Disfellowshipped from Bethel??

by gma-tired2 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluePill2

    Barbara, thats easy!

    1. Write the letter

    2. Crumple the letter, until you have a nice little ball

    3. Throw it into the air. If it gets snatched up, then they are for real and will read his letter. If it falls down to earth...well, move on and get a Life.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    BluePill2...Naughty - naughty...you are too funny! lol lol lol (3 times, for emphasis) lol (and 1 more for good measure)

    Just Lois

  • AndersonsInfo

    BluePill2, that's a good one!

    For the record this man did move on with his life and was successful and happy. In fact, now that he's retired, he's volunteered to assist AAWA spread the word about Watchtower's damaging beliefs and practices. And just wait till you read his story, one never told before which will be available in the near future.


  • zeb

    I read of one of the gb who would walk about talking to his shoes most of the day. So that is it. Find out what sort of shoes to wear and speak to them the right way.

    "He has tried so hard to get back in". what no education, no profession, no job training, now unemployable.. Yes its a scary world alright.

  • gma-tired2

    I have little direct contact with him but am trying to get his mother to read CoC. I am having to break down her fences because of the fears from the borg. I recently told her he was not who we were taught he was. He was a very loving man.. My family member has only friends who were JWs, no education beyond high school, and pioneered and then went to Bethel. He made a mistake he is still living with but hoping he wakes soon. His mom is distancing herself from JWs but still living with fears..Pedophiles in her cong. is what started her awakening. Thank You all for you comments and do so appreciate all of you that I have met on here.

  • Satanus

    Getting dffed at/from bethel must be worse. You instantly have no place to live. You have no money, no job, no family and no friends. You also may be in a strange city. You are basically on the street, penniless.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    As with any judicial committee, things can be random, depending on the unqualified idiots serving as "elders". If he's already been denied twice, it looks to me like it's not going to come easily. And if he does get reinstated there, they'll take forever to let him start commenting, handling microphones, etc. It's hard to tell whether the problem is the brothers at bethel or at the local congregation. If it's the local congregation, he could try moving and starting all over. What a waste of time for him.

  • steve2

    Everything else being equal, I'd say it would be harder to be reinstated after being accused of apostasy than accused of 'sins of the flesh'. Apostasy cuts right through the very foundation of one's faith, whereas people can get caught up in unrepentant acts of the flesh yet still belive 'it's' 'the Truth'.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    i know someone that got df for the same reason at bethel. it woke him and a few others up took a while was ugly but I'd say 5 woke up. what a stupid reason to df someone!

  • steve2

    i know someone that got df for the same reason at bethel. it woke him and a few others up took a while was ugly but I'd say 5 woke up. what

    a stupid reason to df someone

    Well, the 'trick' to remaining in the organization - whether at Bethel or at your local Kingdom Hall - is to remain asleep. In fact, I know of some who have remained inside despite long-held misgivings about the organization. I describe it as the 'great sleep-over' - it nicely avoids the disapproval of one's peers and superiors and creates the illusion that there is no alternative way of 'getting' through one's life.

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