Of course they can succeed. The JWN peanut gallery has not changed that. Unfortunately though some good ideas have been put forth, more than anything else the JWN group has discouraged people and wasted a few folks time who’d rather not have wasted it here. The hope was that constructive ideas and volunteers would emerge. Both these objects were achieved. Then The Crusade began afresh.
Ehem ...
I think you're laying way too much blame on the "JWN peanut gallery". Let's be honest: the AAWA fucked up monumentally. That wasn't us - that was all the AAWA. Please place the blame where it deserves to be placed.
If any time was wasted it was utterly and completely due to them through their own actions and I'm sure the people who've been exposed and put at risk appreciate now being called 'a waste of time' to add insult to injury.
How much of our time have the AAWA wasted? Plenty. Trust me, we'd rather not have wasted it on this shit. All of it could have been easily avoided if they AAWA had ever shown the slightest inclination to LISTEN to what people were telling them but they dont seem to want any advice.
There are still lots of things unanswered:
Is the facebook group still open? If so, why? Who has control of this group? Is it everyone in the AAWA or an individual in the AAWA or someone who is just loosely associated with the AAWA? Is it one of the people who bulk added people to the list? Are they still trusted by the AAWA? If so, why?
Who is actually running the AAWA? Is it a few individuals in control or a group? Why can't the group make decisions when decisions are needed?
Do the AAWA feel accountable at all for their actions?
Do the AAWA feel like they owe anyone an explanation of what they do or why?
Are there safeguards and controls to protect volunteers and victims information? Can you understand why people would be sceptical of trusting the AAWA given what has happend so far?
There are lots of REASONS why the AAWA is not currently being supported or even trusted by the people who a week ago were happy and more than willing, eager to support it. All those reasons lie at the feet of the AAWA and they alone can address them. As before I would encourage the AAWA to get their act together and stop trying to blame other people for everything, do some soul searching and sort things out.
I dont doubt there are many good people with good intentions but all that really counts is what the organization does. It desperately needs to start doing better and they need to learn how to communicate better.