Final Warning Given Unto Mankind, Tribulation Is Near and Soon Cometh.

by OneTrueGod 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • This_suit_doesnt_fit

    The prophecy I have given you

    So this prophecy is from you personally, not God?

    If the message was from God, wouldnt you say he had given it to us?

  • Zordino

    OTG, Youith areith a Dorkith. Makeith yourith medicationith regularyith.

  • Elizabeth123

    All King James nutters needthpeech therapy..........verily.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    OMG I can't believe anyone hasn't come up with this one:

    "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"

  • *lost*

    maybe he has a ... lisp lol

    OTG we mocketh the man of perdition, we mocketh the ha satan and his demon minions, I think God will be proud of us, for taking our stand on the side of 'truth and justice'

    you on the other hand, if you are partaking of the feast at the table of the 'whore' that is false religion, in the 'house of demons' are in trouble....

    if you are a je-hovist, and you continue to work against God, and corrupt his message, you gonna be in the 'front line'

    We, on the other hand, shall be watching and munching pop corn.

  • Sapphy

    OK OneTrueGod, if what you're saying is indeed a prophecy and it is important for us to understand, let's break it down

    "Verily, thus saith the Creator of all things of life and light which are good. Behold the time of tribulation draweth near and is soon at hand; I am in the sun, and the light of the sun and it shall soon darken in the day you perceive not."

    So this 'Creator' that is speaking, says it created "all things of life and light which are good". So did this creator create poisonous plants and insects and deadly animals too? Or is this guy just taking credit for kittens and puppies and not e.g box jellyfish?

    "I am in the sun, and the light of the sun..."

    Am I speaking to Ra or Helios or Sol, or one of the other solar deities?

    " shall soon darken..."

    What shall darken? The sun? A sun?

    "... in the day you perceive not"

    Yoda? You that is?

    Let this be a sign unto the world that tribulation cometh quickly, the day which darkens soon cometh upon the world. Israel shall be attacked which brings retaliation of desolation upon the nation of Syria.

    Who is going to attack Israel? Iran? Syria? Fiji? Please be specific. Also why should it bring destruction on Syria, they are rather bust with their own 3-way civil war right now.

    Let it be known unto all nations, kindred's, tongues and people; the light of the Sun which bringeth light and life into the world shall soon withdraw it's light from the world and be taken.

    Again with the sun, you covered this already, what is this repitition for emphasis?

    (skip a few points)

    Listen, I live in a country where there are not many fig trees. I couldn't tell you where my nearest fig tree is really. It seems a bit unfair that I don't get to see the fig tree shaking as a sign.

  • punkofnice
    The prophecy I have given you is occuring this year

    Who else knows of this?

    Why should we believe you?

    How have you warned everyone else?

    What evidence can you provide?

    How have you warned all the nations?

    is occuring this year

    When nothing happens what will you do? Apologise or get 'new light'?

    Is this 'prophecy' thread a mickey take?

  • Sapphy

    Ohh I just read your second post

    " Those whom mock shall mourn"

    That's from the book of mormon, Ether 12:26.

    We're all in various stages of recovery from JW madness. I doubt any of us want to take the mormon pill too.

  • Sapphy

    It just got really dark here and I don't know where my local fig tree is so I can't see if it's shaking. How can I tell if it's going to be just a rain storm, or the end of days?

    Pls advise.

  • frankiespeakin

    Verily I say unto youith: Whos In The House?

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