question regarding humans only using a small percentage of the brain

by Matsimus 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    Householder: My pastor Quoted 2 Timothy 3:7 and claims that Jehovah's Witnesses

    are " Always learnin' and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth."

    Dubb : That's because we only use 10% of our brain



    Watchtower Society Quote cutesy of Jgnat. "Molecular biologist James Watson called our brain “the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe.” And neurologist Richard Restak said: “Nowhere in the known universe is there anything even remotely resembling it.”

    The Watchtower Society seems to have overlooked their god Jehovah whom they communicate and mediate with on behalf of the membership. They claim to receive their truths directly from this amazing being, who made man in his image and his million of angels, both fallen and obedient. Surely to them Jehovah must be the most complex thing they have yet discovered in our universe?

    As an aside, it takes all of my brain to even perform the simplest task.

    It’s a gladiator thing.

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