With the July 15 WT approaching, would this be the ideal opportunity to start an ACTIVELY VOCAL fade?

by Captain Blithering 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    By 'ACTIVELY VOCAL', I do NOT mean openly criticising the articles and pointing out the inconsistencies or flipflops (not footwear, reversals).

    I DO mean letting people know that you're finding it hard to understand the new truth, and the fact that there is therefore old truth, or falsities, (is that a word? It is now), therefore if there are falsehoods (THAT's the word, of course), then that puts into doubt the extent of Jah's involvement in the preparation/dissemination of it all... (and making it clear you're not saying they AREN'T gods prophets on earth, just that you're not SURE, don't KNOW).

    The reason I ask is cos I'm finding it hard to completely fade without an external reason. Thus when asked about my 'struggling' I could simply state that my faith has taken a battering and I'm working on it.. (I know there are MANY external reasons one could quote, but they'd most likely get me DF'd and I'd really rather like to be able to speak with my family.)

    So do y'all think this upcoming change could be a convincing visible catalyst for me to express doubts, and the perfect time to expedite a fade?

    Cap'n Blithering.

  • cofty
    Thus when asked about my 'struggling' I could simply state that my faith has taken a battering and I'm working on it..

    I think it sounds plausible. Be careful to say as little as possible.

  • jgnat

    I'd call it an Actively Vocal Exit, not a fade.

    I've also seen the expression "fast fade", which in my opinion, defeats the purpose.

    If you truly want to do a fade, do it slowly and quietly. No explanations necessary. You have your own reasons, which are private.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Possible reply,

    "For me, it's not a matter of faith. I have faith. Faith in Jehovah. Faith in his Word. You know, faith. Right now, though, I am having a crisis of confidence. I am trying to put these new ideas into perspective. It is difficult to be told all your life, and believe, that Jehovah has done nothing without his representative organization of earth. But now, I am trying to understand how for almost 2000 years there was no organization that represented his interests. I mean, if that is the case, then how did we get the Bible. I mean, the Bible canon wasn't defined until almost 200 years after the death of the last apostle. Who was responsible for that if the weeds had overgrown the wheat....I have tried to get my head around this....I have been praying and know that I need to wait on Jehovah....Thank you for coming by."

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Thanks jgnat, i simply can't foresee a way to fade slowly and quietly. My better half would need an explanation, and our families are all still in too. It's hard to explain but it's difficult to get away without questions being asked, but if i can point to a turd in a corner and say 'I don't like that', i feel many would just think 'he's got a problem with what he thinks is a turd' and after a few unsuccessful attempts to reason it out would leave me alone to work it out myself... Maybe?

    The idea is to get myself out and hopefully the missus will follow. I don't think she'd follow for NO reason, but given a vague reason would maybe get her thinking for herself...

    Man, it's a minefield..

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    SEPERATION OF POWERS - wow, that's great! Worth memorising for sure, thanks for that!

  • DesirousOfChange

    crisis of confidence.

    Bad terminology to use. Sounds too much like Ray's book.



  • OnTheWayOut

    If your spouse needs a solid reason, your idea seems sound. Also good for close family.

    As for anyone else, they don't really need a reason.

    Maybe a straightforward, "I am meditating on that overlap thing" would do fine.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I was actually kind of mulling this over myself. . .

    Wheras I kept my mouth shut when I heard my BIL kvetching to my wife over the generation change two years ago, I think I would speak up now about the New Bullshite if he brought it up.


    I sort of did this... I am not sure how it will turn out, but several people are aware of my " doubts." After hearing some recent CO comments, I know they are getting crazier. Everyone not in the ORG will die, any family or friends that know of the truth but are not " all in " are not lovers of GOD, no matter what you think.

    I just can't figure out if they are getting desperate enough to let people fade, as long as they retain the hardcore followers, or if they are going to crack down even more. All I know is the CO was ranting about how many Elders and MS schools they are having. Such an increase! " DO YOU THINK THE SLAVE IS PREPARING US FOR SOMETHING?", he ranted. He also said, " Jehovah gave Ezekiel specific messages at specific times. We could receive a very specific message in the future, We follow the FDS."

    Specific special message??

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