TEC Documentary hypothesis

by mP 302 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fakesmile

    12 pages of dumbasseshness.

  • villagegirl

    Order of Creation: lower orders first; plants, one celled animals, then more complex animals, then slightly higher intellegence, man, then higher intelligence, more complex human obviously, woman.

  • mP


    In case that was not clear enough, Christ accomplished what He was sent here to do.


    Again once more you divert attention. YOu coudlnt answer questions like this in court, you would be in contempt if you proceeded liek this.

  • mP


    In case that was not clear enough, Christ accomplished what He was sent here to do.


    Sorry iwent to te beach was a glorious arvo. :O

  • mP


    Order of Creation: lower orders first; plants, one celled animals, then more complex animals, then slightly higher intellegence, man, then higher intelligence, more complex human obviously, woman.

    mP: This has been covered by others, there are two stories with conflicting accounts.

  • mP


    "The law was a tutor to bring us to Christ." Galatians 3:24


    Realy the law was a tutor, that makes no sense. WHat exactly does it teach us, that Jehovah is a dumbass and writes evil laws ?


    "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him." Luke 9:35


    This is great, the one not listening is you.

    Again i give Mt 5:17, this time from a different bible. It still confirms what i said.


    17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

    Matthew 5:17

    King James Version (KJV)

    17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

    King James Version (KJV)

  • EntirelyPossible

    No, you won't find any explicit comment on women being equal to men, but you do find:

    ... No one in the Bible supporting women as equal. Reading into it what you want it to say doesn't make it say it.

    My point is... that there does not have to BE fault, for people to "find" fault

    In this case, though, there ius plenty. Tell me, though, how is there NOT fault when Jesus can find time to curse a fig tree but not even bother with mentioning "Oh, BTW, you shouldn't have sex with kids or rape women" when supposedly he is perfect? Perfect would, to me, mean he wouldn't really worry about a fig tree producing fruit out of season but might take those few moments to say "Oh, hey guys, write this down. Don't rape women or children and, oh yeah, slavery is bad."

    Seriously, quit pretzel twisting logic to make Jesus perfect when he obviously was so deficient in so many areas of morality.

    Still, I think you should stop trying to apply meaning to my words that are not there.

    And yet you do that to Jesus' words all the time. How ironic.

    It would not seem that the entire law of moses was given by God. Or else Christ would not have had to correct the law on divorce, or state that this law was given not because it was right, but because of the hard-heartedness of the people. (Matt 19:8)

    Wait, so Jesus said not one letter of the law would pass away and then did away with part of the law? Sheesh, it's almost like is a made up story with no internal consistency!

    The law dealt with a situation already present. That is what laws do.

    Oh, so the law couldn't have said "Yeah, don't do that or else"? Was God/Jesus to wimpy to deal with his own people? Were they out of his control? Couldn't he figure out a better way to do things or hold his people to a higher standard? Why was God so utterly impotent in giving his law to the point of not being able to tell his own people to not rape women?

    Why was Jesus just as big of a limp-wristed wimp? He could take time to mention divorce but couldn't say "Oh, BTW peeps, don't be rapin' the women"?

    It speaks to the law being mishandled to begin with. By the scribes. Whom Christ says of them... woe to you scribes.

    You mean the exact same scribes you rely on to have told you what you learned about Jesus? Oh the irony (and made up BS).

    In case that was not clear enough, Christ accomplished what He was sent here to do.

    Which was apparently nothing.

  • mP

    In case that was not clear enough, Christ accomplished what He was sent here to do.


    Which was apparently nothing

    mP: No he repaid an invisible debt thats never mentioned in the OT to a father who enforced the debt on people who didnt do the crime. Wow what a family. Lets nuke all of America because somebody in Australia ate an apple. Who needs enemies when you have a caring father and a suicidal son like that ?

  • cofty
    "Modern" is relative. It implies a recency to our own current instant in the span of time. The same may well be said about your own moral standards, in the light of some future "modernity." - STB

    Obviously! What's your point?

  • PSacramento

    This thread has really gotten away from the OP..

    IMO I think that the bible is, much like creation, a work in progress to say the least.

    I don't see the bible being perfect or that it could be perfect.


    Well, according to the bible, God made creation and creation is good (but not perfect) and it is in need of redemption and that is a creation DIRECT by God's "hands".

    The bible, even if we take it all to be FROM God, was not made BY God but by man so it doesn't make any sense that the bible, wriiten by man could some how be more "good" than creation created By God.

    THe bible, like creation was/is in need of redemption and, as a christian, I believe that is what Christ did also.

    Here is an interresting read that agrees with me ( and others of course):

    Sacred Word, Broken Word: Biblical Authority and the Dark Side of Scripture by Kenton L. Sparks

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