The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]

by Simon 226 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot

    Tylanbrando, habitual blamers don't want to change what makes them unhappy; on a fundamental level (whether they're conscious of it or not), they want to stay unhappy.

    They do what they do to make as many other people as possible around them unhappy, too.

  • Vidiot
    venetian - "If AAWA had responded more quickly to the initial facebook problem, many on here would have been less vitriolic in their condemnation."

    If this was explained before, I missed it; can anyone tell me why it seemed to take so long for the involuntary Facebook membership to get resolved?

  • EdenOne

    Because it would have taken 5 minutes to STOP the problem...?


  • Vidiot
    EdenOne - "Because it would have taken 5 minutes to STOP the problem...?"

    Not sure I'm following; you're saying they didn't/wouldn't solve the problem because of how little time it would have taken to do so?

  • nonjwspouse

    Vidiot, only speculation. All that is known is it took much longer than people who were concerned felt acceptaable. The subject was brought up immediatly with the request to shut it down and reopen as a private by approval only to keep those who didn't want to be "found out" as being in there without thier approval would no longer have been force added without approval. In other words everone in the group would know they were added.

    I personally feel AAWA can really do the most good by informing the unaware public about the WTBTS and the inner real workings of the mind control. Form there, the current members may or may not see the "light". But to really hurt the WT it must be done from the outside. Stop the unawares from being indoctrinated without previous real knowladge of what the WT is REALLY about.

  • Satanus


    If anything, simon was sympathetic to aawa. He bent over backwards.

    I admit that we, a number of us on this board, do have a bit of a tendency to pile on, once the subject has been taken to the ground.


  • Tylinbrando

    AAWA is progressing well. It is only one group among many that is accomplishing awareness of Watchtower abuse. It is only one group among many that give support and direction to JWs seeking exit and ExJWs who are recovering from cult exit.

    I have enjoyed the silence about AAWA issues on this forum for the past 30 days, as it was taking away from what this forum normally provides.

    I would refrain from vilifying Simon or pointing to his bias. Simon offered much criticism that was warranted and valid and in fact may have been instrumental in resolving some of AAWA's most glaring start up issues.

  • Gayle

    There are many groups forming, all exposing the WTS/GB. Some are atheists, agnostic, or religious of varying types. (I prefer "belief-neutral" sites - just facts about the WTS/JW alone.) Some are groups and some are just one individual. Some are mostly anonymous w/aliases (as here), but some are public, can use their names. Some are more radical, some very angry. (Anger is a stage/phase of recovery, but hopefully in personal control at some point). It's in the thousands of former members or people affected one way or another.

    I am happy to see 'all' of it.

  • Simon
    can anyone tell me why it seemed to take so long for the involuntary Facebook membership to get resolved?

    That's the problem. It's impossible to come up with a good reason why it took so long. That's what made a small mistake into a large blunder. Pride and stubborness at an organizational level.

  • Simon
    Simon, you need to stop taking sides. Stay neutral. The title of this thread shows you continued bias. This isn't the playground and its not a "winner takes all" game.

    I do stay neutral when it doesn't impact this site or it's members. However, when I see people actively and deliberately being put at risk I think it's only fair to point those things out and warn people so they can make an informed choice.

    Do you disagree with this approach? Do you think I have kept silent about any issues, effectively helping in a cover-up? If so, why?

    I tried to engage people to help but everything was thrown back each time. This topic was because they wouldn't listen and take the action they needed to.

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