Infinity and god - why wait to create the universe?

by Simon 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    EP be specific: what observations? that prove we are NOT MOVING through time?

    what experimentation ? that show results proving we are not moving through time?

    Observable? Objects approaching the speed of light (cosmic ray scatterings) have been measured to have stopped MOVING THROUGH time

    at c =maximum movement THROUGH SPACE ,-- movement THROUGH time becomes zero.

    It is observable, look at your clock ticking away.

  • EntirelyPossible

    at c =maximum movement THROUGH SPACE ,-- movement THROUGH time becomes zero.

    No, it does not.

    It is observable, look at your clock ticking away.

    The clock ticks because of gears. Take away the power source and the clock does not move because it is moving through time.

    But, since you brought it up and asked for observations.....We are part of existing spacetime. We move with both time and space simultanously. That is why both time and space can dilate. Time is NOT stationary. The observation is that spacetiime is expanding. That, by definition, means time is moving.

    Educate yourself.

  • prologos

    EP educate yourself, I mean check it please.

    at c, travel through time is zero. your clock would stand still, as observers could see. Albert realixed it as he was mentally surfing on a light wave, and the clock in the departed place stood still. it receded at c.

    not all clocks have gears. do yours?

    at least you realize that we are moving Through Time, together with all of us. thank you.

  • EntirelyPossible

    EP educate yourself, I mean check it please.

    at c, travel through time is zero. your clock would stand still, as observers could see.

    You funny. Frames of reference. You should look it up. To an outside observer NOT traveling at that speed, sure, a clock would appear to stand still. For the person traveling AT that speed, his clock appears to move normally. It's called time dilation. Gravity and speed can both cause it.

    Perhaps you should read up on frames of reference before you talk about it. In fact, I'll give you snippet below. After that, it's up to you to fix your ignorance.

    For instance, two rocket ships (A and B) speeding past one another in space would experience time dilation. If they somehow had a clear view into each other's ships, each crew would see the others' clocks and movement as going too slowly. That is, inside the frame of reference of Ship A, everything is moving normally, but everything over on Ship B appears to be moving slower (and vice versa).

    at least you realize that we are moving Through Time, together with all of us. thank you.

    I did not agree to your ignorant stationary time theory. You are welcome for the information. I hope you use it fix your ignorance.

  • prologos

    How early in your life did you pick up the idea that you can refer to other's "ignorance" and noy be classed as rude, having your good upbringing questioned?

    please look at the traveling twin paradox.

    at the speed of light you would not age. compared to the slow pokes. you would arrive the moment you left. The future of the universe would pass in an instant befor your eyes. I read up on it. believe me.

    If you and everybody MOVES through time,

    why would time have to move?

    just testing.


  • EntirelyPossible

    How early in your life did you pick up the idea that you can refer to other's "ignorance" and noy be classed as rude, having your good upbringing questioned?

    You are ignorant on this subject. If you don't like it, fix it.

    I read up on it. believe me.

    I believe you read up on it. Your conclusion is flawed. You are simply ignorant on the subject. Fix that and you will be able to have a productive conversation. You didn't even mention frames of reference (a key component of the twin time dilation mental exercise (it's not a paradox)). If you don't understand key components of the things you bring up, you cannot in any way be taken seriously.

    If you and everybody MOVES through time, why would time have to move?

    A flawed premise in your question due to ignorance. Read up on expanding spacetime (and observed and real phenomenon).

    just testing.

    You've done nothing of the sort.

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    If God exist and if he is eternal, why did he waited forever until he created the world? And even if he had created the world 38 billion years ago; the same......why did he wait forever?

  • QC

    Mr Fool: Why did he wait forever to create the universe?

    I have a thread on this here and here

  • prologos

    I posted a comment on QC links, if you care to check.
    the gist: thinking in a world-model with one space dimension removed, the cosmos as anexpanding balloon, expanding through time.

    the creator should not be thought of as a "-creature- JC? as written in one post.

    movement through time STOPS , does not become "faster"in deep gravity. as opined.

    Huge mass does not always equate with strong gravity. AT the center of the earth, is it's center of mass, gravity, but there is zero gravitational force, for the mass is balanced around you. gravity is strongest at the surface, falls off going up and down.

    There are two conditions under which movement through time is zero:

    1) in a singularity, extreme gravity.

    2) in pure energy i.e. at the speed of light "c".

    both conditions that could be thought of AT the beginning , even prior to the big bang.

    A being existing in those condition would not MOVE through time, not like us, who (exist only at one moving moment at a time), but

    just exist.

    Because time traversed is often equated to movement through space: light-years. "--adding cubits to your life (span) Jesus--" in Math. 6:27.,

    such a being would also be larger than the singularity and the cosmos that is expanding through time, and getting bigger with space as we speak. 2 Chr. 2:6

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