Nervous confronting a women I like

by d 76 Replies latest social relationships

  • moshe
    You ar right I have to be confident.But I always try to take a girls feelings into consideration. To me that is very hard.

    You have to know how to answer their inquiries-

    Q- what are you looking for? Ans- (a chick looking for fun won't ask this question)- so the correct answer is A- why, a serious long term relationship" . That is an open ended answer - six months later you can honestly answer that in your mind six months is "long Term"

    Q- are you interested in marriage? A loaded question! the correct answer is " well, I'm not afraid of the jewelry store" ( delivered with a passionate kiss)- six months later you can admit that you meant regular Jewelry- not an engagement ring

    Q ( from women who are divorced with kids) Do you like kids? Ans- I love children- I have four of them myself- would you like to watch them for me next weekend while I go fishing? (moshe weeded out a lot of needy women looking for a meal ticket) You can feel the girl go limp on the dance floor when she hears the "4 kids part".

    Q what kind of work are you in? (fishing for your income, etc) A- "I'm in a professional in a successful industry, etc.- and you?" --You can be a window washer and this works for you- Amateurs work for free- professionals get paid for what they do.

    Seriously, the guy who treats women like a cad, can't shake them off. I went so far as to tell a lady, "there are two men in a woman's life-- the guy she is with (me) and the guy she is supposed to be with." I thought for sure she would take the hint and stop trying to turn a relationship into a marriage- nope- she tried even harder, using the time tested tools that women control men with. --didn't work.

  • moshe

    email is not a good way to communicate- she can read it and ignore it. If she isn't interested, she can claim that she never saw it- maybe the spam blocker got it, etc. Regardless, women only like romance, when they are ready and wanting it. You need to get a book on body language and study, study it. - and handwriting- avoid girls who write really small and no slant- unless you are looking for a woman to play scrabble with and help you run a successful business. Avoid girls who write large & slanted and with large lower loops, unless you are looking for a really good time and have the money to spend on them.

  • moshe

    I think all this texting and emailing have kept guys from learning the art of how to talk to girls in person. I never thought about it before.

    You go into a club- there is a table with one attractive girl, one with two girls and one with three girls- all things being equal which table do you head for to strike up a conversation?

  • fakesmile

    WOAH, did you see that? wait, here it comes again. its not quite here yet... oh shit, there it went. do you know what it was? it was life and it just passed you by. you just lost some of your youth. get out from behind the computer. put your camera phone down and participate in life.

  • d

    You are right I should try talking to more women in person. I am trying though I have talked to a few other girls in person but I am still overcoming the Jw brainwashing.

  • talesin

    Try socializing a bit more - do folks from your classes ever meet at the pub or school coffee shop before or after class? I made some fun connections at school that way - even being naughty a couple of times and heading off to the pub instead of going to class ... Is there a club or association, like the school paper, maybe a tree-hugger or political group, you catch my drift ... that you would be interested in joining?

    Just getting into some social situations with a group, you can feel more comfortable around women. That's how 'normal' people learn to socialize, unlike us born-ins who didn't learn that in regular friendships while growing up.

    You'll get there! And I think it's a good decision - let this one go, she is too religious for you. Smart!



  • d

    thank you guys and gals for giving me some really good advice. I will count this one as a loss and go on to someone else. As far as joining a club I do not like groups becuase I feel that groups shed to much of a persons individuality and I can not see myself doing that. Sincing being an ex Jw.

  • bsmart

    Do give groups a chance, if you have an interest that you are interested in! You will get involved with people who also have that interest and if you find that a gal also is in the group, all the better. Social interaction helps you grow. Chess, recycling, politics; any hobby or even another class.

    We were told to avoid all those things of the "world" Expsure to that world will give us an idea of what we really like and what what others can contribute to our lives.

    Your thread title shows you aren't ready... it will come. When you are comfortable, you will be ready.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It is very true that men will go for a single woman rather than a pack of girlfriends. I hated going to mixers alone so my gf and I would go and then split up and work the room.

    There is a Beatles related story. When they moved from Liverpool to London, they were already big. Pubs clos early so all these musicians hung out at a club. Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger --all these London stars recognized they would never have the status of a Beatle. They wanted to meet the Fabn Four so much but refused to grovel. Well, the fearless Beatles walked in together, grabbed a booth together, and talked only to each other. If one had to use the restroom, they all went together. Their rock admirers never saw anything like it. The Fab Four were afraid of mixing in London.

    It took two to three years for mingling to occur.

    Frankly, I always found two cocktails helped me cope with the awkwardness. Also, I pretended I was a sophisticate and not a former JW>

  • james_woods

    Is "confronting" really the right word to use in the title of this thread?

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