in this matter, all while you WITNESS the obliteration right before your Souls Eye. You are paralyzed with frustration, anger and fear of what is occuring. It is the worst way for a child to ever live out their life.


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

  • iggy_the_fish


    I had a friend who sent me a website of JW's and one part that I find quite a lie is "Jehovah Witnesses avoid making rules and regulations beyond those provided in the Scriptures". Please tell me where it says to destroy your family? Tell me where it says to harass people to attend meetings? Tell me where it says that Holidays are not to be celebrated?
    Right on. The spirit of the bible gets lost under the weight of legalistic over-interpretation. I hope things work out, you seem to be in a difficult situation. Isn't your mother also ill (I hope I remember that correctly, my apologies if not)? This must be emotionally confusing for everyone. Perhaps post how things develop?

    Iggy the fish.

    "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. No truth-handler, you. Bah! I deride your truth-handling abilities!"
    Side Show Bob

  • plmkrzy


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