Woops, forgot about the "Special Talk"

by watson 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • likeabird

    I guess we all forgot as there really wasn't much hype about it this year on JWN.

    Remember last year when there was all that speculation on some special announcement that never came to anything?

  • sir82

    It was every bit as special as every other special talk, special campaign, special meeting, special assembly day, special announcement, special edition.....

    Which is to say, not particularly interesting.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "One Big Let-Down" is this organization's Mission Statement

  • cantleave

    I used to enjoy giving public talks, but I was assigned the special talk a few years back, it was something like "Who really was Jesus" (can't recall exactly). It was an awful outline, I didn't enjoy giving it, and I only gave it once.

  • WTWizard

    So special that they once again bash genuine science. True science and spirituality are linked--you get advanced in true science, you advance spiritually (and that includes looking beyond Einstein's attempt to put a terminus on scientific advancement by making physics appear so complicated that no one can advance, and then saying that the limits are absolute). Put those Rockefellerian limits aside, and nanotechnology can improve to the point where we will be able to give life. The grays and angels are laughing at us because we are so far behind in technology and science.

    And yes, Einstein's theory about limits that are absolute are bunk. That thing postulated that the speed of light is the absolute speed limit. However, it never thought of what happens if you have 2 objects, each emitting light, moving away from each other at the speed of light relative to the common center. Is this going to distort the path of the light? Remember, the postulated increase of energy involved is so tiny that measuring it is impossible, and was designed to be that way (measurement errors exceed the amount of extra energy involved). And, the speed of light relative to what? It should be relative to the object that emitted it, and if light is moving the other way, you get light traveling twice its own speed relative to the light traveling the other way, which could be 4 times the speed of light relative to the object on the other side of the universe traveling the other way. Those who are willing to look beyond worshiping Einstein as the god of physics can see that this means the speed of light cannot be the absolute anything except the speed light is emitted from an object in a vacuum. (If you are still believing Einstein is beyond corruption, you are probably confused by this observation.)

    Perhaps if people were half as intent on observing, cross-checking, and using science instead of bashing it or trying to make it fit an agenda, we could have had these problems fixed by now. And then the angels and grays would be swearing and cussing instead of laughing at us.

  • sir82
    However, it never thought of what happens if you have 2 objects, each emitting light, moving away from each other at the speed of light relative to the common center.

    Off topic but yes it did.

    A basic science book would help you to understand what you clearly don't know now.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Special Talk?

    There was a Special Talk?



  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it's just a new outline so in a few months, someone will be giving that talk again. And a few months after that, again

  • watson

    It sounds like the "death not being the end of it all" theme is part of the ongoing program to prepare generation 5 for the passing of generation 4. I hope it was upbuilding.

  • sir82
    I hope it was upbuilding.

    No, but it was happifying!

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