The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]

by Simon 226 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • nonjwspouse

    Simon, I for one support your attempts. Nothing is perfect, ever. It's the thought out, sincere efforts that count.

    You have a fantastic site here and it is very well attended.

    Thank you.

  • venetian

    Simon, I'm not going to get into another war on words with you, suffice it to say that I certainly don't think you helped calm things, in fact I think your initial approach was heavily confrontational followed by a continued self-justification of that approach. Anyway, thats just my opinion, and I know how much that's worth on here.

    aawa has explained why they didn't act quickly enough when the facebook issue was first realised, and they have unreservedly apologised for that error and corrected it.


    AAWA`s position was..

    Yes we made a mistake,it`s Simons fault..

    He`s allowing discussion about it on his forum..

    Thats not an apology,it`s a Brain Fart..

    It took 3 weeks to fix an obvious mistake..

    People were at risk,shifting the blame didn`t help..

    It was a lame attempt at a PR Spin..

    For something that should have been fixed immediately..

    There are good people in that group..

    Hopefully they`ve learned from the mistakes..

    ............................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    18 days ago. . .

    4 hours ago. . .

    Seems legit. Not a troll at all.

  • Angharad

    Oh I see you "don't want a war of words" you just want to bump a post after 18 days of no activity in order to have a go at JWN posters and particularly Simon but you don't want to listen to any responses - got it!

  • Simon
    Simon, I'm not going to get into another war on words with you, suffice it to say that I certainly don't think you helped calm things, in fact I think your initial approach was heavily confrontational followed by a continued self-justification of that approach.

    I think you are only seeing things from one point of view, not looking objectively at the timeline of when things were said etc... and obviously have no idea of the private PMs and emails that were sent or the responses to them. There are very good reasons that I felt I had to warn people and I stand by my decision 100%. The only regret I have in all this is that when they asked for permisson to announce things on the forum (giving very little notice) that I wish I'd said 'no'.

    aawa has explained why they didn't act quickly enough when the facebook issue was first realised, and they have unreservedly apologised for that error and corrected it.

    No, they haven't. They have issued a half-appology that is more 'sorry you caught us and made us change' and completely ignored many of the issues that I told them that the announcement needed to include. Heck, they didn't even want to post that themselves but wanted *me* to post it on their behalf. How messed up and lame would that have looked? It sounded like an attempt to give them deniability in future.

    Yes, like the facebook chances, the apology was forced out of them simply because they had no choice.

    Think about that.

    They didn't want to do the right thing. Other people (me included) made them do the right thing. And you think we are the ones who are 'wrong' in all this?

    Same with the name. They now claim it was because they listened. The reality is they screwed their reputation so badly in the first couple of weeks that they needed to rebrand.


    Oh, and we're not interested in having 'them' take over JWN again so please do not come on here to promote their site or posts links to it. They are not welcome until they apologise and do things properly.

  • wasblind

    I have always been impressed how Freeminds ( Net soup ), JWN and JW FACTS

    flowed together when it came to information about the WTS

    I honestly thought AAWA would do the same. Instead it caused division and strife

    and then kicked us to the curb

    Left bad feelin's all way 'round. And when that ain't enough

    after 18 days somebody come in and stir the pot again as if it didn't stink

    bad enough the first time.

    *Sigh *

  • talesin


    You obviously have an agenda... why don't you just GIVE IT UP.

    No need to resurrect this fiasco .......... really ........ please GO AWAY! You are just stirring the F***ing pot... get a life.



  • talesin

    and if you have a problem with that,,, let's GO!

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “They are not welcome until they apologise and do things properly.”


    Can you explain what that is supposed to mean? Who is “they”?

    I’ve helped BBXB here and there with a few things by advising. Lots of posters I see here have done the same. Are all these posters part of the “they”?

    I’m not asking this to stir any pot.

    There is so much misinformation in this whole thing. So much.

    Marvin Shilmer

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