The Bible---Have You Watched It On The History Channel?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Blondie, that doesn't help a movie director who is trying to endeavor to stay true to the spirit of the book that says God was looking for anyone "righteous" in Sodom.

    I mean, a righteous man getting THAT DRUNK two nights in a row. REALLY!!!

  • mP


    Perhaps just as disturbing is why his daughters thought nothing of raping their father. But then again Abraham who was his relative (i think his cousin ??) married his half sister, so incenst was not a big deal back then.

  • tornapart

    I thought it was very good. However there was a lot missed out, like Isaac/Jacob/Joseph but then I guess they have to fit 1,000s of years into a few hours. Also things have to be added for entertainment value. I found it hard to accept Samson and his family as being black because the Israelites were all jews. I know a vast mixed crowd came out of Egypt with the Israelites but would Samson have come from one of those? I doubt it.

    On the whole it's good. I'm looking forward to the ones about Jesus.

  • tec

    I noticed they left out the part when Lot offered his daughters to be raped by the mob and how his daughters got him drunk and had sex with Lot and managed to get pregnant the first time.

    Yes, I noticed that also. Perhaps they wanted to gloss that over, or perhaps the rating of the show would have changed with something like that?

    And OTWO... I think the actual account - fire and brimstone raining down from heaven - is pretty dramatic for a city to be destroyed, without any need to add to that ;)



  • cofty

    Why is the "History" channel showing a program about mythology?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Why is the "History" channel showing a program about mythology?

    For the same reason "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" is shown on The Learning Channel. No one really knows.

  • new22day

    Cofty "Why is the "History" channel showing a program about mythology?"

    Unfortunately this "mythology" has had a huge bearing on Western history. I finally decided to start reading/researching this book a little more to see what I was missing and I'm even more turned off now. Not trying to start a firestorm -- personal opinion only.

    There's no decent view of women in this book - equal to the goats/sheep and treated as such. Yep, easy to see the bible was written by men (with an agenda) - period.

    You bet they didn't show Lot offering his daughters to the crowds to be raped and later sleeping with them. It's an appaling story regardless of the times. Blech!!! And it makes no sense.

  • OnTheWayOut


    I was not talking about what the angels looked like.

    An angel did not come down and 'samurai' through the men of Sodom to help Lot escape, as the show depicts.

    Isn't it possible that God whispered in "THE BIBLE" writers' ears, "This is what actually happened." ?

    You all say that anyone can learn to hear the voice.

    I am going with that.

  • tec

    I am going with that.

    You can go with whatever you want, of course.

    I would personally want to know if they actually made such a claim, before deciding to 'go with it'.



  • jws

    I noticed they left out the part when Lot offered his daughters to be raped by the mob and how his daughters got him drunk and had sex with Lot and managed to get pregnant the first time.

    I was wondering about that. The Bible is full of violence and sex, but the religious seem not to mind the violence, but hate and gloss over the sex.

    I haven't seen it as I dumped that waste of money called cable. Maybe when it hits Netflix.

    So this is a glossy picture of the Bible? I suppose they don't show Noah getting drunk and naked either and then cursing his son for seeing him naked while he was drunk?

    Did they show some of the stupider things like the tower of Babel and how God got "worried" about men and had to give them all different languages to stop the project. He couldn't just knock down the tower? He had to handicap them? And yet he doesn't mind the Petronas towers in Kuala Lampur today. I mean, really, could ancient man build something that tall? If God was worried about the tower of Babel, he's got to be shaking in his boots today.

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