TEC Documentary hypothesis

by mP 302 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    The good ones. The only 'bad' messages are for those who practice judging others, hypocrisy, lies.

    You mean like denying what Jesus said?

    What is going on is that you have an agenda and a bias and so you see what you want to see... to confirm your 'non-belief'.

    Judging people? How very Christ-like of you.

    For one, this is a fallacy. Minor differences are not contradicting accounts.

    First of all, no matter how minor, they are STILL contradictions in the accounts.

    Makes more sense that this would happen, than that the accounts would be identical.

    If they were simply re-told stories, absolutely.

    In any case, there is a much easier way to know if something is true or not... and that would be by looking AT the Truth.

    It is noticeably absent in your writings. If you claim it be a person, when he shows up, I will give him a chance. In any event, the truth is that you simply cherry pick and make up the rest, claiming judging is bad thing while practicing it all day long. I'm not inclined to listen to someone that does that.

  • tec

    You mean like denying what Jesus said?

    I am not denying anything Christ said.

    Judging people? How very Christ-like of you.

    I am also not judging anyone. Just giving mP a little back of what he is dishing out. But I am not judging him as a good person or a bad person or someone who deserves one fate or another.

    (And if you do not know Christ, then how would you know if something was Christ-like, or not?)

    First of all, no matter how minor, they are STILL contradictions in the accounts.

    So? This has nothing to do with the point I was addressing.

    If they were simply re-told stories, absolutely.

    And/or if there were different witnesses, privy to different things as they saw and then re-told them.

    It is noticeably absent in your writings. If you claim it be a person, when he shows up, I will give him a chance. In any event, the truth is that you simply cherry pick and make up the rest, claiming judging is bad thing while practicing it all day long. I'm not inclined to

    listen to someone that does that.

    From what you write about me, you are not listening to me to begin with, so no biggee. I do find it interesting that you think I cherry pick and are quick to call it... (and I do... totally... have never denied it. Anything written or said I test against Christ and His teachings, since He is the Truth, and the Teacher, and the Word of God)... but you have no problem with someone cherry-picking in an attempt to show Christ, and so also God, in a 'bad' light.

    In any case, I neither need nor want you to listen to me. So do whatever it is you are inclined to do... or not... as you choose.



  • EntirelyPossible

    I am not denying anything Christ said.

    So you agree he condoned the entire Law, even the parts about rape and the ability to beat slaves to death with zero consequences?

    I am also not judging anyone. Just giving mP a little back of what he is dishing out.

    You judged his motives to be something. Please try to be honest.

    So? This has nothing to do with the point I was addressing.

    So YOU addressed it and YOU are wrong. Contradictions, no matter how small, create contradictory accounts. YOU tried to deny that. Please try to stay honest.

    And/or if there were different witnesses, privy to different things as they saw and then re-told them.

    Interesting conjecture. Sadly for you, it's merely conjecture.

    From what you write about me, you are not listening to me to begin with, so no biggee.

    Actually, I just see the truth in your words that you deny. Keep on cherry picking a nd judging people while claiming that's not what you are doing. Everyone else sees it for what it is.

  • mP


    Go through and read it for yourself. The commandments benefit any group. The law on divorce was an addendum to protect women. Prophets condemn the practice of showing partiality in courts, as well as not caring for orphans. Perhaps if you want to talk about the law and what the Israelites thought of rape and such, you should talk to a rabbi or two today, and get their take. There is even a law that says that one can NOT turn a runaway slave back to their master, but that one has to offer sanctuary and care to that one.


    I have read all 613 of the laws on wiki and checked the scriptures.

    Why are there dozens of laws about beards and priest colours and not a single one against raping women ? Search for rape and other variations in the link below, its got the entire listing and a summary of each.



    The only time its wrong to rape a virgin is if you cant pay because the poor girl becomes used and cant be sold at a premium price especially if she becomes pregnant. Its only a crime to rape a married woman because she is another mans property. Its easy to see how these laws are connected to the situation in muslim countries where women cant walk down the street . If she has no protection from the law then she can and will be raped today just like in the past in ancient israel under its shariah law.

    I challenge you to find a single law against rape or pedophilia in the 613.

    No where in the Bible is a man stoned for adultery, but the women somehow alawys get the blame and are often stoned of course.

  • mP


    I am not sure you have read the gospels.

    As a disclaimer, remember, I don't believe in the christology that surrounds Jesus, and I agree with the Q hypothesis.

    Still, the core sayings of Jesus paint him as someone out of the mainstream.

    Love your neighbor as yourself

    Love your enemies and pray for them

    Turn the other cheek


    This is a common misconception amongst many people who somehow think that Jesus taught new material. I have news and scriptures for you, he didnt.

    IN fact as is being discussed in another thread, Jesus firmly believed in the perfectness of the law.


    You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD. —Leviticus 19:18 [10] , the "Great Commandment"
  • mP

    You mean like denying what Jesus said?

    I am not denying anything Christ said.

    Judging people? How very Christ-like of you.

    I am also not judging anyone. Just giving mP a little back of what he is dishing out. But I am not judging him as a good person or a bad person or someone who deserves one fate or another.

    Its amazing how Jesus lovers quicly find distractions when their ideas are shown to be utter lies. They make righetous and great claims about jesus but have real problems showing support for them from the Bible.

    I stand by original statement, jesus was pro slavery, racist and not against pedophilia. Not a single person has been able to show a scripture that counter this.

    As for the love your neighbour as yourself, those people need to realise that Jesus was talking only to jewish men. Loving has often meant different things to different people. We today are much kinder and less racist than anybody else at any time in history. Just 150 years ago, god fearing christians wrote a certain document claiming all men are equal, but they still kept blacks as slaves. Many slaves were raped and murdered. What does this show, love means different thigns to different people. Pedophiles for examples in their twisted mind love their victims and see nothing wrong in their actions. By jesus definition they are not committing any wrong doing, thats why we need definitive statements not wishy washing crap that has no real meaning.

  • mP


    Judging people? How very Christ-like of you.

    I am also not judging anyone. Just giving mP a little back of what he is dishing out. But I am not judging him as a good person or a bad person or someone who deserves one fate or another.


    If you check back posts i never made that quote. I never attack people here only their statements, because its poor form to make stupid lame insults against people. That requires no intellect and is what little kids at school do. I personally hope i am past that.

    I always try and be honest, which is why i quote the Bible when i make statements about anything. I was hoping you would do the same in your admiration of Jesus. It seems you spend most of the time wishfully making stuff up and it sounds more like the same nonsense where everybody loves Kim Yong Il etc. and not the actual truth. The truth jesus may be found in the Bible, it most certainly not what you make up.

  • tec

    So you agree he condoned the entire Law, even the parts about rape and the ability to beat slaves to death with zero consequences?

    Of course not. Because he did not. As I have stated in this thread. Some laws were simply social laws, and some given due to the 'hard-heartedness of the people' as situations arose that needed a law. (perhaps even given due to the hard-heartedness of the leaders or those transcribing the laws... jeremiah 8:8)

    You judged his motives to be something. Please try to be honest.

    Yes, I made a judgment call on his motives (just as he has done from the start of this thread ). I did so over his words here:

    What is exactlyis there to be impressed with ? WIth all the evil in the world at those times, the most important social topic he can commentary on after the kingdom and loving his father is to pay tax.and be an obedient slave ? WTF is going on here ?

    mP looks for and focuses on anything he thinks is bad... to the point of ignoring anything that would show the opposite. This is not the first conversation that he and I have had.

    And if you were on the other 'side' of this debate, you would be the first one pointing out the holes in his arguments. So YOU try and be honest.

    So YOU addressed it and YOU are wrong. Contradictions, no matter how small, create contradictory accounts. YOU tried to deny that. Please try to stay honest.

    You go back and read. None of this has anything to do with what was being discussed. Work on your own honesty, EP. Let me worry about mine.

    Interesting conjecture. Sadly for you, it's merely conjecture.

    It is. As are mP's 'conclusions' on this thread. Interesting that you feel the need to focus only one the one.

    Actually, I just see the truth in your words that you deny. Keep on cherry picking a nd judging people while claiming that's not what you are doing. Everyone else sees it for what it is.

    You do not see as much as you think you do. Nor do you (and perhaps a few others) represent 'everyone' else. Though you seem to think you do.

    The only time its wrong to rape a virgin is if you cant pay because the poor girl becomes used and cant be sold at a premium price especially if she becomes pregnant. Its only a crime to rape a married woman because she is another mans property.

    Put that another way.

    The deterrent for raping a virgin is that you have to pay a fine, or that you have to take her as wife and provide for her for the rest of her life. Yes, it is a monetary punishment. But it is still a punishement. You do not get a punishment if you have not done something that is wrong.

    Putting women as property (be that daughter or wife or sister) gives her some manner of protection against those who would harm her. Because they have someone to answer to... whoever she belongs to. Does that sit well with us today? Of course not. But unless you live in those times under those conditions, hard to judge what method would keep a woman safest from those who would abuse her. Of course, what should have been used to protect was also used to abuse. That is on men, and their hearts though.

    Its easy to see how these laws are connected to the situation in muslim countries where women cant walk down the street . If she has no protection from the law then she can and will be raped today just like in the past in ancient israel under its shariah law.

    Yes, exactly. The men are at fault here. The laws above are meant as a deterrent... not as permission. Damage control, due to the - wait for it - hard-heartedness of the people.

    I challenge you to find a single law against rape or pedophilia in the 613.

    Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Since we have established that women were considered property, then they fall under the protection of property laws, do they not?

    No where in the Bible is a man stoned for adultery, but the women somehow alawys get the blame and are often stoned of course.

    A man committing adultery with another man's wife IS to be put to death along with her. Since men could have multiple wives, if he sleeps with an unmarried woman (virgin), then he has to take her to wife or pay a fine. He has to answer to whomever she belongs to.



  • tec

    Its amazing how Jesus lovers quicly find distractions when their ideas are shown to be utter lies. They make righetous and great claims about jesus but have real problems showing support for them from the Bible.

    You say the above, and then say this:

    I stand by original statement, jesus was pro slavery, racist and not against pedophilia. Not a single person has been able to show a scripture that counter this.

    You cannot back that statement. No scripture supports this statement above. It is your opinion. It contradicts everything that He taught and did. But you continue to maintain this opinion, without backing.

    As for the love your neighbour as yourself, those people need to realise that Jesus was talking only to jewish men.

    Except that He had female disciples; that He spoke to women the same as He spoke to men. Even to children, placing them of great importance to the point of making a warning against anyone who causes them to sin, or hinders them from coming to Him.

    Loving has often meant different things to different people. We today are much kinder and less racist than anybody else at any time in history. Just 150 years ago, god fearing christians wrote a certain document claiming all men are equal, but they still kept blacks as slaves. Many slaves were raped and murdered. What does this show, love means different thigns to different people. Pedophiles for examples in their twisted mind love their victims and see nothing wrong in their actions. By jesus definition they are not committing any wrong doing, thats why we need definitive statements not wishy washing crap that has no real meaning.

    A lot of pedophiles DO see something wrong in their actions. They just cannot control their urges in most cases (as far as we understand... we need to do studies and understand more). In any case... love does NO harm to another person. So use that as your measure if you must.

    People are going to abuse that, sure... but that is on their own heads.

    I also think that you are looking through a very western lense. Racism is alive and strong in this world.



  • EntirelyPossible

    Of course not. Because he did not. As I have stated in this thread.

    Yeah, you said he didn't condone the entire law, but he actually did. Are you saying he didn't mean it, didn't say it or just that you know know he said it but didn't mean it?

    Yes, I made a judgment call on his motives (just as he has done from the start of this thread ). I did so over his words here:

    You just said you don't judge and now you are saying you do. Is it any wonder why people don't trust what you say?

    And if you were on the other 'side' of this debate, you would be the first one pointing out the holes in his arguments. So YOU try and be honest.

    Wait, you are suggesting that I am NOT honest because you are guessing at what I might do if I agreed with you? the very reason I AM on his side of the aisle is because of all the holes.

    Please, please please please do NOT attempt to smear me with questions of integrity and honesty based on your judgement (even though you don't judge) of what you imagine I might say if you were lucky enough to have me defending your view. It's not only a base personal attack, it doesn't even make sense.

    You go back and read. None of this has anything to do with what was being discussed. Work on your own honesty, EP. Let me worry about mine.

    It always amuses me when people run away from their own argument and comments while complaining people are responding to things they wrote on a public forum.

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