Can this logic be refuted?

by notsurewheretogo 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    The only reason why I want to tell people is the same reason why I went on the ministry...people deserve to hear the truth

    Believe me, I understand your motivation. I think everyone who learns TTATT feels the same way.

    I felt the same way, but refrained, simply because I have an aversion to be thrown under a bus.

    As time goes by, you'll come to appreciate the value of the freedom and quiet life you've discovered, and will feel less motivation to disrupt that.

    If you feel compelled to "witness" to JWs, my suggestion is: ask a lot of thought-provoking questions, give WT references, then let the person prove the truth to themselves.

    In the end, ultimately a person must convince themselves first. Before that, there's little, if anything, you can say that will make a dent.

  • Vidiot
    notsurewheretogo - "...if a brother had come to me with my logic I would have at least attempted to try and see his point..."

    I knew a few guys like you; I liked them. Trust me, though; your successors are unlikely to miss you too much.

    If you had kept your position, by now you'd be one of those elders who'd be lamenting "we're losing all the best people", and the GB loyalists would be working to arrange your removal one way or another.

    In the short term, the ruthless will always prevail over the humble.

    But only in the short term.

    Welcome to the board.

  • EdenOne

    I second what everyone else said. Unless you want to leave with a BANG!, don't do it. Your logic will be completely irrelevant; actually i doubt that they will even allow you to finish your reasoning. Even digging into old literature is looked down with suspicion from Elders, who, like ADCMS said, will ask you "What are you up to? Nothing good, for sure..." and you'll be put under close watch.

    Once you question "mother", you're tagged as 'apostate' whether it's verbalized or not.


  • Ding

    When trying to educate a JW, questions usually work better than statements.

    The goal is to get them to think by getting them to investigate questions they would never ask on their own.

    Be puzzled, confused, troubled, stumbled, etc. and seek their help.

    But even then you have to be very careful.

    Awakening elders have an especially hard time, I think, because you are expected to know "the truth" far better than the rank and file JW.

    Also, as you know, the WTS is on the hunt for apostates so they can DF them and thereby prevent JWs from learning anything detrimental to the organization.

    The higher your rank in the organization, the more closely they will watch you for signs of apostasy.

  • Vidiot
    Ding - "The higher your rank in the organization, the more closely they will watch you for signs of apostasy."

    Because the higher you rank in the organization, the more damage you can do from within.

  • besty

    nowheretogo - check your personal messages PM's - envelope icon top right beside your username - if the message fails to load refresh the page and then is should work

  • clarity

    Hi Nowhere ...if you are from Scotland, you must have heard about Bros May &

    Merriman! ?

    My computer is on the fritz just google them or put this into search (at the top)./


    Star Chamber Tactics By The governing Body (related to Merriman/May)

    All the best


  • besty
  • Vidiot
    Can this logic be refuted?

    Sure it can, but where's the fun in that?

  • undercover

    But I do want to explain the situation to the elders.

    I have a folder full of notes made from my research...

    I stopped reading at that point. Nothing you say will matter. No amount of proof or undeniable logic will sway them. They're in a cult. They're still indoctrinated to believe what they're told to believe. They'll follow the rules they're told to follow. And as soon as you start laying out your 'research', they're going to go after you, to have you DFd, then stoned (wait, they can't kill you under current local laws, though if allowed they would).

    If you can't afford that, then you have to keep the fade up and use theocratic strategy... lie. Tell em crap. Tell em anything but that you're apostate or you don't believe. This is a war for your sanity and freedom. Do not fraternize with the enemy. These guys aren't your friends. They're loyal to the WTS first.

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