JWgift.org - the UK's Watchtower-sponsored website that "should not be seen as the soliciting of funds in any way"...

by cedars 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    ...even though it has a massive button on the home page saying "Make a Donation."



  • trujw

    I find it funny that they print 14 million magazines worldwide on the bottom. Their are 7 million witnesses who must have their own kept copy for WT study. so I guess the average JW goes out in service 10 hours a month and places one magazine to people? So they can't place more than one magazine on average given they are free. It seems that this great cloud of witnesses need to take a marketing class.

  • wannabefree

    A website for donations ... well, it wasn't our idea, we're only giving people what they ask for. ... 1975? we didn't make any predictions, SOME may have come to conclusions that they unfortuately shared, but the organization had nothing to do with it ....

    This facility has been provided solely for the convenience of those who asked for this service and desire to support our work by these means. It should not be seen as the soliciting of funds in any way.
  • ScenicViewer

    Watchtower says,

    "This facility has been provided solely for the convenience of those who asked for this service and desire to support our work by these means."

    Yes, I'm sure that Jehovan's Witnesses were lined up, asking for a convenient way to give their money to the WTS.

    Oops! Wannabefree you beat me to that remark!

  • Splash

    "This facility has been provided solely for the convenience of those who asked for this service and desire to support our work by these means."

    Yes, it was asked for by the GB.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Thanks Cedars.

    This confirms a prediction I made to the good lady over a year ago about the Org soliciting more funds from us. I figure that the day will come when letters will be read out which will be virtually begging us to donate all of our 'surplus', because of the precarious financial situation created by the greed of those bad old pedophile victims!

    Nice one SPLASH!! Just like the Questions From Readers (Bethelite questions!)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    so whats the differance between this web page specifically for donations, and a collection box at a church?


    The WBT$ doesn`t Ask for Money..

    They Ask for Donations of Money!..


    The difference Eludes Me..

    .............................  mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • BlindersOff1

    Saying this is not a solicitation is like saying "the disfellowshipping arrangement is loving"

    Another bald faced lie !

    FYI this site was registered ten years ago .


  • itsyou

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